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Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Adam {P}
Evening all,

I've just tried to take the engine oil cap off and basically wrenched the top half off. It's snapped leaving the majority of the cap stuck fast.

Any ideas how to remove it please as (obviously) I need to put some oil in!


Oil filler cap - er......help - bell boy
its not the problem of removing it its the fact that you may drop a piece of debris into the top of the engine.
Got to say i would take the rocker cover off and remove the rest with whatever tools needed.

good luck
Oil filler cap - er......help - Adam {P}
Good point oldy - I never thought of that.

However, the good news is that the cap has sheared off fairly uniformly so the bit that's in is actually even. At it's widest point, it's much bigger than the actual hole itself so providing it doesn't break, it should be ok.

I'm giving up for the night now as I keep catching my knuckles some stupid metal bar...plus it's dark. BUT - I've had an idea.

What about gluing the cap back onto the other half with (a lot) of superrglue. That might give me enough leverage to open it, put the oil in and buy a new one tomorrow.

Good idea or not?
Oil filler cap - er......help - Altea Ego
Specially when the super glue leaks out and glues it into the rocker cover

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Oil filler cap - er......help - Adam {P}
The way the cap has broken, that couldn't happen.

The cap has come off in a traditional bolt type shape and the bit that's stuck on is a (for want of a better word) thimble shape. If I had a big enough screwdriver, I could probably open it.
Oil filler cap - er......help - Big Bad Dave
If you can?t turn the cap, turn the engine.
Oil filler cap - er......help - Adam {P}
Good idea! It's too dark now though. I'll do it in the morning.
Oil filler cap - er......help - David Horn
Don't mess around with superglue. It seems a good idea at the time, but it never works out the way you expect. And you get your hands stuck to things. Trust me.
Oil filler cap - er......help - defender
if the bit left is oil free use some silicon to glue it and it will also prevent any bits breaking of and landing in the rocker cover,just leave it longer to set
Oil filler cap - er......help - smoke
Probably know this already Adam, but get unless you can use your dad's car/get someone to get another oil cap for you, get another one before you open the remnants of the old one, otherwise you may end up with engine sprayed with oil.
Probably teaching granny to suck eggs.
Oil filler cap - er......help - Adam {P}
Yeah I'd thought of that smoke! I had visions of wrenching the cap off and then the car being completely immobile. I've got the pick of Mum or Dad's fortunately should the worst happen.

Ford parts are closed today. Would there be any problem if, say I managed to open it, top the oil up but not being able to put the cap on tomorrow?

P.S. I won't use any superglue - I'd only cock it up!
Oil filler cap - er......help - bell boy
do not run the car with no top and even worse a rag wanged in the top as it may well go walkies into the inner depths of the moving bits inside engine if you do.
Go for a walk for the day like im just going to and leave it parked up ;)-
Oil filler cap - er......help - Adam {P}
I wouldn't drive it - just leave it on the drive. That would be ok though I take it?

(I don't do walking. I only run when someone's chasing me or there's a pie shop in front of me)
Oil filler cap - er......help - smoke
Halfords or the equivalent should be able to do an appropriate cap.

Oil filler cap - er......help - smoke
I meant to add, they are also open on Sundays. If you do get the cap off today its fine to leave it off if you want a genuine ford one (if you are paranoid then cover the open filler hole with a plastic bag/cling film, to prevent any loose debris falling into the engine, just dont start it/run it like that :).
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Number_Cruncher
(obviously) I need to put some oil in!

I'm not sure about this - I suspect you are really a closet oil sniffer? ;-)

How low was the oil level on the dipstick? If you're still comfortably above minimum, and the oil cap stil seals, then I'd have no real worries about driving short distances - e.g., to get a new cap and rocker cover gasket.

If you really need to get some more oil in there urgently, use a small funnel, and pour it down the dipstick tube.


Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Pugugly {P}
Guess Adam had been reading a thread on the other "side" about the aromatic/aphrodisiac qualities of oil.

I had this happen on the company hack Astra. It was the last straw and we scrapped it.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Dynamic Dave
There was a post on here a while back where it wasn't so much of a case of the cap being broken, but very difficult to undo.

Anyway, the cap came undone easier after the engine had been warmed up.


Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Adam {P}
Afternoon all,

I went to Halfords and I got told it was a Ford only part. I'm sure it isn't - maybe he decided to lie because he didn't know.

