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Car-jacking - Alwyn
Anyone read about the spate of car-jackings in London and other cities?

Met police are investigating around 100 at present.

I saw a defence against this from South Africa (legal there?) involving several upward and outward pointing gas jets either side of the car. Car-jacker burger anyone?

Of course they would not have helped the poor bloke who lost his life to two thugs who wanted his Audi.

He was attacked outside his vehicle by two gents who wanted his keys, for those who have not read the story.

Should we all be armed to re-dress the balance of terror? After all, it is said that God did not make all men equal............Colonel Colt did!
Re: Car-jacking - Brian
Did you see the piece on telly the other night about the 3 old dears who were car-jacked as they parked their car in Calais.

They fought him off and got his gun but he managed to get into the car and drove off with one of the ladies still in in the back.

The old dear proceeded to strangle him until he crashed, unfortunately he then legged it and hasn't been seen since.
Re: Car-jacking - BrianT
This problem occured in certain parts of Manchester a few years ago. When you stopped at traffic lights late at night, someone would pull open the door or threaten you through the window with a gun. When you gave in, they would take you at gunpoint to a cash machine and make you give up your PIN number. Following this they would lock you in the boot and finally sling you out in the middle of nowhere then drive off in your car. It bacame so bad, people would run a red light rather than stop at certain intersections.
Re: Car-jacking - Alwyn

Moss Side?
Re: Car-jacking - Jonathan
Salford actually.
Re: Car-jacking - Dwight Van-Driver
All you out there be warned. Car -jacking not confined to just London but reported in Home Counties and as far North as West Yorksand increasing.

It appears bad-guys are being thwarted by higher car security so are now after easy access to ignition keys.

Most prone it appears are those vehicles at the higher end, Mercs, Porsches, Jags and Beemers which probably end up in a container and shipped abroad.

M.O. is to either jump lone drivers at Traffic Lights etc or rear end shunt you to get you to stop or even nick your motor from filling station if you have left your keys in whilst paying.

Be alert and stay on your guard.

Re: Car-jacking - Ronnie Courtney

Regarding Flamenwerfer, please see my exchange with Ian on 25 Jan, which you'll find under Topic heading of "This sort of thing ...." or Search under "Carjacking".

BTW, if not already seen, please also see my response on your interesting reference to RAS under Topic heading "Attraction", towards the end of the thread.


Re: Car-jacking - ian (cape town)
as Ronnie mentions, this matter was discussed at some length in a thread by Randolph Lee last week.
Unfortunately, the "Foreign Legion" of myself, Growler etc [who live in lands where banditry is rife] were shouted down when we related our experiences, and accused of "macho bravado" ...
Now, where's the old .45? I KNEW I had it somewhere about ...
Re: Car-jacking - alvin booth
No Alwyn, we shouldn't be armed.
The answer is to put them against a wall and shoot them when they are captured. I thnk we could then safely say they will never do it again.
Re: Car-jacking - THe Growler
Common in Manila. Luxury vehicles targeted. Late at night not such a problem as can usually run a red light or make a dash to a hotel or crowded area. However, during daytime, a van with blacked out windows and no plates will pull close in front and another on the side to force you to stop. With dense traffic you probably won't be able to outrun them, although one pal of mine in a Ford Expedition did sideswipe one into a bus and got away. If you're a foreigner they may take you as well (ref Abu Sayyaf). Chinese are the most popular since they always give in and pay up ransoms without fuss. Police frequently run these syndicates so it's a waste of time going to them. What to do? (a) get a nondescript vehicle, a large oner, (b) dress down -- not hard for a scruff like me who lives in t-shirt and shorts and shaves every few weeks (c) go back to UK...second thoughts, no, the yobs there are probably worse and I'm not that crazy....