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peugeot 306 td airbag light - nige r
I have a peugeot 306 td it as a problem with the airbag warning light flashing i would be grateful if any one could enlighten me on a probable cause thank`s..
peugeot 306 td airbag light - SjB {P}
Dodgy connector under the driver's seat.
peugeot 306 td airbag light - nige r
Thank`s I`ll check this one out... nige
peugeot 306 td airbag light - Dynamic Dave
As SJB says.

It's a common problem and there have been several posts on the subject here previously. The most reliable cure is to do away with the connectors under the seats and hardwire them together.

Further info here:--

peugeot 306 td airbag light - DP
Agree with the above. Mine did it, as did all four of the others on our company fleet at the time.