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VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
I've been lumbered with a pig. I have a Sharan VR6 Auto with a suspected blown head gasket,it;s losing water but there's nowhere obvious,nothing in the oil etc. I went to VW main dealer and explained problem. He said the head gasket was probably blown.He then said that it was what they called a "throw away engine" and wasn't worth fixing. I spoke to someone else and they said he was talking deleted. Can anyone give me some advice and if it has gone are there any specialists who deal in this sort of thing?

{Vim Fuego, I realise you're new here, but what part of the "No Swearing" rule are you finding difficult to understand? This time I've edited it. Next time I won't be so generous. Also try reading this www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=33415 - DD}
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - bell boy
take it to another garage ideally independant ,definately one recommended,get them to do the usual checks and if headgasket gone then the throwaway isnt far wrong im afraid.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Xileno {P}
Why can't the head gasket be replaced? What's so unique about the VR6?
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Aprilia
Obviously the economics of the repair depend on the age/mileage of the vehicle. These are not a cheap engine to fix (lots of labour).
They have a habit of snapping timing chains as the mileage approaches 100k - timing chain is at the back - so you might want to consider replacing chain at the same time.

The engine/transmission has to come out as a unit and then you would need to strip engine etc.

VR6 is not one of my favourite motors!
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Thanks for info Aprilia. I've been quoted £700 for a new engine and £1750 for a new engine fitted is this a good price. If I bought the engine for £700 would I get the labour for less than £1000 or is that about par for the course?
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Dave N
There's no way a new engine is only £700. There's also no way a properly rebuilt engine is anywhere near £700 either. Is that price from one of those dodgy engine places? For that sort of money, you'll probably get an engine inworse condition than the one you've got.
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - bell boy
Dave N is spot on ...........get your car checked out first as i said earlier.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Thanks for the info gents
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Sorry the engine is second hand from 24/7 spares, it has 45,000 miles on it and was £700. The other one was from engines direct. They have a business in Twickenham and they said the engine was £1750 including oil,filters gaskets and labour with a 5 year warranty, this latter sounded better because by the sounds of it I won't get much change out of £1000 just for a head gasket change
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Dave N
Engines direct were on BBC watchdog last night, and last week. Suggest you go to the BBC site for fuller information, but from their report certainly wasn't flattering.

Maybe ask yourself how they can offer a good engine (when the VR6 is well known for a number of issues and cost of repairs)with a 5 year guarantee, for minimal cost.

Take a look in the FAQ's on this site, for the Federation of engine rebuilders (or something like that) and get a quote for a properly rebuilt engine. That will give you some idea of true cost.
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Dynamic Dave
Engines direct were on BBC watchdog last night, and last week.
Suggest you go to the BBC site for fuller information, but
from their report certainly wasn't flattering.

I think we can just get away with that, but I would appreciate no further in depth comments regarding engines direct please.

Thanks, DD.
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
I'm sorry and I apologise for the swearing

{Apology accepted. DD}
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Galaxy
Our secretary at work used to have a VW Corrado with a VR6 engine. The head gasket went on that car while she owned it, they seem to be famous (or perhaps I should say, infamous!) for this problem.

She did have it repaired but I do know it cost her several hundred pounds and that was just for the head gasket work.

No way can anyone provided you with a complete engine for £700 with a 5 year warranty. Pie in the sky, I'm afraid.
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Collos25
All they will be doing is reshelling,reringing and skimming the head along with a new water pump and belts.
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Thanks for the info gents. Does anyone know of any good garages in the south around the heathrow or SE vacinity or a reputable garage in south wales who takes on this sort of work?
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
The other problem I've got with it at the moment is that it won't start. I've tried jump starting it (gears in park and neutral),all the lights and electrics work but when you turn the key nothing happens! I don't knwo whether it's the starter motor seized or is it the immobiliser. The car has been outside the house for about 5 months just sat there. I've tried a new battery but to no avail, any ideas?
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - bell boy
if you are not mechanically minded and its been sat 5 months then my advice is sell as spares/ repair.
You may not get the best price but at least you will not be filling a money pit.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Any idea what i'd get for it as spares repair?
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Aprilia
Advertise it on Ebay as 'Sharan with blown head gasket'. Someone will go for it. No idea what the value would be - I would do a search of past sales - I'm sure one will come up!
VW Sharan VR6 blown head gasket - Vim Fuego
Thanks for all your advice gents