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Personal best wheelspin - Big Bad Dave
The garage under my apartment is huge and has a really shiny concrete surface. By holding the car on the foot-brake, revving hard then releasing the brake, I can do fantastic wheelspins. Yesterday?s rubber marks were about ten metres long before I bottled out (heading for concrete wall). I know I can beat that though, I?ve got the day off today.

My wife sits there shaking her head, but I?m sure backroomers will be impressed.
Personal best wheelspin - AR-CoolC
but I?m sure backroomers will be impressed

Nice one. I can't beat that...But as the car goes back to the lease company in a couple of weeks (just waiting for the actual date) I may give it a go.

on a closed private road of course.
Personal best wheelspin - mss1tw
Does it have to be in a car? ;-)
Personal best wheelspin - Hamsafar
When I was 17-18, I had a Morris Ital, it was really playing up, so to teach it a lesson, I put my foot right down and let out the clutch as I turned right minor to major up a hill. It just crept forward with huge billows of smoke at the back, and I've never seen anything like it except when these cars on TV do burnouts. Even a man and his son at a bus stop were clapping! I was neevr able to repeat this.
It still kept cutting out and rusting etc... aswell!
Personal best wheelspin - T Lucas
Very satisfying 'teaching a car a lesson'.Trouble is they never seem to learn!
Personal best wheelspin - AR-CoolC

About half way down....
Personal best wheelspin - cockle {P}
Ishok, we used to have Morris Ital vans, front wheel drive combined with a slight gradient out of the yard and a fair load in the back made for some interesting moments trying to pull out into traffic.

One of our chaps was once witnessed pulling away and being able to change up the box through second and into third before the thing moved! Or before you could see it move through the clouds of smoke!
Personally I thought they were lethal unless you were used to driving them as if there were eggs between the pedals and your feet, trying to pull out from a side road into traffic on a NSL road was nothing more than a lottery and blind faith in that other motorists would be able to avoid you if it decided it was 'spin time'.

Wonder why Austin Morris could never sell many vehicles?........
Personal best wheelspin - sierraman
'Ishok, we used to have Morris Ital vans, front wheel drive'

But the Ital,like the Marina it was derived from,was rear wheel drive.I recall a colleague of my fathers buying one new,then having to put a bag of cement in the boot to try and get some grip from the rear wheels.
Personal best wheelspin - cockle {P}
Sierraman, you're dead right.
Can never get away with anything on here :-)

I was actually at the said driver's 50th birthday party last night, well, early this morning, actually, and we were talking old times, and he corrected me as well; it was actually a Maestro that he 'perfomed' in.

At the time we were replacing the fleet and were running some of both, all in the same colour, both Maestro and Ital had one thing in common, they were pretty awful compared to todays vans.

It was still a memorable trick, though obviously not quite as memorable as I thought.......
Personal best wheelspin - Altea Ego
Impressed Dave, very good.

However you dont have to pretend with all this boyish macho behaviour, we know the truth remember.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Personal best wheelspin - mss1tw
Getting stuck on an icy hill at St Peters Hospital last year and reversing the car up it the only way I could: bouncing off the rev limiter at 2mph. The smells and sounds were...interesting.

The wheels were certainly spinning. ;-)
Personal best wheelspin - bikemade3
On the ice and snow skid pan @ Eveness ( Norway) about 30 Minutes, before i came bored with power sliding a landrover around a figure of 8 course
Personal best wheelspin - Altea Ego
St Peters?

this is TVM country!
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Personal best wheelspin - mss1tw
St Peters?
this is TVM country!

Was :-P

Personal best wheelspin - Blue {P}
I had to do things like that in my Fusion, just to punish it for existing. :-)

Normally though I just tell my car that if it annoys me too much I'll flog it onto someone who will lavish far less care on it than I do.

They still normally mis-behave!

Personal best wheelspin - mss1tw
I had to do things like that in my Fusion, just
to punish it for existing. :-)

Ahahahaha! :^D
Personal best wheelspin - mr.freezer
Around the ten metre mark in a hire car Vectra in some Premier Ibis Lodge car park in Dublin. Never done it again as I realised I'm not as good as Colin McRae after all.

The best I've seen are the skid marks (!) in what seemed to be a Mercedes/Smart holding pen for new cars that was next to my old office.It sounds like a film set when they deliver or remove the cars
Personal best wheelspin - trancer
Never measured the distance, but my old 6.6 litre Trans-Am could get through rear tyres in a weekend. Replacement wheels, with part-worn tyres mounted, were less than £10 each from the local scrappy and he was only too happy to supply them.

