Mods: Feel free to bury this post in the Computer or Speed Camera threads if you wish.
A few days ago my peacefully slumbering missus sitting in the tranquil environment of our V70 was rudely awakened by the vrrrrr vrrrrr vrrrrr (imagine a dive dive dive claxon for a submarine!) that I had set as my speed camera alert. Suitably chastened (I jumped too!) I promised to find something a little more subtle.
Browsing my XP professional laptop for inspiration I happened across folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Media in which I found file cashreg.wav
Yes, "CHING"; a cash register. Most appropriate I thought and it's now copied to the PDA and used by the CheckPOInt speed camera plugin for TomTom 5.1!
For those of you not familiar with CheckPOInt, visit
Somehow on posting the 'slashes' got lost from the folder path in my post above, but you can guess what I meant.