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Best book for the mechanically illiterat - barchettaman
Ran out of space on the topic title....

I´ve always liked cars, but am getting seriously bored with the current crop of car mags and TV programmes. What I would like to have now is a much more extensive mechanical knowledge of how the things work. At the mo´ I don´t know the difference between a carb and a solenoid, a coil and an alternator.

Can any of the Backroomers recommend me an easy-to-read book that will fill some of the gaps in my mechanical knowledge? I s´pose the ultimate aim would to be able to do more basic maintenance, but the initial priority is something to read rather than a specific Haynes manual.

The kind of thing I would have in mind would be maybe something like the ´Internet for Dummies´ book, but obviously with a mechanical theme.

Thanks in advance!

Best book for the mechanically illiterat - buzbee

Best book for the mechanically illiterat - Number_Cruncher
I would suggest any of the books by H Heisler, or any by VAW Hillier to be well worth a read.

The books which are used during City and Guilds courses (e.g., Hirst & Whipp) by mechanics are designed to be completed during the course, and so, while very good for in class work, aren't the most suitable for self study.

It may be worth finding out if your local technical college will allow external borrowers to use their library for a small fee - this will enable you to have a good browse of introductory level books.

I hope that helps,

Best book for the mechanically illiterat - barchettaman
Many thanks NC and Buzbee. I´ll make a start on the website.
Cheers all,
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - none
Haynes do some fairly in depth manuals on various subjects. They assume no prior knowledge, start from the basics, and gently lead the reader into more advanced areas. Individual manuals cover subjects such as fuel injection, brakes and basic electronics. Maybe not up to the concentrated learning that Number Cruncher recommends, but a good start for anyone wanting to know more about how their car works.
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - tyro
Mods - should this be moved to Discussion? It might get more replies there.

{Lets give it a try :: ----> Kick's across :: DD}
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - bedfordrl
From past experience i have opened the Haynes ,started folowing advice, thrown it over nearest hedge.
It's fine following the book until you run into problems and then your stuck, such as" undo bolts and remove " and it will not move,also if someone has modified the bit before you got there.
Also have found in the past that there was a fourth bolt and that was why the blooming thing would not move.
I do not know about other makes but Land Rover produce extensive repair manuals which are weighty tomes but invalueable.
Anyway it is heartening that you want to learn,i thought that no one could be bothered nowadays, good on ya and good luck.
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - barchettaman
Cheers all for this advice, and a very Merry Christmas.
BTW Mrs Barchetta is yoyoing between hospital and home...we´re waiting for the contractions to hit 4 minutes, then back to the Hospital.
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - hillman
I suggest that you do it in a taxi. The Barchetta isn't the roomiest of cars to deliver in. Congratulations in advance
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - barchettaman
Not yet. This pregancy has had more twists and turns than Strictly Come Dancing.
Waters have broken but contractions are v. mild. I cooked the Xmas dinner today - now that *was* a laugh.
And, to get this posting on to a motoring theme, there ain´t no way I´m driving to the hospital. Hic.
Keep yer fingers crossed all.
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - henry k
And, to get this posting on to a motoring theme, there ain´t no way I´m driving to the hospital. Hic.
Keep yer fingers crossed all.

To keep it on a motoring forum theme which you know so well.
Keep pushing for the best outcome and do report back to the forum on the result.
Best wishes for a noisy Christmas.

Now what was the book we are looking for?
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - Civic8
TBH, no amount of book reading will assist in overcoming problems most find doing cars.though at the moment you have other things to think about.

Good luck,please let us know how you get on.all the best Steve!
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - barchettaman
I´m enjoying HowStuffWorks.com, although the pages take a while to load - the trade off for getting the info for free is all the advertising I s´pose.
The dire TV output means learning about camshafts and cooling systems is more fun.
Plus it stops me worrying about the impending arrival. Contractions every 10 minutes...should be out tonight.

Think I might call it ´Intercooler´.
Best book for the mechanically illiterat - paulb {P}
Cheers all for this advice, and a very Merry Christmas.
BTW Mrs Barchetta is yoyoing between hospital and home...we´re waiting for
the contractions to hit 4 minutes, then back to the Hospital.

Know the feeling - I spent all of Christmas Eve at our local hospital's delivery suite until Mrs B presented me with our son at 23.12 yesterday! Good luck!

Oh, sorry, yes, motoring link: I parked so long in the hospital car park that it was free because I picked the car up on a Sunday. Ha!