I have many vices but oil sniffing isn't one of them! The problem is, the oil level is very low. Low enough to make me think seriously about undertaking anything other than short journeys.

If we can't get it open tomorrow then I'm going follow N_C's idea of pouring it down the dipstick. Dad's mate runs an engineering workshop so if he's in tomorrow, he should be able to break it off...somehow.

I understand that it's a relatively common problem on this type of cap with Fords. If I felt happy about going on a motorway jaunt, I'd do that to loosen it but I think it's chancing it to be honest.

Thanks for all the advice - I'll let you all know how I get on tomorrow.


Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Adam {P}
And before someone suggests pouring some in via the dipstick and THEN going on the long trip to warm it up, Mum's let me down by not having a funnel!

Still - it's roast lamb for tea so I'll let her off.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - mickyh7
Try the local Scrapyard! Cost you about £2?
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Fullchat
Rocker box off is a must to avoid debris! Then cut a couple parallel grooves across the stuck in piece. Knock the piece out and the rest should come with some minor pursuasion.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Dynamic Dave
If it's plastic, then make two small holes with a soldering iron and put something like a pair of long nose pliers into the holes to undo it. Or just use the soldering iron to melt right across the middle of it so that the cap comes away from the edges. By melting the cap, you run lesser a risk of anything dropping into the engine.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - L'escargot

I had the same problem on my 99T Focus after the filler cap was changed to a new design following a recall. Fortunately I didn't break the top off the cap. I just broke the torque limiting ratchet mechanism. Fortunately it was still under warranty. By the time I sold the car it was on it's fifth oil filler cap. I put the problem down to the O-ring embedding itself into the surface imperfections in the machined chamfer on the inside of the filler neck of the metal camshaft cover. At the time Mondeos had the same cap but because the camshaft cover was plastic instead of metal the moulded surface of the chamfer was dead smooth, and there was no problem.

Try drilling two vertical holes in the top of the remaining part of the cap, insert a pin (or screw or bolt) in each hole and use a suitable bar to turn the cap. Alternatively the service derpartment at your local Ford dealer may be able to tell you what their solution was in 1999!
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - L'escargot

Alternatively, if you're prepared to be patient, you could leave the broken filler cap where it is and squirt the oil into the dipstick tube with your syringe. Take the needle off though or it will take forever and a day. Wash the syringe out well afterwards because you don't want to be mainlining oil the next time you use it.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - mike hannon
Hard luck Adam - hope you're sorted out by now.
Can anyone tell me why an oil filler cap should need a torque-limiting ratchet mechanism?
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - L'escargot
Can anyone tell me why an oil filler cap should need
a torque-limiting ratchet mechanism?

Presumably to stop you doing it up so tight that either (a) you break something as you tighten it or (b) you can't undo it afterwards or (c) you break something when you try to undo it! My 03/03 Focus doesn't have a torque-limiting mechanism on the oil filler cap but it does on the petrol cap.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - L'escargot
>> Can anyone tell me why an oil filler cap should
>> a torque-limiting ratchet mechanism?

I've just remembered why they fitted such a mechanism to the MkI Focus following the recall. With the original cap, which just had an ordinary screw thread, there were instances of the cap not being sufficiently tightened and coming unscrewed of its own accord. This allowed oil to come out of the filler neck which resulted in under-bonnet fires. With the later cap the instructions were to tighten the cap until the ratchet clicked.
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - RichardW
Pretty sure it could be removed with a screwdriver/cold chisel and hammer. Which is probably what the Ford Techs do....

Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....
Oil filler cap - er...help - Ford Focus - Adam {P}

Having tried again this morning and breaking snapping a screwdriver (a cheap one admittedly) I went to Ford in Dad's car, and asked for an oil cap.

Four quid. That was it! I was expecing at least 15 given it had a spring in it but it was only 4 quid. Then, having come out in cold sweats at the prospect of leaving my car in Ford's charge, I took it to my Dad's mate. He came out with the biggest looking pliers you've ever seen, and just wrenched as hard as he could. It creaked. He tried again, and then it came off all in one piece. Fitted the new one and everything's fine now.

Thanks for all the help and advice - I won't look under the bonnet again for another 2 years or so ;-)

Cheers Gents,
