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Hit and Run - Help Please? - meldrew
Last night at around 5pm my daughter's car was hit by another car which drove quickly away from the scene.

Firstly, Tesco insurance were brilliant and one phone call seems to have sorted out the repair process. The police however were less than interested, gave us an incident number and declared the matter closed. That was after asking us to drive 15 miles in an unroadworthy car to report it officially. They did however admit, over the phone, that they could trace the vehicle "if for example it was serious and someone had been murdered".

If anyone in Cheshire knows of or sees a beige (I have the paint samples)oldish Porsche with JM in a personal plate and front bodywork damage please could they let me know. Last seen heading south on A50 between Mere and Knutsford after hitting a blue Honda Civic.

I feel a little unhappy about having to pay the insurance excess as well as the distress caused to my daughter together with the criminal escaping justice. Does anyone know of a way of proceeding that might either find the culprit or mitigate the loss?

As a final rant, if people can behave like this and get away with it no wonder the crime rate is on the increase!

Any information or advice received with thanks.

Meldrew and Daughter
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Thommo
If you have the plate number you can get the registered users name and address from DVLA (for a fee of course).

Then you can sue them in small claims court.

Forget the police these days they are as useful as a chocolate tea pot.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - meldrew
Alas we don't have the FULL plate details!

Hit and Run - Help Please? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Welcome to England 2006! Distressing and expensive crime perpetrated against you = Crime number and good bye. Reading out a list of UK war dead at the Cenotaph (without permission!) = criminal record after conviction under the terms of terrorism legislation. You couldn't make it up!
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Alan
If the police were interested I would have thought this would be a fairly easy car to trace as it's a distinctive car with personal plates. Its a pity Meldrew isn't a freemason.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Ian (Cape Town)
Local newspapers often love stories like this - and may get a response from the public.
Ham it up a bit - Karen Meldrew, 23 was shocked after the vent.
"I could have been seriously injured, had I not braked in time. meanwhile the man in the car just took off like a sclded cat," she said. "
Meldrew, who needs her car for work caring for orphaned otters, is now without wheels due to the inconsiderate bahaviour of some lowlife scum. etc etc etc

OR go the 'reward offered' route via a personal ad in local papers.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - teabelly
Was it a 911 or a 928/924? I am pretty sure I have seen an oldish porsche of that colour recently around Sandbach but I can't remember which model. Personal plate rings vague bells too.

Might be worth a letter to the local paper asking for witnesses and sightings of the car. Local bodyshops might also be a good source of information as they'll want to get the damage repaired asap if they think someone is onto them. If the heat gets turned onto the driver then they'll either give themself up or have the complication of getting rid of the car. If they have done this to your daughter I bet they will do it to others so they need to be got hold of.

Hit and Run - Help Please? - madf
Write to your local MP and complain about the police response.

IIRC Cheshire Police were opposed to amalgamation.
You may now know why:-(
Hit and Run - Help Please? - SteVee
Do you have any idea of the complete registration mark - could you guess it in say 10 tries ?
There are several sites - such has the RAC - which will allow you to check a series of registration marks to see if one matches your porsche.
Unfortunately, the driver of the porsche may not have the right to display that registration mark, so a search may be fruitless.

Good Luck
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Mapmaker
Go and sit there between 4 and 6 tonight, and next Wednesday night. Chances are he'll pass there again.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Dynamic Dave
Chances are he'll pass there again.

Unless it was a joyrider?
Hit and Run - Help Please? - stevied
I have to ask, and open a can of worms: any police reading this? What's your excuse THIS time? "Oh the public don't realise how hard our job is" well if you don't do it it ISN'T hard is it?

"We're only enforcing the law we don't make them"... well it IS an offence to drive into someone and then drive away surely?

And, I AM allowed to comment on the police's behaviour, contrary to what many of them think. Free country, well free to be a criminal in, anyway.

Deep breath. Going back to cars : ) I too live in the Cheshire are, and have seen what I think is a 968 with similar spec. I will keep my eyes peeled.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Stevied, I tend to go along with your viewpoint. However, last week when I was away for a few days a gang of feral chavs ran thru the estate where I live, kicking front doors. Mine was partially stove in and I rang the police just to put it on record as they know who the chavs are. They asked if it was an attempted break and I said no just vandalism. They said if it was an attempted break-in they would attend and investigate. 3 days letter I got a personally addressed letter from Victim Support. So I got the offer of a pretty reasonable response to what was, in fact, a minor problem. Mind you, I live in a country area where crime levels are a bit lower than the cities.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - stevied
Fair point Mr Shanks...

I don't want to be anti-police, they do, for the most part, a good job.... it's just SO frustrating when they seem to be unsympathetic to what are for us BIG problems. It seems as if they used to care more, maybe that's just a perception thing.

Hit and Run - Help Please? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Stevied, thanks for that. We have a lot of common ground! I think that policemen are good men doing whatever management tells them to and what they do is designed to meet government targets, sorry performance indicators, and they are not led by leaders but managed by managers. My recent experience, that described above and a physical asault, were dealt with competently and in a reasonable time-scale. I appreciate that I have been fortunate and that what happened to me may not get the same handling elsewhere.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Dwight Van Driver
Not going to condone the actions of the Police but in these hard pressed days they no longer have the resources for this type of enquiry or to sit for hours on the off chance.

Could well be that despite the apparent lack of action they may well have circulated an observation message within force for the offending vehicle which if traced is only going to be iD by paint sample.

No number plate then almost an impossible task and one which a full Major Incident Room staffing would be required and not
possible under these circumstances.

Try keeping observations at the site of the incident with daughter, an hour each side of the time of the incident tonight, tomorrow night, and at a weeks annniversary and note any likely numbers and report.

