Have replaced battery on this vehicle 2.5 yrs ago as origanally engine would turn over ok at first but if it did not start first time it would then sound like the battery is U/S so i replaced it. Have lived with this since i bought this car. Could it be knackerd starter, its the origanal item. hope this all makes sense.
well first off somewhere like halford will test your battery to make sure its good
then i suggest you replace the battery earth and positive cable...doesnt need to be genuine, thicker the better , a auto electrical place should knock up a pair for a drink. i have 2 golfs and done it to then , makes a big differance as the battery leads werent very to start with
Connections,connections connections,make sure battery/starter/earth leads are all good,if any connections are dodgy you will have a weak start,,give it a try wont cost anything,only 15 mins of your time.
Once had a similar problem. Eventually tracked it down to the strands within the main lead to the starter motor being almost completely corroded through, but inside the insulation so not visible from outside. Only discovered it by completely removing the lead!