I?ve recently started trading in cars part-time and purchased a car from auction the other day, which only came the old-style v5, instead of the new document.
(This was not disclosed on the auction house paperwork, so I only found out after payment)
The DVLA website states that these are no longer valid (1 July 2005), and checking with them indicates that the car has been issued with a new-style logbook.
Can anyone confirm whether the car can be taxed and a change of keeper recorded using the old-style logbook (even though the new one has been lost) as the auction house maintain there is no problem and the nice lady at the DVLA thinks its ok for a while yet.
I don?t want to be in the embarrassing position of selling the car, then the new owner not being able to tax it.
Doesn't answer your question but since I, and presumably thousands of others, have a car on long-term SORN and have certainly never received a new style document, I don't anticipate DVLA or the Post Office turning me away when I turn up with the slip from the old document to pay my new tax when it comes out of SORN. I expect they will just take the money and issue a new-style document in due course.
I taxed a car on an old V5/2 in Chesham on the 3rd of August!
It may depend on which PO you go to.
When I taxed my van the other day the insurance had days to run after the new disk started.
Although the local PO were happy to accept it they did acknowledge that others are often less willing.
The problem is there is no mandatory requirement for a PO to take your business, just like any other shop. But they can get canned for making a mistake.
So if the PO aren't sure it's safer for them to say 'no'.
I would contact DVLA who will probably send you a new one. If there are any problems you may have an issue with the auction house.
Doesn't answer your question but since I, and presumably thousands of others, have a car on long-term SORN and have certainly never received a new style document,
I have a SORN'd vehicle and got the new V5C when I renewed SORN this summer. Even if it's SORN'd yo still should have the new V5c.
Something worth knowing is that SORN automatically expires on a change of ownership, so if you aquire a car which is already on SORN, then that SORN registration is immediatly invalid. And of course the car is then considered untaxed. This recently happened to my brother.
DVLA told me that the new v5 is/was sent out on change of owner or renewal of tax or SORN. In conversation they advised sending in the old V5 with a letter explaining the circumstances.
You can also register SORN on their web site although some things do take some finding.