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TV Car Programmes - Honest John
Sorry for starting a new thread when there is already one on Thursday's Driven, but I've got some news.

First off, I had a chat with Mike Brewer and he was very interested to know his show gets discussed in The Backroom. So I gave him a card and told him to look it up.

He told me that the truth about Fifth Gear is that Adrian, Vicky and Tiff all upped and left the Beeb to join Quentin on Channel 5. I spoke to Adrian and his story is that the new Channel 5 show starts in early April, probably on Monday nights, so that's something to look forward to and to chat about here.

It also seems that the rumours about JC are true. The BPC regrets losing its motor show and has realised is has to revive Top Gear, with JC if possible.

Re: TV Car Programmes - Lee H
Very interesting stuff, HJ.

I think anyone who's interested in cars is in a win-win situation here. It looks like there'll be more and more car programmes for us to watch / choose from. No bad thing, even if you don't like some of them.

Hi also to Mike Brewer, who I'm now sure is reading this - keep up the good work mate.

Thanks for the info,
Re: TV Car Programmes - pete
I stopped buying topgear magazine because that prat jc wrote in it , also if you think Topgear is poor now , when he was on i turned over, i'll always remember the useless review he gave of the Vectra , which i noticed Brewer mimicked early in Driven
Re: TV Car Programmes - Mark (Brazil)
I dunno about JC's motoring expertise, it certainly doesn't seem to feature much in his columns in the Sunday Times, but I do enjoy his humour and read him every week.

He doesn't seem to say anything relevant, objective or useful about the vehicles, but he does make me laugh when I read the ST on a Monday.
Re: TV Car Programmes - Mark (Brazil)
And I am not sure, but wasn't it Mike Brewer who did the review of the new Cherokee some 6 - 9 months ago ?

If it wasn't I apologise, if it was - are you sure that you *actually* drove it ?
In defense of JC - Tom Shaw
JC's sense of humour and his views on cars are not to everyone's taste, but in a world full of carrot crunching environmental freaks and anti car looneys trying to make us feel guilty for advancing beyond the middle ages, he is one of us. Long may he and others (Like the sadly departed Auberon Waugh) continue to stab at the bubble of political correctness that Tone and his Euromates would like to smother us with.

And ain't it nice to listen to someone who, if he thinks a car is crap, will say a car is crap, not just criticise the fact that the ashtray squeaks if you open it above 60mph.
Re: In defense of JC - Andy
Bang on, Tom.
Re: TV Car Programmes - Tomo
I take it that by JC we mean Jeremy Clarkson, and not as in Big G, JC and Spooky - though mind you, he might not see a difference!
Re: TV Car Programmes - BobH
Tom Shaw and Mark have said it all.

Clarkson in print is great. His chat show was a disaster. His contributions in Top Gear were in between the two.

Re: TV Car Programmes - James
Agree entirely about the print. Same applies to Clive James, but I guess TV is more glamourous and pays better.
Re: TV Car Programmes - Steve G
Glad JC is coming back. One of very few people who will speak there mind publicly, and he is always spot on.
If Mike Brewer is reading this ,just one question what happened to your co-presenter in Deals on Wheels ? (Richard) thought is contributions on buying classic cars in the earlier shows was excellent.
Re: TV Car Programmes - Robin Tucker
Seeing a trailer on Thursday (on TV, not on a car!) it looked like the beeb's new motoring progs (2) would be on Thursday 8-9.

Hence immediate clash with Driven.

So, you'll have to choose which to watch (or set the video)

Re: TV Car Programmes - JohnL
Firstly it's good to see people like Mike Brewer contributing to this site.
Secondly we are now being spoilt with all the new shows on TV.
Does any one know if the new Granada prog starting in March with Steve Fowler will be shown on Men & Motors ?
Re: TV Car Programmes - nick aka marvin
As I've said on other subjects, all these programmes are ruined for me by the distracting accompanying music that is played along with the car reviews etc. This allied with gimmicky camera work makes the whole thing a turn off for me. I'm not saying that it should all be straight laced or boring though. Less pazazz and a bit more seriousness - PLEASE!