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renault laguna over heating - barnes.sj
Has anyone had problems with laguna overheating, in particular releasing coolant through pressure cap. I have replaced the pressure cap, thermostat, radiator, the head gasket was done 60000 miles ago by renault and i am now losing my marbles with what this could be. Please help me before i completly lose the plot with this problem!!!
renault laguna over heating - Altea Ego
I assume you mean 6000 miles ago? (not 60k)

Water pump?
renault laguna over heating - Aprilia
Could be head gasket gone again.

Start the car from cold. Do the hoses go hard very soon after starting (before the engine gets hot)? Is their any bubbles coming up through the header tank?

Get an MoT station to sniff the header tank for HC.
renault laguna over heating - barnes.sj
I have had the sniffer check done twicw by renault and the have found nothing. Idid have my hg changed 60000miles ago. i will try the hose hardness check, if they go hard what does this mean? Thankyou for your replies.
renault laguna over heating - debugslife

I had an overheating problem with my Laguna. They are absolutely pink fluffy dice aren't they. God knows why I got rid of an Audi and bought one of these. I suppose it was the age difference between the Renault and a similarly priced Audi.

I think that more info is necessary in order to work out what is wrong. My car would start fine and run up to temperature normally except that it would continue creeping up past normal worryingly. As I was motorway driving when it started occurring, the engine stayed sort of 3/4 up the temp scale as I was driving along. It did not take much to raise the temp further however. A slight incline or slowing down after the offramp etc. Just as I got to work it would dive into the red very quickly. This problem was down to the water pump. Somebody has already suggested this but I thought I would share the symptoms. Because I didn't let the car overheat completely, I never actually lost any coolant. My water pump lost all it's fins strangely enough. They also can have knackered bearings which bleed coolant.

This begs the question. Are you losing coolant and then having an overheating problem or are you overheating and then losing the coolant? If it is the latter, it could be the water pump. If it is coolant loss causing the problem, how do you know you are losing coolant through the cap? The only cause of firstly losing coolant through the tank cap that I have had experience of is a blown head gasket.

Any answers would help the diagnosis.
renault laguna over heating - barnes.sj

what exactly is happening is: I do short journeys and it seems to be fine, but when i have done 70 miles ish plus then the temp. gauge starts to rise after i slow down and then i lose coolant throught the cap and whilst this is happening the temp. gauge goes up a couple of notches and then once it has released the pressure the temp gauge goes back to normal, i think from all your advice and the stuff i have read online this sounds very much like a HG but why haven't renault picked up anything on their sniffer checks? The only thing i haven't looked at is the water pump so what i will do next week is inspect this(are they gits to remove anyone know?) I have bled the system once more to make sure that it isn't a airlock, does anyone have any advice on bleeding lagunas they seem to be a nightmare to bleed correctly!!

Any suggestions or advice taken with thanks,
kind regards,
