Check the lower half of the radiator for corrosion and coolant loss under pressure.
heater matrix seems fine, no damp carpets and although the heating was cold yesterday and the temp guage went above normal it's back to being hot air now after bleeding and temp seems ok just the water loss remains
as madf says the bottom of the radiator falls out and dumps all its water,a friend blew his engine up on the motorway because he ignored my warnings to get a new rad,it turned a good car into worthless scrap
Get a garage to perform a pressure test on the cooling system and that should determine if there's a leak somewhere in the cooling system. If that proves inconclusive, run the engine for a few minutes with the rad cap off and see if there are bubbles in the header tank, which would indicate air in the cooling system causing it to pressurise and lose water through the rad cap.
With no sign of external water leaks ( Check very thoroughly ) and air locks in the cooling system you could be looking at a premature head gasket failure. Get the car hot and release the pressure from the header tank ( carefull with that ) then reseal and grap the top hose noting how pressurised it feels rev the engine repeatedly and if the hose pressurises then i's probable head again time. Regards Peter
to be honest i checked for pressurised top hose after cooling down which was how i proved the headgasket ha failed last time and it isn't stayin pressurised with the engine off. ive found a pinhole leak at the bottom right of the rad and there is a constant dripping from the left but yet to confirm if that is where water leaked from my home made header tank extension so waiting for the car to dry then going to check again
get it fixed quick. Airlocks mean its getting low, hot spots are building up and you will be looking at another head gasket failure faster than you can say "the kettle is boiled"
RF - Da DAA. < changes in phone box > Its TOURVAN man
Barrs leaks as a temporary measure or Radweld NOW.
Or ££££££s later
New rad Euro car parts. Proper antifreeze and make sure you get all the air out. Regards Peter
Have fun with that bayonet bottom hose connection!
-- - Pictures say a thousand words.....