The EU are pushing for more complex systems in cars.
I have a feeling this is more to promote jobs within the technology industries than help the road user.
The Skoda Estelle was an intelligent car. So was the model T Ford. These masses of IT with an internal combustion engine attached are incredibly stupid. So there.
Isn't Intelligent Car another way of saying Dumbed Down Driver?
Another blow to petrol heads and anyone who enjoys getting from A to B instead of seeing it as a chore..
One of the links takes you to a very dull, nannying world where the driver is not trusted to brake, steer or even be awake behind the wheel.
Be afraid, very afraid.....
However it's dressed up, this is really all about road charging. They may well tack on automatic speeding fines too.
Yes..... Vehicle tracking/locating seems to be a big element in these systems.
Yes..... Vehicle tracking/locating seems to be a big element in these systems.
And of course all kinds of things are possible. Sensors in the steering wheel to assess the perspiration on the palms of the driver's hands for example, with the central computer authorised to deem them unfit to drive as a result of illness, intoxication or emotional imbalance, operate the vehicle immobiliser, lock all the doors and send for the appropriate authorities.
Won't be long before yr. wagon will be able to size you up as you stagger towards it and refuse to let you even get in.
'Access denied. Do not attempt to enter. Place both hands on the roof of this vehicle and await arrival of police.'
Won't be long before yr. wagon will be able to size you up as you stagger towards it and refuse to let you even get in.
Maybe it won't even take you to the pub in the first place!
Even if you haven't been to the pub but have only got pins and needles or a bad leg... It might be able to deny access if it didn't like the look in your eye.
What about in a morning when the eyes aren't fully open?
Access denied due to tiredness?
I suppose it would eject courting couples.