Anyone had any experiences with these, I believe they have a Honda engine, looking to buy one, any tips ?
Good cheap reliable cars, they're basically Honda Accords. The 2.0 Turbo is not a Honda engine though.
I've seen a few at auction recently with quite rusty rear wheel arches, so watch out for that. Also the 2.3 is rather thirsty.
Surely you can get the far superior Rover 75 almost for free, now?
There are millions of parts for 600's of every model not so 75's.
The 600 is a superb medium sized car with leather and wood and easy to maintain.
I see lots of these around. I always thought they are a handsome looking saloon. Supposed to be very reliable too.
Must be really cheap now.
I had a 618 (Honda Engine) from New August 1999 to January 2006, very reliable & performance not bad, BUT, it ate exhausts, drove 10 miles to work & 10 miles home, the original one lasted 2 years & 6 weeks, the next one lasted 2 years & 3 months, it's a design fault, see car by car breakdown. Also I thought the car was thirsty.
I had a 1997 Honda version, excellent reliable car. Watch out for rusty rear silencer box, the pipe rusts through just infront of the box, then the box drops onto road and if you are unlucky, the car trys to trip over it. New box, rear bumper and underpants. I sold it at 140k the only replacement was 1 rear box. Very reliable car. Why did I replace it with a 406????????
Hi All
Currently using a 620 turbo diesel as a runabout. Cheap to buy, cheap to run and has been 100% reliable. Possible to pick up a good one for about £1k. As someone else mentioned rear wheel arches prone to rust.
Alyn Beattie
I\'m sane, it\'s the rest of the world that\'s mad.
My Accord 2.0 auto is now 12 years old and i have had it for 8. Total mileage 114k.
Buy a cheap exhaust as the original Honda fit only lasted 2 years. Back box goes no matter what you pay..
Check radiator, about 4 year life span.
Rust on back wheel arch, but just cosmetic.
Only breakdown was Ignition module that cost £350 for new distributor. One ABS sensor has gone.
I have run it for 30p(total costs) a mile which (over 80k miles) i think is very good value for money.
Warrant direct have it as one of their most reliable cars.