CAR: 1998 ROVER 214
The heater matrix has been replaced & now it won't get hot. The vehicle has been raised whilst filling, and the heater was filled with coolant prior to fitting to try & prevent air locks.
Any hints? (PS, it is one of my customers who is doing the job &
I'm getting the blame because I supplied the part, any hints would be greatly appreciated!!)
It still looks as if you have an air lock,run it with radiator cap of for a while and the heating on full heat.
Has it got the manual valve on it,as the older rovers did?
If so,it may be siezed. You can still operate the dial but the cable bends without turning the valve?
Thannks for the replies guys, like I said though, it's a garage(one of my customers), which is doing the job & they have ordered a complete heater box from Rover (220+vat!!), as they think the matrix I supplied is faulty (it has been flow tested & checked for leaks, all ok). It will be interesting to see how they get on & this resolves it.