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Molegrips - archie
Not strictly car related, but does any one remember the bright yellow "Mr Mole" that used to stand in the grounds of the Molegrip factory by the M4 in Newport, Wales. Didn't he spout road safety related messages and seasonal greetings from time to time? When did he disappear?
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
Totally off a topic you just started, but it triggered a thought....

Messrs. Lacey - Is that camel still in the field by the sdide of the M5 down your way ?

Damn near drove into the ditch the first time I saw it.
Re: Molegrips - Brill
Enough of your 'trips' Mr Brazil.
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
no, its true, honest - Guy, Dave - defend me here...
Re: Molegrips - guy & dave
Nope, He's making it up, the lying hound!
Don't get the hump - Guy Lacey
Yep - dead true I'm afraid.

It is situated to the left of the Northbound Carriageway of the M5 just psat Bridgwater - you will know when you're there due to the stench from the Cellophane Factory wafting across the carriageway.

It is a retired papier mache camel that has taken residence in a farmer's field. It was his birthday this year and Taunton Cider (now M.Clark) sponsored him. He had a huge banner across him saying "Happy Birthday Humphrey from Dry Blackthorn"

He has been stolen by rival Young Farmer's Groups and held for a ransom (not a Ransomes) and I've heard rumours that he has to attend the Weddings of farmers from within the particular locality.

The cider is *very* strong in these parts you know.

If in any doubt, he is just down the road from the non-gender specific wicker sculpture!
Re: Don't get the hump - Mark (Brazil)
Guy - thank you

Brill -
Re: Don't get the hump - Guy Lacey
Forgot to mention - he has retired from Carnival Float duty.

If you still don't believe me - visit;

Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
you don't wanna do that, we were very mean to Martyn last week, so we should behave this week at least.
Re: Molegrips - guy & dave
True, True ...
:) I notice MBRM has been quite scarce - think all that Valium had an effect?
Re: Molegrips - Dan J
I feel he's out there somewhere, watching us...
Re: Molegrips - ian (cape town)
Omnipresence... spooky!
Re: Molegrips - Brill
He's here with me, as he said I can now only use the Backroom under his supervision.
Re: Molegrips - Dave
Yeah, we should definately give M, BRM an easy time.

I think he took Friday quite seriously...
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
>>I think he took Friday quite seriously...

It took me a while to understand.

Separate it into two parts...

The Edit Button which I believe he found as amusing as everybody else and was all good clean fun.

Writing under other people's names, which he did not think was funny. There was an unpleasant incident last year which came in such a way. As such, now that I know, I tend to agree with Martyn, and whilst I might occasionally use a funny name, you won't see me using someone else's name.

Naughty Ian.

Re: Molegrips - Dan J
> Writing under other people's names, which he did not think
> was funny. There was an unpleasant incident last year which
> came in such a way. As such, now that I know, I tend to
> agree with Martyn, and whilst I might occasionally use a
> funny name, you won't see me using someone else's name.

What happened? I guess it was before I had discovered the joys of the HJ forum!

It was my fault that started and I had only done it to make a point and whilst we all had a good laff with it I can certainly see that it could be used unpleasantly...

[The real] Dan J
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
> What happened?

Not my place to explain. Suffice to say, we should not note under the name of somebody else.

You may, if you wish, e-mail Martyn, but I wouldn't bother.

Re: Molegrips - Dan J
Nah - was only passing interest. If I had known this I would not have done it in the first place.

On a completely different note I was thinking, when I actually get 5 minutes, of setting up a very simple website, nothing fancy, which had basic details and a couple of pics of forum members, maybe of their cars too. Thought it would be of interest to the regular posters and we could all see what each other looks like. I sounded Martyn out on it who thought it was a great idea - what do you think? (Anybody reading this, as well as Mark!)

Or would it take that air of "mystery" out of it all... :)
Re: Molegrips - David W

Interesting thought. Do you know I have my own small site? It's brilliant if you want to share info or images.

You can just pop them on a spare bit of space and give everyone the link. The way I do it there is the main site with an index and then the pages that are specific to a group are "hidden" so only that group sees them.

I had wondered about mailing Martyn soon to ask if there was any chance of having a page here where we could post images to share with each other...this is my dog, this is my cat, this is the Porsche out the front of the house (sorry porch).

What do you think.

