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Interesting new... - Stuartli
..in-car navigation GPS system from Maplins that also includes an MP3 player, video playback, basic camera etc:



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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Interesting new... - Armitage Shanks {p}
Jack of all trades and master of none, at that price, I suggest!
Interesting new... - Altea Ego
I think the money is made in all the optional extras, like a power lead.......
Interesting new... - martint123
They're not a bad machine. New widescreen one due out soon though.
£230 when first released in April(ish)
Interesting new... - Stuartli
Perhaps the others are overpriced?
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Interesting new... - smokie
Interesting looking device but finding a decent review of the "useful" functionality rather than how good the games look is proving difficult. The company is planning a wide screen version but a story in The Register (tinyurl.com/c8pxy ) implies possible problems at the company.

Nevertheless I am saving the link as my new-driving daughter might really apprecate one for Xmas...
Interesting new... - Altea Ego
A Gizmondo console bundled with the UK card will retail for £199, though that price means the user will also have Tiger's Smart Adds marketing messages beamed into their device on a regular basis.
