Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
I have been reading the C5 HDI thread ( ), and some comments prompted me to do some research.

Autotrader shows plenty of three year-old C5 HDIs at £5,000 or under -- there's even a resaonable choice at around £4,000 and not all of them have crazy mileages. That's amazingly cheap -- the same sort of money as an equiavlent age Nissan Almera, and a lot less than a Berlingo HDI.

Those HDI engines sound reliable, and other posters suggest that the suspension problems are cured by Citroen's fix.

It seems that there are a few duff ones around, but also shows some very satisfied owners. The 2005 JD Power survey (see )gives it a satisfaction rating of 77.5, which is significantly down on the 1st-placed Honda Jazz at 88.1, but not much lower than a Ford Focus on 80.2 or a Mondeo on 79.7.

So I was wondering whether a carefully chosen one would make a decent buy?

Their bad reputation has obviously dented prices seriously, but is this case of the reputation being worse than the reality?

It's a bigger car than I really want, but should be very comfortable, and does like like great value. Has anyone else successfully bought a good one s/h?
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - Devonboy78
Make sure the one buy doesn't nod all by itself (see my recent post)! DB
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - BobbyG
NW, can't give you any advice, but I always love reading your posts. You always seem to put so much thought and research into them that your question actually turns out to be an education for the rest of us!
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - BobbyG
Just noticed - can give you spelling advice though ! :)

Guy at work has a C5 hdi and has now had it for a year since he got rid of his Xantia. He loves the C5, really he is one of these guys that could talk all day of its merits and how brilliant it is. AFAIK, he has not encountered a single problem with it.
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
Just noticed - can give you spelling advice though ! :)

miaow! :)

I tend to get lazy with proof-reading when typing in the little box :( Oh for a spill chucker!
AFAIK, he has not encountered a single problem with it.

Sounds good news. I'm just wondering when they sorted them out -- the early ones seemed to have quite a few teething probs.
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - machika
The early ones did have a lot of teething problems, so make sure it has had all of the recalls that were required, if it is an early model. Also, check that there is no uneven tyre wear on the rear wheels, as there was a problem with the rear axle beam on early models (hopefully it is sorted on the newer cars). Full service history is also a must, which it should have whilst under warranty.

Having done the required checks and satisfied yourself that all is in order, I would wholeheartedly recommend one. The HDI engines are great, the ride is super (the seats are great too) and they are very well equipped. At the kind of price you have quoted, they are wonderful value for money. Of course, there are plenty of detractors to be found in this forum, who will tell you to get a Mondeo instead
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
The early ones did have a lot of teething problems, so make sure
it has had all of the recalls that were required, if it is an
early model.

Thanks, Machika. What would you define as an "early model"? The 2001 cars, or the 2002 as well?
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - machika
I don't know how long it took to get them sorted but would suggest you do all of the above checks I suggested, whatever age the car is. Ours was registered in August 2001, so is a very early model. It is now been with us for almost 3 years and we love it. The axle beam replacement was never subject to a recall (because of the expense, I assume - shame on Citroen), and was only ever done if the owner complained about it. In our case, I really had to push the local dealer to get it done. It resulted in a much less noise being generated by the rear suspension, which was bedevilled by rattles and rumbles. It is a bit soon to say whether or not we now have even wear on the rear tyres.

Ours is a 2.2 HDI automatic and we have no complaints with the gearbox, which is very smooth changing. Some people have complained about jerky changes, apparently. I would prefer a five speed box though.
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - Mondaywoe
Great car for the money, but watch out for a few things -

Early ones do need 'sorting'. My one was built July 2001 and needed quite a few mods. I had the rear axle replaced (totally successful in curing uneven tyre wear) as well as the back spheres (suspension was too hard) Many early C5s had 'rattly' rear suspension (mine never did, strange to say!) and apparently the sphere change fixed this too (noisy valves within the spheres, I think)

My one had new gear cables (notchy for a start) and a new gear knob (aluminium insert lifted leaving a sharp edge to cut your hand!)

Rear calipers can corrode and twist ( I had new ones under warranty too!)

My worst problem was a seized turbo about 30,000 miles! Now this ISN'T a known problem with the C5 and the garage reckoned I was just unlucky.

Needless to say, all of this was fixed at no cost to myself and the car has now settled into a fine dependable motor.

I'd avoid automatics if I were you and don't touch an HPI at ANY COST - absolute pig of a motor.

The HDIs are brilliant. I have the 2.2 which is wonderfully refined and quick. The only downside is the cost of the particle filter (replaced every 50,000 miles at a cost of about £200) but it does ensure your exhaust is spotless, so maybe the exhaust system will last for ever - a compensation for the price of the filters. The 2.0 doesn't have the filter and is more econmomical, though less brisk.