Re: Molegrips - ian (cape town)
Excellent idea.
We can have ladas in his tank, Tomo in Toad, a whole page (each) of citroens and landrovers, and Mark (Brazil) with a freelander and molotov!
Re: Molegrips - Dan J
Sounds like a good plan David - it doesn't really matter who does it, I just thought it'd be fun to have access to everyone's piccies!

Try mailing Martyn about it, if you'd like to do it and want any help with it at all then let me know.

Re: Molegrips - Brill
Oh! No Mark you used the 'E' word.
Re: Molgrips - Mark (Brazil)
Sorry, I'll r-phras

>>I think h took Friday quit sriously...

It took m a whil to undrstand.

Sparat it into two parts...

Th dit Button which I bliv h found as amusing as vrybody ls and was all good clan fun.

Writing undr othr popl's nams, which h did not think was funny. Thr was an unplasant incidnt last yar which cam in such a way. As such, now that I know, I tnd to agr with Martyn, and whilst I might occasionally us a funny nam, you won't s m using somone ls's nam.

Naughty Ian.

re Photos. - ian (cape town)
another backroomer, andy, will be in cape town soon.
I'll get a pic of him and me in leopardskin trilbies for the site!
Re: Molegrips - Dave
But everyone will find out that I'm really Faye from Steps!
Re: Molegrips - Tomo
Jolly useful things Mole wrenches - or is that off topic?
Re: Molegrips - EE
Why leave an 'e' in "someone"
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
_ E _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ ' _ _ E _ E _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ E !!

_ .
Re: Molegrips - ian (cape town)
Hangman, anyone?]
I'll have a T, please mark.
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
oh what did I start.........

_ E _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ T , _ _ _ _ ' T _ E _ E _ _ E _ T _ _ _ T _ E T _ _ E !!

And you better be good, because I'll get bored of this pretty quick.
Re: Molegrips - ian (cape town)
I bet it's in Portuguese as well. :(
Re: Molegrips - Mark (Brazil)
No English. And in order to finish as I am already bored.....

It was something like "because I missed it, I can't be perfect all the time"
Re: Molegrips - Bob Dooley
Yes I remember the Mole, Last factory on the left just before the Bry Glas tunnel, used to keep me "gripped" in suspense to see what its latest message was,
Molegrips - afm
I have no idea what you lot going on about. What did I miss?

Molegrips make the best nut crackers ever. I lose mine at Christmas for a couple of weeeks.

I thought the wicker man had been torched; predictable.
Re: Molegrips - Guy Lacey
Wicker man/woman now re-built in fireproof wicker(!) and he/she now has a moat around him/her!

Give the Bridgwater retards a few years and they'll have cracked up some way around this and the poor bloke/woman will go up in flames again!
Why Mole? - ian (cape town)
Why are molegrips so named?
Was there a Mr Mole (NO Toad of Toad Hall answers, please!)
Were they used to catch moles?
Any explanations?
Re: Why Mole? - Moosh
A wild guess !
Do they look like the outline of a mole sideon ?
Re: Why Mole? - ian (cape town)
Not even when you are on drugs.
Re: Why Mole? - Ronnie Courtney
Guy - Hasn't the camel changed colour too?

Please, *no* references to the old joke about the "medium coloured" camel at the toll gate on the Sydney Harbour Bridge! MRBM wouldn't like it .....

Re: Why Mole? - Brian
I think that you will find that "Mole" was the trade name of the firm that first marketed the things.
Not very exciting, really.
Re: Why Mole? - Andrew Smith
I guess it's one of those things I've never thought about before but it never occured to me to think about why mole grips where called mole grips. I guess things that you learn when you are 10 years old are just learned as facts. It's only when you get a bit older that you attempt to find meaning in all this...
Re: Why Mole? - rogerb
I seem to recall that the company was actually called ELMO, (dunno why), & that Mole was simply an anagram of that.
Or has senility set in after all?
Re: Molegrips - gareth
Not only do I recall the Mole factory near the Bryn Glas tunnels, but I also recall that the Post Office (remeber that name?) used to frank mail originating from Newport with the line "Newport - Home of the Mole"!
Re: Molegrips - Brill
re. >
"Brill - "

Brazil -
Re: Molegrips - Brill
Brazil -
Re: Molegrips - Brill
Oh well I tried twice, but it seems to be editing out spanish today :o(
"Ale, toma ya".