As mentioned on a previous thread, here are the breakdown stats from ADAC - Germany´s equivalent to the AA. It´s a PDF file.
The tables show the breakdown results for 2005, for vehicles up to 5 years old (first registration 2000).
Winners in each class are the cars which broke down the least (obviously).
Hope it makes sense.
Well done, very useful stuff.
The faults listed from page 3 are interesting - some cars seem to have many more serious faults than other. The Audis seem to suffer quite a few expensive bits failing.
According to the notes: the ranking is based on a 5 year average of adac breakdowns. They exclude manufacturer's breakdown services and presume they all have an equal chance of not being reported....
Minimum 10000 registrations each year.
The high failure rate on general electrics ? guessed it - batteries !