P-reg Nissan Almeira. What's the correct technique for starting these "new-fangled" fuel injection cars? (I have previously driven carburettor cars).
When I start up in the morning, I first turn the ignition half on for a couple of seconds. You can physically hear the fuel pump start up and send fuel to the front to "prime" the injectors. Then I fire up as normal, keeping my foot off the accelerator.
But a mate at work reckons I should just fire up straight away -- the injectors don't need "priming", there is enough residual fuel.
feet of pedals or left foot on clutch only (your choice)
turn key let the mangy-sytem :) do the rest.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
I agree, intinct always makes me wait a second or two for the pump to "prime". But I suspect that the system is already primed, and all the pump is doing is returning a bit of surplus fuel to the tank while the computer starts up.
I can't see how it can do any harm, and it does at least give assurance that the pump is working.
You are probably right and I should just let the engine management system handle everything as the other poster mentioned.
I tend to let the pump "prime" when I first start up in the morning. But for subsequent start ups I just "fire and forget"!
What does the driver's manual say?
What does the driver's manual say?>>
I haven't got one...
Modern day technique for all engines - petrol or diesel.
Ignition on, click on seat belt, start.
Not strictly required as some pumps when you open the door, but none the less will cover everything.
I still miss the awe and wonder of the laguna.
Card in, press the button, seatbelt on - and at some time during the two second seatbelt action the engine starts on its own..
It felt so 21st century.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Looks like you recommend a short wait for the pump to prime.