As the car was automatic, "power braking" was the best method for getting them going. Stomp on brake, floor the accelerator until back tyres broke loose and hold both pedals to the floor while the speedo hovered around the 100-120MPH mark. Keeping the car stationary was very important as within seconds you were blanketed in smoke and wouldn't be able to see anything around you.

Of course the rear brake linings didn't last very long and as they were drums and I loathe replacing brake shoes, the car only really had front brakes for most of its time in my possesion.
Personal best wheelspin - steveo3002
a workmate and i did a great one in the bosses astra, we took it out in the sticks and he bounced it of the rev limiter and droped the clutch while i hung on the handbrake lol

Personal best wheelspin - NowWheels
a workmate and i did a great one in the bosses
astra, we took it out in the sticks and he bounced
it of the rev limiter and droped the clutch while i
hung on the handbrake lol

Steveo, do you ever wonder why some companies try to micromanage their employees and monitor the hell out of them?
Personal best wheelspin - turbo11
how sad
Personal best wheelspin - Xileno {P}
Seems rather an odd thing to do if it's your car and you have to pay for its upkeep.

Each to their own I suppose.
Personal best wheelspin - trancer
I'm with you Xileno, imagine people buying a car, driving it for thousands and thousands of miles then selling it on without ever once enjoying it.

Very odd indeed.
Personal best wheelspin - BobbyG
I remember when I was a wee boy watching one of these TV Challenge driving things and it was Roger Daltrey taking part.
He was driving an Audi quattro and had forgotten to release the handbrake. So the front wheels were spinning like mad and the back ones were smoking away, being dragged along the tarmac.

My own personal best was in my dad's Carlton 2.0 RWD. Now I was a 17 year old used to a 950 cc Talbot Samba. I webt round a bend at the bottom of his street and floored the accelerator.

I swear, with a set of compasses, I could not have made a more perfect circle on the tarmac!
Personal best wheelspin - islandman
I recall many many years ago, my mate used to have an MG 1100 -- with twin carbs. After we'd been out one Saturday night and were bored, we drove into a local park and started doing handbrake spins. I recall being amazed at how far you could slide on wet grass and we kept trying to go that bit further as one would. Then we tried doing it whilst hanging out the windows. I won't say what the grass surfase looked like afterwards but I'm sure you can guess!
I cringe now thinking about this ---- and alot of other totally irresponsible things we did, but --- life was so much more relaxed then.
How about a thread on 'what the most irresponsible thing you've done - motor related - and will admit to!
Personal best wheelspin - Altea Ego
Scrubs Lane, a nice right / left s bend under the railway and canal. One capri stuck sideways across the road under the bridge. I blamed the slightly low left rear tyre.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Personal best wheelspin - drbe
In my youth (second time I've written that today) I had a Standard Vanguard (a what, I hear everyone under er 40? 50? thinking) which had bald tyres. I was trying to get over the bridge onto Taggs Island, near Hampton Court, I had wheelspin all the way up the ramp - after reversing and having two or three goes - and then problems stopping going down the other side.
Personal best wheelspin - Lud
Is wearing out yr tyres and transmission, making a clamour and attracting unwelcome attention while going slowly 'enjoying' your car? Sounds a bit Top Gearish to me. People chirp their tyres all the time around here, and from marks on the road often seem to do handbrake turns as well, although I haven't seen anyone actually doing it... the police perhaps?

However... I once pulled out without checking the mirror properly in Shaftesbury Avenue and was run into by a rubicund, scowling, expensively dressed character in a new Jaguar. Its nearside front made quite a dent just ahead of the driver's door of my then VW 411 Variant, bruising itself only slightly although repairs to new condition might well have cost more than my car. Looking indignant, the Jag driver eventually realised that neither of us could move until he backed off slightly, meanwhile making it clear by gestures that he had no wish to speak to me or exchange details. As I left, I heard to my surprise both rear wheels spinning as they would have done under the feet of a skilled racing driver, just enough but no Top Gearish excess. Went away like a rocket, the only time that rather staid motor ever did anything of the sort. Of course the final drive gave out eventually so perhaps that was a nail in its coffin.

Personal best wheelspin - Adam {P}
Dave, that's awesome.

I'm very impressed. When can I come over and do it myself?
Personal best wheelspin - Blue {P}
The most fun I've ever managed was taking my Fusion for a spot of softroading (not that it felt that soft at the time when I bounced over the rocks:)

Personal best wheelspin - Big Bad Dave
Anytime you want matey. Mi casa su casa.

I normally start near the stairs to my apartment which is halfway along the garage but I reckon if I reverse right back against the wall and really put my heart and soul into it, I could do an absolutely mental wheelspin.

