BBC 4 Tonight (Saturday) - Robin Reliant
For those who have digital.

7.05 tonight BBC 4 are showing The Secret Life of The Ford Cortina. First screened in 1982 as part of the Arena series it is interesting and at times very funny. I caught the second half of it when they ran it earlier in the week.

A great piece of eighties nostalgia.
BBC 4 Tonight - SjB {P}
TVM. Hard drive timer duly set.
BBC 4 Tonight - quizman
Is this the program with Mike Sweeney as the presenter?

Mike has a 50's and 60's record show on Capital Gold every saturday night at 11 pm, called " At the Hop ". I think that it is a great show, 863 on Sky by the way.
BBC 4 Tonight - AlastairW
No. This one mostly presented by Alexei Sayle (saw it earlier in the week, by accident)
BBC 4 Tonight - CJay{P}
Damn... missed it!