Can anyone give me some advice for some running problems with my Peugeot 309, it starts and runs OK, gives excellent MPG (50 mpg) on long runs, the engine seems in good condition, only 50,000 on the clock, but round town with no load or passengers it drops to about 20mpg. It idles erraticly when warming up, then when it has reached full operating temperature it idles excessively as if a full choke is on (it has no choke of course). I have renewed air filter/spark plugs, but this has not improved things. The engine is a 1.4i, (Bosch single point injection). Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Edited by Pugugly {P} on 17/02/2008 at 19:56
Symptoms indicate a failed idle speed control motor. When these fail the idle speed hangs up at about 11-1200 rpm and fuel consumption increases due to the fact that the over-run fuel shut off function doesnt work. Replacement available from Bosch dealers and is a simple screw fitting. Once fitted start the engine and let it idle for 10 mins then give a 10-15 mile run at varying speeds so the ECU re learns the idle position.
I have tried fixing them but its usually short-lived.
Simplicate and add lightness!!
Thanks Andrew, seems like something I can do, I'll give it a try!