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HJ site mail links. - David W
When I click on a mail link here (for HJ, Martyn or any other poster with a mail address) a window opens with Outlook Express to send a mail.

A contact who uses the site gets the following error message "Cannot send mail, no mail programme is set up using Internet shortcuts".

I remember I used to get this with my older IE/OE setup.

Assuming this chap has IE/OE 5 or older can he set up his program to deliver the mail link or is it a compatibilty problem with the site?


Re: HJ site mail links. - Phil
The don't have an email program setup properly to deal with email links in web pages. Might need OE fiddling with.
Re: HJ site mail links. - Dan J
Hiya David

When you click on a mail link on a website, all the link does is load up the users email program and put the correct address in the "to:" field.

You have Outlook Express (as I have Outlook) set up as your email program and subsequently when you click on one of these link it simply brings up a new email screen. It is the email program itself that actually sends the email.

In your contacts case, he may not have any email program set up on his machine or one the computer does not recognise when he clicks an email link. To correct this, click:

Tools > Options

And then the Programs tab.

Here you'll see Internet Programs. He needs to click in the email section and select something - I believe IE5 and later even allows you to select Hotmail which will get around the issue if he doesn't have a program such as Outlook available.

Hope that is of help,

Dan J
Re: HJ site mail links. - Lee H
If this still doesn't work, check that the email program is correctly set up with at least one valid email account

Re: HJ site mail links. - markymarkn
You need to set the program association so when he clicks the mail link it opens up his mail program.

I have a similarly annoying problem because I use an internet based university email account, so when I accidentally click someones email address it loads up OE even though it isnt configured to send any emails.

Dan's solution seems about right. Remember you need to have a mail account configured with OE in order to send emails through it (i.e. POP/SMTP servers etc).

Re: HJ site mail links. - Flat in Fifth
Thanks Dan J,
This is a solution to a problem which has been annoying me too.
Just goes to show that you can find most answers to most questions on this site somewhere.
Like trying to find out what a Ford Escape was in UK terms, where did I get the answer after trawling round the net?
HJ's car by car breakdown of course, thanks HJ.