Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - Chris S
Does oil in the coolant always mean headgasket failure?

I've noticed light brown gunge floating in the coolant of my Rover 100, it's also in the filler cap and the top of the expansion tank.

I immediatley thought the headgasket had gone so I did a compression test, all 4 cylinders came in around 200psi (yes, I did press the reset button!)

The minimum compression pressure according to my Haynes manual is 160psi and the car is still driving nicely.

Could the headgasket have gone and if not does anyone know what else could be causing this?
Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - solara
No. I've had this symptom when the core plugs corroded on the rocker cover. These small corrosion holes let the oil and water mix. Simple job of popping out the old core plugs and replacing with new (plus flushing coolant system).

That was after the garage initially diagnosed it as HGF, and replaced the HG, to find the problem still there a week later!
Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - solara
My replay was not specific to Rover 200, but past experience on other cars.
Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - Civic8
Not always HG,my last 414 had same problem.turned out to be split head :(
Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
A common fault on the K series is that the pathetic little bits of silicone that form the seals around oil and waterways come adrift and let the fluids mingle. You have impending HGF and it will be a catastrophic failure WHEN it does go, not IF. Schedule it in as soon as you can.
Please Mr Payen, can you produce a traditional head gasket for what is otherwise a great little engine?


Simplicate and add lightness!!
Does oil in the coolant always mean HGF? - Civic8
>>A common fault on the K series is that the pathetic little bits of silicone that form the seals around oil and waterways come adrift and let the fluids mingle. You have impending HGF and it will be a catastrophic failure WHEN it does go, not IF. Schedule it in as soon as you can.

Perfectly correct,but would advise head is pressure checked before its reinstalled.they have been known to fail without overheating.cannot be too carefull on this unit,also make sure oil is changed as per man,not as you please,plus coolant, this is essential on this car.waterways are so small
