Dear people, I need to drive a load of scouts from s/east london to peak district this Friday evening (7oct). I presume traffic will be bad. I need suggestions on routes. I thought m11, a14, a1(m), a617 west (newark on trent) past m1. What do you think? Would it make any difference if I delayed departure until 6pm? Thanks in advance. Kieran.
I would drop the m11 a14 idea, the a14 is a pig.
A1(m) a very under rated road, with just two short sections of roadworks currently between M25 and Newark ( there is another short stretch 5 miles short of Newark) Was very quick Monday Morning,
3.0 hours from J11 M25 (7am) to Newark (10am) this Monday
Came back from newark today via the a46 and M1 - a real pig
I would be inclined to delay departure - setting off at 4 pm from E Midlands it took me 'til 8 pm to get to Leeds via M1, week later I set off at 6pm and still got there at 8pm. M1 is awful on Friday evenings - just a slow crawl. My daughter lives in London and often comes up here on Fridays - doesn't seem to matter whether she does M11/A14/M1 or M25/M1 - it always takes her hours!! A1 might, of course be, better to Sheffield.
Good luck!
Any chance of setting off earlier?
delay departure. i would go m11/a14/a1 then turn off a1 at the robinhood roundabout and take the a57 over to the m1. if you do go a14 mind the speed traps from barhill to alconbury. the cameras are set at 76mph.
Oh dear.
Friday early evening is the worst time of the week to head north out of London nd through the Midlands.
The only way to get a relatively clear journey is to set out after 20.00h. Otherwise, enjoy the queues.
Yeah... when I head up to see the folks in Lincolnshire on a Friday I tend to leave it until about 7:30. Only then will I risk the North Circular and the A1. Leaving at any time before that is a futile waste of time and effort.
Life is complex; it has real and imaginary parts.
"see the folks in Lincolnshire"
Thought the journey would be dictated by times of low tide?
London - Sheffield on a Friday ?
FLy or Train.
"FLy or Train."
With a load of scouts, (and all their gear no doubt)?
No. You fly, give the scouts a map, a compass and say meet you in the pub at 10pm.
OK - I didnt read the post properly. Leave it untill later before setting off. When I used to use th a1/m1 on Friday evenings regularly I always had a couple of hours kip before setting off. It doesnt make much difference to your arrival time aqnd the journey is less stressed. (M25 junctions ? Nottingham ? Sheffield ? bah!)
Sorry this is a late post, but...A1/A617 sounds okay in theory, but the slog over from Newark to the Peak District will take an hour at least.
The A617 from Newark to Mansfield is largely single carriageway, and the rural stretch up to Mansfield has few overtaking opportunities (not that you'd ben doing much with a van full of scouts in the dark). You then have to go through Mansfield, which will take 15-20 minutes, then across to Chesterfield, though the 617 becomes dual carriageway once you've crossed the M1 at Junction 29.
Frankly, you are better off tolerating the M1. It will be slow in parts (esepcially near Leicester at the moment), but it's the most straightforward route with the best range of stops. With a van full of kids I'd say it';s the logical option.
How did you get on?
Should try to get the whole group of scouts out os school for the afternoon and get off before the inevitable crush. If not you may here your lads singing different words ro ''Riding along.........