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Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
I´m thinking of lowering my Fiat Barchetta. In fact that´s bit of a fib, I´ve bought the springs from eBay for ?60 for the set of 4 and they claim to lower the car 25-30mm.
Aesthetically I think the B rides a bit high. I don´t want to completely pimp it to the tarmac, and would appreciate any benefit in roadholding over the standard Fiat springs.
The new ones are made by Vogtland and have covered (apparently) just 2000km.
I´ve also put an engine brace strut in today and it makes a big difference.
Any thoughts? Should I go ahead?
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - Adam {P}
No thoughts I'm afraid but difference have you noticed with the engine strut brace if you don't mind me asking?
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
Not at all. The B turns in to corners better - the front end is stiffened up considerably. A better driver would take the corner quicker, I just take it more smoothly. The brace cost ?70 BTW.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - Adam {P}
Thanks for that barchettaman.

I read about them all the time but have always been under the impression it's car dependent as to what gains you get.

I imagine the Barchetta would handle very well on new springs too.

Good luck fitting them.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - bell boy
i would have passed on the brace or made my own and spent the money on new shocks to go with the springs.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - Aprilia
If you drop the car then don't forget it will likely throw the wheel alignment out (camber, front and rear toe etc.). I don't know what's adjustable on those cars, but I would budget for a 4-wheel laser align (about £60 in my neck of the woods).
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - Red Baron
And don't forget those cursed speed humps.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
Many thanks for the advice chaps. It´s riding on new shocks already. Unfortunately ny technical expertise doesn´t extend to making a strut brace, so I bought one. Think I would recommend it for a convertible. Aprilia, I´ll do the laser alignment when it gets the springs. Plus, as I´ve had a very good year, it might get one of those jazzy air filters too.
Road humps are not such a curse here in Ffurt as in Blighty, thanks goodness. As long as it doesn´t grind out on the way out of the garage!!
Cheers all.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
The eBay springs didn´t fit, so am going back to the original plan - a set from the Fiat/Alfa specialists Novitec. They´ve arrived, it´s booked in for Thursday AM when it will also get the tracking etc checked. Will report back!
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - autumnboy
"Not at all. The B turns in to corners better - the front end is stiffened up considerably. A better driver would take the corner quicker, I just take it more smoothly. The brace cost ?70 BTW."

If its that good, it does'nt say alot about the chassis, then being so flexible.??

You can only stiffen up the suspension with up-rated springs and shock absorbers.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
That´s just my impression AB. A racing driver I ain´t.
It makes a difference, but TBH it was fine before!
The chassis is probably no more flexy than any other cabrio of similar vintage.
Lowering a Fiat Barchetta - barchettaman
Update - the car is now 30mm lower, and it makes a big difference. Corners much better than on the standard setup, which could admittedly have been a bit kippered.
The shocks were incomptatible with either spring set so I had to get new ones (Grr.)
New 17" Zender alloys and P-Zero tyres being fitted tomorrow too.
Just don´t tell Mrs Barchetta...
I´ll post a photo when it´s all done, as it looks like a proper little sports car now rather than something a failed hairdresser would run around in...
Thanks all for the advice - esp. Aprilia, got the tracking done too on your suggestion.