Hello, have S reg Omega 2.5 petrol.How easy is it to change anti freeze and how is it done?Thanks
I imagine very simple to do.
Try this, take car for a run and put the heating vent to hot position.
come back home. put a large container under the radiator. Look for a screw valve on the bottom of the radiator, if there is one attach a suitable hose pipe to this direct hose into container and unscrew the valve, once a fair amount has come out, you can open the filler cap to aid drainage.
If no screw valve on bottom of radiator, unclamp the bottom hose from the bottom of the radiator, (the big black 2 inch diameter hose) and direct the container underneath and try to get the stuff as much as possible into your container.
Re-attach pipe, close screw valve, let engine cool a bit. pour old coolant into a flushing toilet, not an outside drain.
Get neat replacement coolant 5 litres from Vauxhall dealers aint that expensive, especially if you tell them you have a taxi and ask for a trade discount :0)
Dilute the neat stuff by 50% (only the neat stuff, some stuff is sold already diluted - I think - so check!). When engine cooled down pour 5litres into the filler tank. - check technical specs so you know the full capacity. If it fills up and you only have put in 3.5 litres don't worry. switch on engine, let engine run until it gets hot as it gets hot the level in the tank will go down and you can add more until you reach 5 litres (or whatever it should be). Put cap on and you're done.
I just had a look and your car could have a cooling capacity of anything up to 10 - 11 litres. It also depends on whether you have manual or automatic and air conditioning or no air conditioning. So just check the capacity before you begin.
If your capacity is for example 11.2litres don't worry about the 50% concentrate meaning you need to buy more than 5 litres....
Just go with 5 liters of neat antifreeze which will give you a concentrate of 44%
Which will give you more than enough protection (down to -30 degrees Celsius).
OK :o)
On some cars you should set the cabin heater to HOT before draining. This way the heater matrix will get drained as well. However on other cars the matrix is permanently fed water, a damper controls the cabin temperature. So you need to check, or just set the controls to HOT to be sure.
No offence intended, but you don't sound like an expert at doing this. It is very unwise to drain coolant from a hot engine. Apart from the risk of getting scalded (very high, with the technique you suggest) it does not do the engine any good - especially all-alloy designs!
Only drain the coolant when cold. Drain the rad by removing the bottom hose. Remove the drain plug in the block.
Flush through with a hose - if you feel the need.
Buy GM antifreeze concentrate. Dilute 50:50 with distilled water (few £ for a gallon from the local motor factor).
Fill to 'max' on the expansion tank.
Start engine - keep an eye on temp gauge and run until fans cut in (suggest you do this on the driveway). Leave to go cold (overnight or 4-5 hours min) and then top up to 'max' level again.
Ok not from a hot engine I agree. I didn't actually say get the engine hot but I did imply it, and it would not be a good idea. There's no problem doing it from luke warm though IMO. You can just run the car for 2 mins on the driveway with the vent open, **just to make sure the vent is actually open.
If you want to be really really safe, you can fill initially with the neat stuff and then measure out the additional clean water needed in pots on your cooker get them warmed up and pour it in as the engine heats up and the level goes down.
I apologise to Horatio, didn't read his second sentence.
Thanks for all your help.I thought there might be something complicated, have not changed anti freeze since my Cortina/Sierra days.
Nice simple cars for a mechanical cretin like me.Thanks again.