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"Sporty front foglamps..." - Dirk
Sigh, thats the tagline from the latest horrendous Ford advert

They are called Fog lamps for a reason, nothing to do with being "sporty"......
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Caveman

"Sporty front foglamps..." - Stuartli
For some reason it always seems to be foggy in my area - at least that appears to be the view of BMW drivers....
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Dynamic Dave
You'd think with all the modern technology in the world someone could come up with a sensor that detects when it's foggy and only then allows the fog lights to work.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - storme
nice one day,,,a sensor would be good...

i guess im in the minority of one....i drive a bmw

and i .......

1: DONT park where i want
2: always indicate
3: will let ppl out at junctions
4: refuse to answer my mobile,,especially when the wife is sat next to me
5: dont consider my fog lights to be fashion accessories
6: do move over for motor cyclists
and guess what ppl,,,,,I even indicate at roundabouts....

i bet you've never seen a bmw driver indicate at a roundabout?????

ps back to the original topic...##yes we need a boffin to invent a sensor
"Sporty front foglamps..." - martint123
Now here's an idea.

As it's dangerous driving in fog and your stopping distance is reduced then why not fit a speed limiter when the fog lights are on - 15mph when it's foggy.

"Sporty front foglamps..." - mike hannon
Am I the only person who has ever noticed that these lights, even with low level flat beams, don't actually contribute anything to the driver's vision in daylight fog? Presumably people think they are there to help others see them approaching? If so, don't simple, properly aimed, dipped headlamps do exactly the same thing? Or am I missing something?
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Dynamic Dave

Ford have their fog lights wired so that if you want the rear fogs on, first you have to put on the front ones. You can switch on the fronts on their own, but not the rears.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - hillman
I met a car last night that had three sets of front lights, with them all on it looked like a Dalek. Low down, and outside close to the wheels were the fogs. Above them, more inboard were the headlights. Above then, but attached to the wiper bottoms were bright blue lights.
Remember the old song, ..."if you see me coming better step aside"...
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Stuartli
>>Above then, but attached to the wiper bottoms were bright blue lights.>>

I foresee a fixed penalty notice being issued in the not too distant future...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
"Sporty front foglamps..." - runboy
ASA could see no problem with Ford caling this safety feature 'sporty' when I complained to them.

Maybe Ford could add the word sporty to everything....sporty hazard lights for example.....sporty brakes lights another....
"Sporty front foglamps..." - No FM2R
I don't really understand why people get upset about foglight misuse - ok it looks stupid, and perhaps says something about the driver, but to get worked up about it ? Sounds ridiculous to me.

But to get worked up about an advert for foglights ?!?!?! For goodness sakes, try getting out more. ASA must have had a right laugh over that one.

Surely there are more important things in life ? Sometimes I find myself hoping that the Backroom is *not* representative of this country. Occasionally it seems full of the most interfering, small-minded, pedantic, picky, spoil-sports 've even come across.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Blue {P}
Surely there are more important things in life ? Sometimes I
find myself hoping that the Backroom is *not* representative of this
country. Occasionally it seems full of the most interfering, small-minded, pedantic,
picky, spoil-sports 've even come across.

The Back Room is a great place, but it certainly is NOT representative of most of the population of this country! :-)

"Sporty front foglamps..." - Altea Ego
>Occasionally it seems full of the most interfering, small-minded, pedantic,
picky, spoil-sports 've even come across.

Yes Mark, you wanted me?
RF - currently 1 Renault short of a family
"Sporty front foglamps..." - L'escargot
<< Occasionally it seems full of the most interfering, small-minded, pedantic,
picky, spoil-sports 've even come across.

Heaven forbid that everyone had the same views on life.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - No FM2R
>>Heaven forbid that everyone had the same views on life.

Absolutely. However, its having strong views on SOMEONE ELSE'S life; so strong that you feel the need to stop, ban, restrict, whatever; that I think has gone too far.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - L'escargot
<< However, its having strong views on SOMEONE ELSE'S life; so
strong that you feel the need to stop, ban, restrict, whatever;
that I think has gone too far.

Wise is the person who knows where to draw the line with regard to commenting on other people's views.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - No FM2R
>>Wise is the person who knows where to draw the line with regard to commenting on other people's views.

Ooo. Sharp.

Point taken.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - nortones2
I don't think there is any sign on this thread that people are worked up about the fog lamps: more bafflement than anything! And its not that people want them banned: just used properly.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - L'escargot
Ford have their fog lights wired so that if you want
the rear fogs on, first you have to put on the
front ones. You can switch on the fronts on their own,
but not the rears.

I've never been able to see the logic of that.

When I got my first Focus I asked the dealer whether they could reverse the switching sequence. They said that Foci foglights didn't have normal wires from the switch to the lights, so they couldn't do it. I asked Ford's Technical Centre and they said they couldn't comment on anything which would make the car different to what had been "type approved". After that I got bored with the subject and didn't proceed any further.

"Sporty front foglamps..." - buzbee
You'd think with all the modern technology in the world someone could come up with a sensor that detects when it's foggy and only then allows the fog lights to work.

There are fog detection lights, based on reflected light. I have a vague recollection of seeing pictures of experimental ones on a motorway ---- rather too large for use on a car.

I suspect they are not difficult to design. I would use a pulsed light (cheap LED) and look for the reflection of those pulses coming back on to a senser that can only see the LED light when it is reflected. The point about using pulses is that you can make a synchronised detector that is very sensitive.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Red Baron
I recall Ruby Wax flogging the Vauxhall Corsa a while back using expletives such as 'sporty'.

