On the A435 between Alcester and Redditch there's a radar-controlled speed warning sign that tells you to slow down.
Unfortunately the sign's behind overhanging tree branches so you don't notice it until you're about a yard in front of it.
You're then distracted by lights appearing out of the foliage, just as you're going around a sharp bend. I suspect this sign is going to cause more accidents then it will prevent.
Yeah, I know the one. Positioned without much thought it seems.
Struck me as rather pointless too. How long before people become de-sensitized to these signs and carry on as they would before anyway?
The signs that tell you your speed are the most fun, and the most useful for gauging your speedo. They often stop registering above a certain speed :-)
Mike Farrow
Would you be referring to the one on the campus ring road that gives up at 34mph?