Vroom Vroom - trancer
Am I the only one who sat through this?. Just in case I am, think Max Power meets Saturday morning kids TV show, only alot more dangerous. Their "star in a fur covered car" came very close to losing her right hand when her car flipped over and she instinctively reached out to brace herself and nearly got it caught between the A pillar and the road. Could have been very nasty.

Top Gear must be pleased as they now look like a serious motoring programme.
Vroom Vroom - David Horn
Haven't watched it as I happened across the presenter's column in a discarded Sun.


However, may tune in for the repeat if someone nearly gets their hand ripped off. I thought if your car flips you're supposed to hang onto the steering wheel with a death grip?
Vroom Vroom - trancer
Emma PB did a piece on banger racing and also did a good bit steering wheel releasing when impacted. If it increases interest any, the madly spinning steering wheel would have surely broken a few fingers and possibly wrist if she got them caught in it.
Vroom Vroom - apm
I caught bits of this, and was so disappointed that I flipped over to UKG2 to watch an old Top Gear (the one with their mums in). I felt Vroom Vroom summed all that's wrong with lowest common denominator programming in this country today. Loud, shrill, shallow and sensationalist, with little in the way of originality or integrity. So a Volvo doesn't survive being dropped from 130 ft. Wow, hold the front page! Shouldn't really have expected much better from Sky, though, eh.

Dr Alex Mears
MG BGT 1971
If you are in a hole stop digging...unless
you are a miner.
Vroom Vroom - Big Bad Dave
I caught a few moments of this and enjoyed some of it - the chick doing the piece about the unclampable Citroen was wearing tiny hotpants. And hats off to the producer for choosing a bra-less model to demonstrate the art of putting on make-up whilst driving down a bouncy cobbled street.

I was shocked though when I saw that other woman grab the door frame as the car was rolling. She was so lucky to walk away with all her fingers.
Vroom Vroom sky 1 - mrmender
Did anyone see it last night, there has been lots of coments made about Top Gear on here.
well i think that this carp last night just about reaches rock bottom as far a 'motoring progs' go
The bit about the caterham & porsche was mildly interesting,the rest NOT
(bet i still watch next week though)
Vroom Vroom sky 1 - cockle {P}
Saw it for the first, and last, time last night.

At first thought the 'cat and mouse' bit interesting but then realised that Top Gear have done a similar thing with troops trying to shoot JC, an Apache helicopter and a tank trying the same.
And as for rating a car's sound system on how far away you can hear the bass boom, well.......

My 12 year old thought it funny in places but asked when they were going to try any real motoring stuff about ten minutes from the end when they came up with the serious bit, is a car legal without tyres?!!!

I was just left wondering, why? and then WHY?

Vroom Vroom sky 1 - Pugugly {P}
Caught it whilst Channel Hopping, tabloid. Enjoyed the vinyl's scratchers RS2000 though.
Vroom Vroom sky 1 - Dynamic Dave
Caught it whilst Channel Hopping....

Same here. The eye candy was worth watching.