Agree with one of the posts above in the 'problem' of front fogs. Far more of a nuisance are rear fogs, full beams, and dipped headlights pointing in the wrong direction.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - runboy
No FM2R, we are all different, it's what makes the world go round, people having CALM debates. Please don't jump on other people for their views.

What is so wrong with spending 5 minutes completing an online form for the ASA becuase you feel strongly enought about something? Have you never complained about anything in your life?

Thankfully I have not yet reached the point where I jump out at traffic lights and jump around on the bonnet of another motorist who has their front fog lamps on for no reason. I just don't approve of this illegal pratice, and I'm not keen on a major motor manufacturer describing a safety feature as "sporty".

Sorry mods, not strictly "on-topic" but I felt strongly enough to reply to the reply from a fellow poster.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - AngryJonny
Well exactly. My thoughts when I saw the ad were simply bemusement that Ford were trying to sell fog lights as "sporty".

My car also has a "sporty" glove box, "sporty" side repeaters and a "sporty" diamond-jack for fixing a "sporty" puncture.

If I fitted front fog lights on a bin lorry would that make it "sporty"? Bah.
Life is complex; it has real and imaginary parts.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - No FM2R

Fair points.

One side of me says that of course you should complain to ASA if you feel strongly about something. The other side of me struggles with the idea that foglights being referred to as "sporty" is the sort of thing to feel strongly about.

Its similar to complaints about people keeping their foot on the brake lights when parked. Similar to complaints about other peoples speed [or more usually lack of]. Complaints about caravanners, about in car stereos and about just about everything else.

We seem to live in a society where not only do we feel free to have an opinion on what everybody else does [which I guess is towards ok] but we also feel that they should/should not do it depending on our opinion and perhaps should be prevented by law from doing it.

A little more tolerance, a little more "live and let live" and a little less interference by the state or fellow citizens and a little more acceptance of difference would seem to be needed.

I realise that I am failing to explain my point very well, but I've convinced me.

p.s. "Have you never complained about anything in your life?" - actully probably everything, at one point or another.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - No FM2R
p.p.s. No, I don't find my own hypocrisy troubling. 8-)
"Sporty front foglamps..." - $till $kint
p.p.s. No, I don't find my own hypocrisy troubling. 8-)

But the hypocrisy of others, weeeelllllll.......

The very people who may be attracted to the Focus by the sporty appendages are probably turned away in droves by the geeky dealer stalking the purchaser in a penguin suit.

Quite why the sporty foglamps draw comment and the stalker doesn't is probably more worrying than anything else.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - The Lawman
I think you have expressed yourself with admirable clarity, and I find myself in total agreement with you.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - smokie
Me too.

Now, back to those foglamps...
"Sporty front foglamps..." - AngryJonny
What other adjectives could you mis-pair with parts of a car and get away with in an advert?

"The new Ford Focus comes with hungry electric windows, a feline spare wheel, angry 60/40 split rear seat and a lemony 16-valve engine."

Or in other words, kudos to Ford for finally admitting that front fog lights are a styling feature rather than a safety feature.
Life is complex; it has real and imaginary parts.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - $till $kint
Or as Carcoat Damphands might say:


And yes, it's motoring related. www.sniffpetrol.com
"Sporty front foglamps..." - mss1tw
Or as Carcoat Damphands might say:
And yes, it's motoring related. www.sniffpetrol.com

:^D You legend
"Sporty front foglamps..." - $till $kint
:^D You legend

Shucks, one does one's best.....
"Sporty front foglamps..." - grn

and Vaxhalls, Fords, Mercs, Skodas, Seats, Peugeots etc etc.
The fact is it is down to the driver good and simple, not the car they drive.

It certainly is not the preserve of BMW drivers. I can't remember the last I used them on my 330 (that's a BMW) or our Fabia (that's a Skoda)...oh yes, it was to tell the idiots coming the other way that they had theirs on.....but they already knew that, so I don't bother anymore.

But don't let the facts get in the way of a good whinge ;-)

"Sporty front foglamps..." - Altea Ego
I really cant see how someone can get upset by foglights.

RF - currently 1 Renault short of a family
"Sporty front foglamps..." - storme
its not whether they upset ppl or not....

its is just another degredation of society....

it is a fact...they are illegal to use except in the correct circumstances....

so it is not for you or anyone else to decide this is a rule that they dont like and choose to ignore..

i dont like not being able to shoot the idiot in front who has just cut up myself and daughter in his old bone without insurance or mot.... but the difference is ,,i dont choos to ignore that bit of law....

where does it stop????

lets all park on roundabouts...ah i have a better one...as of now im going to ignore the law that says i have to drive on the left..
"Sporty front foglamps..." - Altea Ego
ever heard of priorities?
RF - currently 1 Renault short of a family
"Sporty front foglamps..." - AngryJonny
Just think of them as idiot warning lights. It's very rare that idiots on the roads make themselves known until it's too late, so just be grateful that these people have had the foresight to warn the general public that they're stupid. The same goes for those blue washer-jet lights.
Life is complex; it has real and imaginary parts.
"Sporty front foglamps..." - storme
yes i've heard of priorities....they are ALL at no1

"Sporty front foglamps..." - nickKK
Just think of them as idiot warning lights. It's very rare
that idiots on the roads make themselves known until it's too
late, so just be grateful that these people have had the
foresight to warn the general public that they're stupid. The same
goes for those blue washer-jet lights.
Life is complex; it has real and imaginary parts.

Here here. but isn't it great when a bulb fails! just a shame when both fail as we lose the tell tale sign.

But when they are up your pink fluffy dice reflecting light all over me making me look like some xmas decoration, well they get what they want, I pull over when possible or stay in the left lane of a dual carriageway doing 50 to 60 (they always overtake) and let them get on with it.