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Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
Believe it or not - my mate (the one who bought the Ibiza 130 a while ago) wants to change cars...AGAIN.

He has three choices and wants impartial opinions. I keep telling him the RS naturally but he thinks I may be somewhat biased.

1) Ford Focus RS

2) Seat Leon Cupra R

3) Porsche Boxtser S

I know you're all probably going to say the Porsche but assume that's an outside chance of being able to afford it so just assume it's a possibility whilst the other two are definites.

The RS is the best one isn't it?
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Screwloose

It's not buying the Porker that costs - it's running it! See:-


Boxsters are pigs to work on; so your mate should pay close attention to that average repair cost.... [Not to mention that appalling reliability index rating! Worse than Renault!]

A customer of mine decided to swap her 1.4 Polo for a s/hand Boxster.... She got just two miles before she went through a hedge backwards and into a tree. The insurance repaired it; but, just before Christmess, the cat went. Apparently, Kwik-Fit don't stock them....
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Peter S
I've not driven any of them, but I'd go for the Ford as it seems to be stunning value for momney and gets good reviews.

I'd also say to your mate that if there's only an outside chance of being able to afford the Boxter, then you probably can't afford it! Especially the running costs, as screewloose says:-)

Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - madf
Our local hairdresser runs a Boxster. He managed to put it sideways into a wall leaving a junction at 10mph on an icy morning.

Sums up the image and the driving experience nicely for me:-))
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Lud
Ford and Cupra are modern boxes, probably equally capable, the Ford here perhaps a bit cheaper to run but HJ always liked the Cupra which is surely a recommendation... Is the Boxster really the sort of Porsche an enthusiast should be buying? A decent air-cooled 911, once found, wd be far nicer and probably a lot cheaper to run.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
Thanks for all youe helpful replies.

I think after the comments on Porsches, he's leaning towards the other two. I have no doubt the RS is the better driver's car but the Cupra seems more tunable.

Wouldn't a 911 cost too much for a 21 year old to insure? If not, that sounds like an awfully tempting suggestion.

Thanks again,

Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - barchettaman
None of the above. Get a Barchetta.
I admit, of course, to no bias towards this gorgeous, great-value, quick and pretty Italian speedster...
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - cornflake
Boxster - if he can afford it!
Set of winter tyres would put you back £2000 though...
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - pd
I've driven all 3 and owned two (OK, a regular Cupra - not an R). The Porsche is just in such a totally different planet in terms of driving enjoyment there is no point in really comparing them.

If idiots put a Boxster through a hedge its because they haven't got a clue that a mid-engined sports car is somewhat different to a family front drive hatch with a powerful engine. It demands respect but the rewards to a skillful driver (or one who wants to learn to be) are so much more.

I didn't like the RS at all - far too OTT for day to day use and the SEAT is ok but frankly a bit boring and ordinary to drive and I think the power actually overwhelms to front drive chassis a bit.

It depends what you want from a car. Porsche comes from a different direction than the other two: they design and build a sportscar first and then set about making it easy to live with day to day. The other two are family hatchbacks they've set about trying to make into a sportscar.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - pd
One thing on the aircooled 911 v Boxster. The air cooled 911 is a fantastic classic of a car but the "buy an aircooled 911 not a 996/Boxster" is usually writted by used car "experts" in various magazines rather than people who have ever actually owned and run both.

The last of the 993's are now 10 years old. If you find a very good one you'll want to keep the miles low and the condition excellent and pamper it to maintain its value - they're getting rare enough now. High mileage neglected examples could well be a maintenance nightmare as on any Porsche.

The 996 & Boxster are so much more modern and easier to live with cars for day to day use. In my view they are also better cars all round than the 993.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - AlanGowdy
I'd imagine the Boxster would win out for driving enjoyment. If practicality and sane running costs are to be a consideration too then probably either of the others would be a better bet.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Screwloose

Your mate is only 21??? What does he drive now? Any convictions or claims? Has he any idea how much those three would cost him to insure - particularly the Boxster? [£10,000/yr?]

....Or is he perhaps a Premiership footballer?
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
I know the Porsche would win ordinarily but for some reason he instructed me to put that down.

Screwloose, he's had relatively fast cars in the past - the two springing to mind are a CRX and his Clio 172. He's only recently got this Seat Ibiza TDi but I don't think he likes diesel much.

I'll report back everyone's comments to him and see what he says. No doubt he'll have some other possibilities by the time I speak to him next!!

Thanks again,

Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
I started addressing you Screwloose but somehow wandered away from your question!

I don't know how he does it but he manages to insure them all ok!

Lucky guy.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - cheddar
Adam, do you mean RS or ST, you can get a new ST from a broker for the price of a low mileage RS.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - nutty_nissan
Another silly comparison! Comparing two souped up "originally designed for family" cars to a mid engined roadster from a company with a sporting heritage. If your mate can afford it, and you don't need the hatchback space of the family cars, then why not go for the Porsche?
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - cumfray1
For my money I would go for the new ST3 rather than the RS as it is a better car allround. Or instead of a Porsche what about an Audi S4.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - apm
Honda S2000. As fast as the Boxster, but it's a Honda, so it won't break down. Downside- it's a Honda, so won't have the same pose factor as a Porsche.

I recently parted with a Leon Cupra (not R), and found it a thoroughly nice car in every respect. Maybe a bit family for your mate, though- four doors & an airbag you can turn off for a kiddy seat?

Whichever way you look at it, he's a lucky guy- a nice choice to have!


Dr Alex Mears
MG BGT 1971
If you are in a hole stop digging...unless
you are a miner.
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
These are some pretty good suggestions and I'll report back to him.

With regards to the ST, I don't like it at all and would much rather have the RS. Mind you, there's something to be said for a 5 pot and I don't think he hates it as much as me.

I'll report back anyway and see what he says.

Thanks again for all the replies though. Much appreciated,

Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Ben {P}
BTW what did you get for the cupra if you dont mind me asking?
Ford, Seat or....Porsche?? - Adam {P}
8 and a half grand.
