I have to carry-out some work on our Peugeot 306 which involves draining the coolant. As I have a full bottle of VW G12 antifreeze I was going to use this for the refill. Am I risking disaster? Or if I make sure I completely flush the old stuff out should I be okay? Or should I just use "normal" antifreeze?
You should NOT mix different types of antifreeze as some may be Ethylene glycol based and some OAT.
As the 306 has an aluminium head which will give HGF idf cooling system is not maintained properly, I would check the spec from Citroen and use a Long Life one like Halfords - which I have used in 106 diesels for 10 years with no problems..
(I use a 55-60% mix for added protection)
My Glysantin G33 mix is apparently ethylene glycol based AND OAT.