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Please Help no heat - rover 216si - andy216
My rover 216si S plate has just started to not give any heat out of the heaters. I thought that it might have been a dodgey thermastat but i have changed that and its still the same. I dont know what it might be any ideas.
Please Help no heat - Falkirk Bairn
Try the heater valve just as 2 the hoses from engine go to through the bulkhead.

Had similar problem a few months back

Ended up as rotary heater adjuster on console had come off and heater was switched off.

A bit of a bind raising bonnet to switch heater on /off so had the cable/rotary switch fixed.
Please Help no heat - 659FBE
Vent the cooling system carefully, then keep a constant check on the coolant level. Head gasket failure is a distinct and unfortunate probability. When the gasket fails, combustion gas pressure can enter the cooling system, causing an "air" lock. As the heater is generally towards the top of the cooling system, the gas collects here and prevents coolant circulation, hence the heater blows cold.

Don't neglect this problem if you want to avoid expensive engine damage.

Please Help no heat - andy216
The heaters blow just a little bit of warm air then they stop blowing it. how would you know if it was the head or not?
Please Help no heat - Civic8
I would check the valve before worrying as to whether hg gone,from what you said its the valve
Please Help no heat - andy216
is it a big job do you know or could you tackle it yourself cos it's a pain having rubbish heaters and cheers for your advise.
Please Help no heat - Civic8
More awkward than anything due to its position,disconect the cable first-then by hand try moving the lever in direction cable should,if it refuses to budge its siezed.it should move easily,also check for any green gunge around valve as it will tell you its been leaking and failed
Please Help no heat - andy216
cheers i will try that tomorrow and let you know how i get on
Please Help no heat - Civic8
check the valve located on pipe feed to heater-its between stat and bulkhead.common failure on these,if the pipe to it is hot but pipe after is cool thats the problem

usually find the knob either clicks or is stiff to turn, due to cable moving but valve isnt