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Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Shona
Hi - can anyone offer any informed insights into why an S reg Golf TDI 1.9 would have ignition problems? It has run fine for the last few days (we only bought it a week ago from a policeman!) though on Sunday it took a couple of attempts to get the engine going. However, yesterday it started fine and went on an 80 mile round trip, but refused to restart an hour later. We jump started it and got it 8 miles home no problem. But this morning it was dead again. When ignition is turned on there is no sound apart from a click. Engine is not connecting at all. Any clues much appreciated before we take it to a garage. Cheers, Shona
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - nortones2
This link gives as comprehensive a list as any on the 'net: tdiclub.com/TDIFAQ/TDiFAQ-8.html#b2

Look also at section 7b: deals with blocked fuel filter, but ideally go through the sequence of common-sense tests. Hope this helps.
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - mfarrow
If jump stating it got it going again then I would suspect the battery.

Mike Farrow
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Neil McK
If the starter motor isn't turning, I'd suspect the battery and possibly the charging system, then possibly the starter motor itself or the engine earth lead. It's worth getting them checked out, either at your garage or local fast fit place.

The click is the solenoid in the starter engaging, but the bettery unable to supply enough current to turn the starter motor. Either the battery is at fault or the starter motor is.

Start with the simplest first, most fast-fit places will do a battery and charging system check for free. If it's clear, then it's probably either the earth strap or the starter motor.

Hope that helps.
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Altea Ego
Its the battery terminals. They need to be undone, cleaned and refitted. (putting the jump leads on there jiggled them about a bit and temporarily fixed them)
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Roly93
Its the battery terminals. They need to be undone, cleaned and
refitted. (putting the jump leads on there jiggled them about a
bit and temporarily fixed them)

I'll buy this theory too, when I was an aircraft engineering apprentice, my old instructor always used to say "always look for the obvious first" rather than dive in at the deep end !
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Shona
Cheers for the info guys - we will sound semi-knowledgeable when we take it into the garage. S
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Roly93
A good tip for checking whether your charging system works okay is as follows :-

Get the car running on tickover, turn on every electrical item you can - main beam, heated screen, blower etc etc, and observe the brightness of the headlamps. If when you give the car a little bit of throttle the lights get brighter, your alternator is almost certainly working okay. In this way you can ascertain whether you need to buy a new battery £30 or a new alternator £150 +++
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - Hugo {P}
I had a similar problem with the Land Rover when I bought it. IT turned out to be the solenoid on the Starter.

One common way around this is to bridge the solenoid terminals with the ignition on. That will do the trick if the battery's OK.

Many original Mini owners past and present would no doubt agree...
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - sierraman
I would not suggest that trick to a novice,it is too easy to short the positive to the car bodywork.I have also seen chunks taken out of screwdrivers and,on one occasion,a spanner welded across the terminals.Much better to make up a remote starter with a non locking switch and some wire.
Golf TDi 1.9 Ignition Failure - nortones2
Not to mention ignition of the hydrogen given off during heavy discharge: battery acid accompanies the battery case shrapnel. I've witnessed this, and the guy running to wash sulphuric acid off his face and eyes, so don't think it can't happen:)