I?ve just come in from Christmas shopping and I was going to do it then but there was someone down there from another apartment and I didn?t want to look too cool. I?ll psyche myself up and do it tomorrow.
Personal best wheelspin - Adam {P}
Do what I do.

Go to your equivalent of B&Q and buy loads of gravel and scatter that over your car park. Just tell any interested neighbours you're landscaping it. Then, when the tarmac is completely covered in gravel, let rip with the V6.

You should not only make an impressive wheelspin sound, but you should be able to pepper the neighbour's cars with with gravel.

Another idea is to wear your tyres down so they're as bald as possible and then do it.

I'll keep thinking of other ideas.
Personal best wheelspin - cheddar
>>Another idea is to wear your tyres down so they're as
bald as possible ...>>

That is surely what he is doing!

>>I'll keep thinking of other ideas>>

Silly idea: Wonder it you could put the hand brake on, drop the clutch, get the front wheels really spinning, put cruise control on and get out and walk around the car? A challenge for BBD maybe.
Personal best wheelspin - Adam {P}
Ooooh. That's a good idea. We'd need evidence though obviously.
Personal best wheelspin - trancer
There is a video online of a Honda S2000 doing something similar. The front wheels are locked, rear tyres spinning like mad and the driver promptly hops out of the car and walks besides it as the car does donuts around him.

Personal best wheelspin - Big Bad Dave
"A challenge for BBD maybe."

Please don?t say things like that. That?s gonna bug me until I actually do it.
Personal best wheelspin - Adam {P}
Can't handle the challege Dave? That doesn't sound like you at all.
Personal best wheelspin - trancer
" Is wearing out yr tyres and transmission, making a clamour and attracting unwelcome attention while going slowly 'enjoying' your car? Sounds a bit Top Gearish to me. "

Have you ever seen three grown men enjoy themselves more with their clothes on?.

No, I didn't think so.
Personal best wheelspin - Adam {P}
Congratulations Lud - you've won.

I would have awarded you earlier but I missed your post.
Personal best wheelspin - frazerjp
With my old Pug 205 i did handbrake turns & wheel spins, once going round a roundabout in Maidenhead with four of us in i did 40mph round it tyres screeching & people cheered!!
Its not what you drive, its how you drive it! :-)
Personal best wheelspin - mrmender
I had the most unlikely candidate for a championship wheel spiner a Commer PB van empty it could Wheel spin for wales. Infact traction when empty and on a wet road did not exist. Parked it down a hill facing a wall and had to be towed out as it would not grip
Personal best wheelspin - grafen
Many years ago a friend & I found a quiet road & did some static burnouts in a souped up Avenger. Plenty of smoke, but one wheel spun more than the other & the diff was lunched. £15 for a 'new' back axle & a Sat morning's graft sorted it.
Personal best wheelspin - r_welfare
10 years ago when I started driving in my mum's Rover Metro, wheelspinning was cool (I know, I know!) when you don't have to pay for the tyres.

In my everyday steed ('99 Accord 2.0 auto), I can't provoke wheelspin unless the road is icy and/or the front tyres are getting close to the legal limit.

All this changed when I acquired, as a fun car, a D-plate Vauxhall Belmont GLSi - an Astra Mk2 GTE in drag. Now, the combination of 115bhp unencumbered by emmissions control, less than a ton in weight, and Eastern European tyres means it's difficult to drive without provoking smoking-tyres wheelspin at least once per journey - or I run the risk of stalling it! Torque-steer is frightening - but then again, I haven't driven an MG Maestro or Montego Turbo...
Personal best wheelspin - Xileno {P}
Oh yes, the Montego turbo. Early ones had torque steer to rival a demented clockwork toy. The Maestro was far better sorted, shame it looked as if it had been styled by a disinterested six year old though.
Personal best wheelspin - Altea Ego
"a D-plate Vauxhall Belmont GLSi - an Astra Mk2 GTE in drag"

More Like Danny la Rue
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Personal best wheelspin - SjB {P}
The Maestro was far better sorted, shame it looked as if it had been styled by a disinterested six year old though.

I use the MG Maestro as a good example of how the right wheels can transform a car; a 1.3L was the most dowdy looking conveyance imaginable, with a 1.6HLS not much better. AN MG or MG Turbo however actually looked OK(ish).
Personal best wheelspin - Altea Ego
the 1.3l had black painted bumpers. the 1.6hls and MG versions had the body painted plastic spoiler/bumper combinations. Add alloys and a MG badge to the front and It didnt look that bad.

The maestro also handled really realy well, far better than it had a right to.

pity it was built like a shed.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >