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Private car sellers - Steve G
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
Re: Private car sellers - ian (cape town)
Honest John's backroom - now available in mime format!
Re: Private car sellers - Road Warrior
I turned the speakers on (just in case).
Re: Private car sellers - ian (cape town)
Maybe Steve is so angry with Private car sellers he doesn't wan't to talk about them?
Re: Private car sellers - Road Warrior
Does this count as being off topic?
Re: Private car sellers - David W
I think Steve makes a fair point, a little hard on that guy Geoff though.

I can't see the EU ever carrying through the second idea, it doesn't suit the UK market.

Re: Private car sellers - ian (cape town)
Maybe Steve has found the edit button, and is just trying it out...
Re: Private car sellers - Road Warrior
Steve G wrote:

I just can't wait for Bogush to start dissecting this one!
Re: Private car sellers - peter
Can we get him to install his software in the North of England? (>LAC!)
Re: Private car sellers - Ian Cook
Steve, I think that's a brilliant idea. It might stop potential rogue sellers from falling foul of the law.

Is it too late to copyright it?

Re: Private car sellers - Brill
Spotted a typo...

< > should in fact read < >.
Re: Private car sellers - markymarkn
Maybe its not the edit button he's found, but he's testing the new 'mute' button...

I could see it comming in quite handy... :o)

Re: Private car sellers - KB
I think you should all be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. Each and every one of you.............yes you too!

Steve has obviously spent time composing his thoughts and paying much attention to his grammar and diction in order to get his point across with clarity and verbal dexterity and........and I say this in all sincerity........he has done it with a........how can I say.......considered economy of words which does him proud. We need more stuff like that here in order to prevent the forum becoming stale and inward looking. Well done Steve - don't take any notice of this lot, to say they know nothing about the points you raise would be a gross understatement.

Kindest regards,

Re: Private car sellers - KB
By the way - Hearty thanks to all who contributed to this. It cheered me up a treat!
Re: Private car sellers - Ronnie Courtney
All good fun indeed KB, and Steve certainly kept his message short, if not to the point!

I've sent him a message suggesting he tries again -without being put off by all the rudery his original message(s) resulted in - we all have to start somewhere and - rightly or wrongly! - I said that he will find the Back Room boys as helpful as they are rude!

Re: Private car sellers - THe Growler
Maybe he's updating that old thing where, when you got sick of the racket, you could buy 3 minutes' silence on the jukebox.
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
help !!
Re: Private car sellers - Dwight Van-Driver
If that's a pregnant silence then sorry Steve G, your the father...
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
For some reason my original post will not display ?? Any ideas Martyn , never had a problem before.
It was long message is there a limit on characters ?
2 attempts last night and 1 today but still will not display message.
But typing "help!!" worked ok. Hope this post displays ! otherwise you will all think i'm nuts.
Re: Private car sellers - Darcy Kitchin
Nuts or not, you've caused a few smiles. Try writing a synopsis and see if that posts.
Re: Private car sellers - David W
Steve G,

You'll have to add a sentence at a time and let us know the cut-off point.

See you at post 98.

Re: Private car sellers - Dan J

With long posts, cut and paste into a Word doc/draft email before you click 'Post'. That way you keep a copy of your essay in case it should go astray, a method I started using myself after learning the hard way like you did. I am not sure the length of the post was responsible as there have been some very hefty ones on here (particularly from certain cut and paste-meisters!) but it if is, post half in the "new" thread then post the second bit immediately in a response to it.

You've got us all intrigued now you know!

Re: Private car sellers - markymarkn
it might be because you have some symbols before that the phorum interprets as control codes

try removing any funny symbols - like '<' or @ or anything else

I'm quite interested to see what your were going to put now!

Re: Private car sellers - Andrew
I've been firing blanks now for 15 months. Don't worry you'll be back on full performance in a few days.
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
Re: Private car sellers - Darcy Kitchin
I *can* see it!

You just enter the system password and click the "expand" button. Simple.

This post has really got me thinking ...
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
I give up
Re: Private car sellers - Mark (Brazil)
send it to me by e-mail, I'll work it out and post it for you.
Re: Private car sellers - ian (cape town)
C'mon Steve!
I have been awake all night, awaiting your views on Private car sellers.
And now you do THIS to us?
I bl**dy well hope it's worth it, when it finally arrives...
Waiting in anticipation...
Re: Private car sellers - Ronnie Courtney

Shouldn't you be going to bed early in training for the big fight with Dave (the "Scrape at the Cape"?) rather than waiting for Godot - sorry - Steve?

Re: Private car sellers - Flat in Fifth

you haven't got a rude word in there have you, even by accident?

I had real trouble with another forum which would not accept a post because I had used a word for spherical objects. The site software interpreted as a rude word even though it was quite acceptable English within the context in which I had used it. Replaced the word with spheres and bingo, in like Flynn.


(Mark Brazil, just testing, you know what I mean!)
Re: Private car sellers - Mark (Brazil)
I reckon this thread now holds a record - 33 replies about absolutely nothing. Even bad threads have a subject, but this one doesn't.
Re: Private car sellers - Brill
>''Even bad threads have a subject, but this one doesn't.''

I thought we were discussing Private Car Sellers. (Whomever he is).
Re: Private car sellers - Brill
... and why was there no ice in my virtual G & T?
Re: Private car sellers - Mark (Brazil)
Actually there was, but its so damned hot here that it melted before you drank it.

This happened with all three G&Ts

Happy Mark.
Re: Private car sellers - Flat in Fifth
While we are waiting for Steve to post us his thoughts and determine if he's accidentally typed ******** in his post.

Talking about G&T does anyone else get peed off when you order a G&T in USA you have to specifically drum it into the waiter's brain that you want LEMON and NOT lime. Or is it just me, Aaaaargh!

So please Mark, virtual lemon in my G&T please, not too much ice, plenty of tonic, oh and a bacon butty with home made bread and brown sauce please!

I know that question is just asking for trouble!
Re: Private car sellers - Mark (Brazil)

> So please Mark, virtual lemon in my G&T please, not too much
> ice, plenty of tonic,

Trouble is, I've been virtual drinking for you before, and you get drunk and go to the bathroom a lot. Its very tiring.

>oh and a bacon butty with home made bread and brown sauce please!

Assume this sentence includes a strong rebuff and at least seven of the words that Martyn won't let us use.
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
Here goes (fingers crossed)...

Just recently i have been looking to buy a Alfa 155.
Last weeks Exchange and Mart had a advert:
Alfa Romeo 155 2.5 V6, 1996/N ,Black ,Sports pack, 45K,Just serviced,Climate,new mot ............ £ 3850 private sell
Sounds promising especially with the rare sports pack and climate. I explained to the seller that i would be travelling 70 miles to view the car so i would like to know everthing about the car beforehand. He explained that he was the second owner the car had full Alfa history and was in excellent condition.

So i set off quite hopeful about buying this car.
On arrival the seller started to open the doors/tailgate/bonnet and started a conversation about where he bought the car (Bradford)alarm bells started to ring, on the phone he said Bolton ! . More bizzare comments followed. I walk round to the engine bay and then came then relevation "the radiator was replaced because a stone went thru it (not too bad) ,and oh yes the engine was also damaged and was replaced by one which has done 45K,the clock shows 85K and oh yes the front subframe was also replaced"
What did you say ? you must be joking!
I had travelled 70 miles to see see a car with 45K not 85K.His advert was misleading and he lied on the phone.
He carried on " the aircon does'nt work , and why do you have a problem with high milelage ?"
Could not believe this guy. Must have been in late 50's very well spoken lived posh area. Its true what they say you cannot trust anyone these days.

Very next day i looked at a XR2 with a friend who was looking to buy it.Again it sounded excellent 2 owners, owned a professional couple in there 40's nice house e.t.c . Lots of reciepts and was in excellent condition (best 1987 XR2 i have seen in a long time).HPI check was clear so i checked the chassis number only to find there was'nt one just a bodged plate and of course the engine number had been ground off. Its a RINGER....

Its a dodgy world

Thanks for all the good humoured comments about my posting problems!!
If you can read this then Flat in fifth was right .... the backroom software can detect rude words even with * inserted.
Re: Private car sellers - Steve G
At last !!
Re: Private car sellers - Flat in Fifth
"Assume this sentence includes a strong rebuff and at least seven of the words that Martyn won't let us use."

Well it did Mark, but after I saw what the site software did to it I *just had* to use the edit button so it made sense.

well done that man, bet you need a lie down in a darkened room after that.

Private sellers, huh, colleague just gone off to view a "6(six) cylinder Porker 944"
Only made em with 4 didn't they? Unless you start to include brake cylinders in which case it would be a ..........

I'm off tea beckons.