Huge amounts of legroom, great seats, loads of toys, super comfort. Don't worry about the suspension - once 'sorted' it gives no trouble at all.

Depreciation is dramatic - but only if you sell it!! Those who buy new benefit at the 'front end' with discounts, so the depreciation isn't that much when you take this into account.

Buy a good one - get it well sorted under warranty if need be - enjoy for many years - wait until it's depreciated to the same as any other car of that year - then start again.


Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - Adam {P}
I've resisted posting in this thread NW but I can't help it.

If you get a C5 can you get a friend to take a snapshot of you in it?

I have no idea why I find it funny but I do! ;-)
Citoien C5 3yo - a good buy? - exmondeoman
Thanks, Machika. What would you define as an "early model"?
The 2001 cars, or the 2002 as well?

Can't remember the exact cut-off date, but if when you input the the ORGA number (4 digit number on the door pillar, along with the tyre pressure recommendations)it reveals a build date earlier than Apr 02, it may be an early one. If it's later, it won't be. If it's borderline, then check the C5 Yahoo forum to find the exact ORGA number the build changed. The ORGA number is also a good check as to how long the vehicle was in a field before it was registered, although on a 3 year old car I don't suppose it matters much.

Check it at

Very happy with my 3.5 year old C5 - but it's petrol not diesel.

Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
Just seen that HJ's auction report at includes the following:
Citroen C5 2.0HDI 110LX 2003/52 33k miles £4,200s

No word on condition, but assuming it's at least average, that's amazing value. Big, comfy, fuel-miserly car with some warranty left, for only 20% more than a similar mileage 1-litre Vauxhall Corsa at the same auction, and only 6% more than a horrid bouncy petrol-engined Vectra with nearly three times the mileage.

Please can the French-car bashers continue to badmouth the C5, so that these bargains remain available? ;)
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - machika
Please can the French-car bashers continue to badmouth the C5, so
that these bargains remain available? ;)

Don't worry, they will continue to do so.
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - Adam {P}
The C5 is a truly hideous car.
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - Mondaywoe
The C5 is a truly hideous car.
Not from behind the steering wheel. I prefer driving my car to looking at it.


Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
The C5 is a truly hideous car.

Something here makes me think of black, kettle and pot.

Anyway, keep up the good work :)
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - Adam {P}
It's truly shocking. Rivalled only in it's ugliness by new Focus.

(I actually like the C5 but I shouldn't worry - I can't see my praise swinging someone's decision to buy one thus pushing up demand)
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - machika
What we want to know, NoWheels, is, are you actually going to get one?
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - Ben79
I wouldn't buy a 3 year old one, why would I want two of them?
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
What we want to know, NoWheels, is, are you actually going
to get one?

That depends on whether people keep on talking down the prices.

Horribly unrelaible, hoideously ugly, ghastly things which only a mad person would buy. If you've already got one, sell it ASAP for whatever you can get on the day ... ;)
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - Adam {P}
I swear, the C5 is the worst car I've ever had the bad luck to set eyes upon.

It's horribly ugly, bulbous, unreliable and French.

Hideously designed, horrendously built cars.

Will that do you?
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - PhilW
"Horribly unreliable, hideously ugly, ghastly things"

And as for the face lift ones - even worse. I suppose I could be persuaded to take a 1 yr old, 10,000 mile HDi Exclusive off your hands for £5000!!

God knows how hideous the C6 will look in a couple of years!!
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - NowWheels
And as for the face lift ones - even worse. I
suppose I could be persuaded to take a 1 yr old,
10,000 mile HDi Exclusive off your hands for £5000!!

Any chance we could persuade RF to get one as his company car, to increase s/h supply in afew years time?
God knows how hideous the C6 will look in a couple
of years!!

I hope the C6 will be widely viewed as the ugliest and most evil thing ever, leaving it to weirdoes like me to relieve the dealers of them for a song. (Personally, I think it looks gorgeous: the most Citroen-like Citroen for three decades)
Citroen C5 3yo - a good buy? - PhilW
"I think it looks gorgeous"
Yes, but only for a couple of years and 15,000 miles - after that it turns into a very ugly and very cheap second hand car.
Oh and don't forget, being a Cit, the electrics will be totally unreliable - you may even have to go as far as replacing a bulb or two. As for the suspension - soooooo unreliable - might even need a new sphere or two after 5 years. These factors should make it worth naff all after 3 years. (Roll on 2009!!)
