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flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 - dieselfreak
Golf MK2 Diesel, running fine until today, went to start and Glow plug light came on briefly then started to flash, then went out. Had this once before 3yrs ago same car, cured problem by locating a broken connection. Flashing GP light seems to indicate fault on circuit - Anyone agree. Have spent all day trying to find any other broken connections, doesnt seem to be any, anybody any ideas, this was a low import model according to Haynes,(1600 GTD) so I only have a manual for a Golf petrol.

An Amreican site talked about a faulty coolant sensor, but they were on about the 1.9 tdi, there must be a coolant sensor on my car as GP light doesnt come on when engine is hot, any ideas were it might be located.

Car cranks Ok

Any advice greatfully recieved, I'm knackered without transport
flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 - JohnM{P}
From the dim and distant past, I thought it was to do with fuel and water. From Google, you should check the water/fuel separator; see

Bon chance!
flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 - Big John
When I had a 1990 Passat 1.6 TD Exactly the same happened. It was simply the large fuse built into the glow plug controler unit. The fuses corrode and gradually reduce in value until one day they go pop.

Replacement cheap and easy. On the Passat I think the unit was mounted on the bulkhead. (Look for a heatsink?)b
flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 - 659FBE
Depending on which controller is fitted to your vehicle, a flashing glow plug lamp indicates an open circuit plug. I suggest you check each one separately (disconnect wiring), especially if you are getting rough starting with white smoke.

Unfortunately, some of the controllers of this vintage I have tested will give a false alarm with a perfectly good set of plugs. This is due to solder fatigue causing bad connections within the controller. Your controller will have done enough heat cycles by now for this to be a likely occurance - see if you can borrow another as fitting a replacement is dead easy.

flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 - bert-j
On certain VW diesels the glow plug light doubles as an engine management warning light.Believe it or not it can indicate faulty brake lights, so check them. If both are out it is probably a faulty brake light switch. I won't go into details but the brake light switch sends info to the ECU to prevent the engine accelerating when the car is being braked.
flashing glow plug light Golf MK2 proble - dieselfreak
Thanks to all who replied earlier, all advice taken, all fuses OK, fuel filter drained, brake lights ok, relay clicking when key turned. As its been warm weather, managed to get her running by cranking several times, no white smoke and ran as excellently as she did the day before the fault developed. No acces to Voltmeter today ( sunday) but will buy one on Monday - any further advice gladly recieved
Glo plug probs Thanks - dieselfreak
Thanks to all who supplied info ref my Golf MK2 Glo Plug light problem, traced to corroded cable from Battery to relay input side. Cheers
Glo plug probs Thanks - Railroad.
Using a multi-meter to measure volt-drop would've found that....