Latest French Petrol prices? - johnny
Does anyone have the latest typical cost of French unleaded
a. on Peage
b. Normal petrol station
c. Supermarket
Latest French Petrol prices? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I am afraid these are only 'average prices' but they are all I could find (per litre)

Super Euro 1.27
Unleaded Euro 1.09
Latest French Petrol prices? - budu
Normal and supermarket prices are about the same as in the UK.
Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
Supermarket prices around Limoges are around 1.28 euros for 95 and 1.32 for 98. That's about 92-3p a litre for 95.
Diesel is about 1.12 euros. Ordinary filling stations vary from about the same to 10 cents a litre more.
Autoroute service stations seem to charge about the same as the dearest ordinary stations.
Was in Portugal recently and discovered that fuel was exactly the same price wherever you bought it. Presumably there's some sort of government intervention.
Latest French Petrol prices? - FP
Budu - no way are French prices about the same as UK prices. The French government doesn't charge anything like the level of tax that Mr Brown does, and indeed dare not - the reason being that much of the population in this big country is more scattered and more rural than in the UK and depends on a car to get anywhere. If MH's prices are accurate ?1.28 = 88p for a litre. We haven't seen that here for a while!
Latest French Petrol prices? - PhilW
Latest French Petrol prices? - artful dodger {P}

According to this site we are the dearest for diesel in Europe at 1.44 euros, with Norway at 1.33 euros. France by comparison is 1.09 euros.

For petrol were are 1.40 euros, whereas France is 1,27 euros.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
Latest French Petrol prices? - Roly93
According to this site we are the dearest for diesel in
Europe at 1.44 euros, with Norway at 1.33 euros. France by
comparison is 1.09 euros.

Yes but the quality of their diesel is very questionable, I found a drop of about 3 mpg when I used it.
Latest French Petrol prices? - budu
I paid about 1.40 Euros per litre for 98 Ron for three tanksful very recently in Pont-Aven. This is about 97p. The price in a neigbouring supermarket (accessible only via credit card) was only slightly less.
Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
Supermarket price for 98 in this area at the weekend was 1.30 euros. I'm not sure quite how that translates - depends on your bank or currency dealer I guess.
The difference between filling stations and supermarket prices in France is often significant, unless the filling station is right by a supermarket, unlike the situation I remember in the UK when there didn't seem to be much price differential at all.
Of course, remote or touristy areas like Pont-Aven are likely to see higher prices.
I tend to use an Elf station with supermarket prices just because I am comfortable with the brand name but no car I've had has ever given any trouble on French supermarket fuel.
Don't be afraid to use a supermarket - the kiosk will take your UK card with no problem, although Carrefour often still wants to see a passport or driving licence.
But, when the supermarket is closed the 24-hour pump will not accept British cards so it has to be a filling station - not easy on a Sunday!
Latest French Petrol prices? - BillB
With the holidays looming on the horizon readers might care to check on the Auctomobile Club de Luxembourg website where you will find prices for 98, 95 and diesel for 26 European countries. The URL is:
The prices are updated regularly.
Latest French Petrol prices? - Dulwich Estate
Diesel at 1.09 euros in LeClerc hypermarket Boulogne this week - about 75p per litre. 1.08 to 1.09 seems common in SW France supermarkets. Typical main road price 1.12 and around 1.23 on Autoroute Services. Forgot to look at petrol prices.
Latest French Petrol prices? - SjB {P}
Just watch out if you're riding a motorcycle with a 90 mile range when "making progress" or still only 120 miles when not, it's a Sunday, most of the petrol stations are closed, and the few that aren't only accept French domestic market cards.

Thank heavens for the nice lady who let me (and six other English motorcyclists in our group of friends) pay her cash in return for using her card...

Was still a cracking holiday though!
Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
Fuel prices have been steady, or even dropped very slightly, since this thread started a couple of weeks ago.
95 still 1.28-1.30 euros and diesel about 1.09 at the supermarkets, anything from the same to 10 cents a litre more at the roadside.
Latest French Petrol prices? - bikemade3
I,m off to France in just over 3 weeks, whats the score with UK Mastercard/Visa credit cards and chip and pin, my bank switch card ( chip and pin) works fine when i visited in April.
Also whats French for "Diesel"?
Latest French Petrol prices? - PhilW
"Also whats French for "Diesel"?"

Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
See my piece further up. The only time UK cards won't work is in 24-hour automatic supermarketpumps - so make sure you are always tanked up on Saturday evening (if you see what I mean...)
Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
or before public holidays like next Thursday, May 25.
Latest French Petrol prices? - mike hannon
Just a quick update: prices this week (May 23) seem to be down about 3 cents (2p) a litre. 95 unleaded 1.25 euros, diesel 1.06 at the supermarkets.

Latest French Petrol prices? - Lud
Very similar to Spanish prices, perhaps a shade lower. We are being robbed.
Latest French Petrol prices? - colinh
Diesel locally (south east)here in Spain peaked at 99.4c/litre earlier in the month - this week is 98.7c/litre