Sorry but thats the way the world is going and it aint going to get better with these proposed super forces.

Hit and Run - Help Please? - meldrew
Thank you!

A word of thanks to all who have already replied to this thread. I will be contacting the police again directly and politely and also my local newspaper (can I quote from the suggested text please?!) - not critical of anyone but simply to solicit any observations. I have part of the number and paint samples.

In particular, your comments and suggestions have made us all feel a little better about the situation too.

Still, any sightings.....I will go into my details and make my email address live.

Thanks again
Meldrew & K
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Galaxy
Just a thought but there wasn't any CCTV in the vicinity which might have captured something of the offending vehicle, was there?

If it's a house or a shop camera I believe you can just ask the owner if he would mind. If it's council then you might have to ask plod to make a request. Yes, I know, they just aren't interested unless there is personal injury involved, but they might agree to request CCTV footage, that is, of course, if there is any.

For what it's worth your unfortunate daughter has my sympathy. There's far too much of this sort of thing going on today, and the powers that be aren't interested. It's all so very wrong!

Hit and Run - Help Please? - Thommo
I don't want this to turn in to an ACAB thread but DVD there are quick ways to deal with this.

The guy has the make model colour and a partial plate. 5 minutes on the DVLA database which the police have access to would yield the owners name and then he could be traced/sued by the car owner.

I have no doubt that there are a zillion rules and procedures and data protection laws and health and safety regulations why the cops won't do this and that is the problem,

The police now seem to take great delight in telling us why they can't do anything usually at great length and usually taking up three times the length of time it would take to just do it.

I would suggest if he really wants to pursue this he hires a private detective who is an ex-copper and I'm sure the information will be miraculously forthcoming.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Dwight Van Driver
Problem is Thommo without a witness to the incident who saw and recorded the number of the offending vehicle then the only way now is to prove contact through damage/ paint samples.

Without a full VRM from a witness then it is nigh on a hopeless case and would be down to paint samples to prove from damage areas if a likely vehicle could be traced.

Hit and Run - Help Please? - stevied
Meldrew (like the name), you seem to live near me (I am in Nantwich) what is your local paper? I would like to have a look if anything gets printed!
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Thommo

What your talking about is a prosecution by the police which no one is expecting.

If the guy has the owners details he could sue in small claims court where it old be decided on the balance of evidence.

I have been to the small claims court a few times and found the judges to be extremely astute. A statement from the victim plus a few digital photos of the damaged Porsche and the owner looking shifty would probably swing it. Worth a go anyway.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - cheddar
I agree with Mapmaker "Go and sit there between 4 and 6 tonight, and next Wednesday night. Chances are he'll pass there again.", could be a very easy way to get the full reg number.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Jonathan {p}

I also live very close to this area and will keep my eyes open for this car. Unfortunately there are more porsches than police round here!

Hit and Run - Help Please? - Pugugly {P}
Difficult to comment on this without knowing the car-park in question. Under certain circumstances a prvate car park like this can be a "road" within the meaning of a Road Traffic Act, consequetly an incident like ths could become a "accident" as defined by the act, consequently the Police are duty bound to investigate any associated offences. Don't allow them into misleading you on this, the Police are quite capable on searching for cars on PNC against partial numbers, match cars to postocodes, i,e, interrogate PNC on beige coloured Porsches reg. in the CHH *** postcode area. Your call may have been "buffered" by poorly trained call centre staff, who know little about legistltion let alone the effect of stated cases. If you feel you have a case I would write a polite letter to the local Divisional Commander quoting the incident reference, the word complaint within the letter might ease the wheels a bit. Don't let them hide behind "resources" excuses, they have a duty to investigate offences, it isn't optional. Don't rant in your letter it won't help. (not that you would I'm sure)
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I have read this thread fairly carefully PU and I can't see any reference to a car-park, in connection with this hit and run. What you say about car parks is perfectly correct but my understanding is that this incident occurred on a public road so your comments about this incident also being an accident are clearly applicable, in any event.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - rover 75
In my area the Police give priority to racist and homophobic crimes so tell them your daughter is gay and they are bound to investigate.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - fossyant

Saw a beige 'classic' 911 left hooker with drivers side door damage (ie nearside in this case) on the M56 near the Airport, heading towards Manchester.

Had opening front quarter-lights (windows)

No info on the reg though !

Thought it looked fairly good until I saw the dented door !
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Pugugly {P}
Truely a "DOH" moment. Sorry. disregard the car-park bit. Rest is good. SHould have an executive summary on these threads. Mind was elsewhere.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Pugugly {P}
...that makes it even worse. Write that letter. No excuses.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - meldrew
To conclude.
1. further thanks to fossyant.
2. details will hopefully appear in Knutsford Guardian next wk.
3. letter drafted to Cheshire police traffic supremo.

Will report back with short new thread if any progress is made.

Thanks again all

Hit and Run - Help Please? - Hamsafar
Whenever I report crimes these days, I say that I thought I heard the perpetrator say homophobic remarks, here is why....


They have still never solved any of the crimes, but at least they were interested and took proper statements.
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Armitage Shanks {p}
My polite suggestion is that you should write to the police supremo; keep traffic out of it and go to the top! You want the top man and not one of his underlings. Copy it to Traffic if you like .
Hit and Run - Help Please? - Pugugly {P}
He's more likely to get a positive response from the local Divisional Commander rather than one of the Chiefs. In these days of BCUs things are quicker sorted in-house locally than wrtiting to Chief Constables who rarely read letters/e-mails - they have staff that do that. The local boss will want to stop it going to HQ. I do it for living !