The pipe out of my silencer (ie the one that discharges gasses into the air) has a few holes in it.
Is this part of the exhaust MOT-testable as all the silencing and emisssions functions have already been performed?
Also is there anything to stop me from just cutting the rusty bit off? It would save mesing about with exhaust putty.
Depends how far from the edge of the body the cut is. If the pipe does not extand past the bodywork then there is potential for poisonous fumes to get into the car. Also if you have plastic trim or bumper it will melt.
I think any section of pipe that doesn't actually protrude beyond the edge of the bodywork or bumper has to be un-holed.
If it just has a few small holes you can patch them - the beauty of the repair is not part of the test. I've done bodges with bits of tin can and jubilee clips in the past, just to keep one section hanging on until it becomes worth while replacing the whole system.
But any gas emerging under the car will be a fail.
If there's still enough of it sticking out of the backbox, why not cut away the worst of it & fit a chrome tailpipe on what's left sticking out?
There is a repair kit consisting of a piece of aluminium, some paste and wire or jubilee clips to mend such holes.
About £3.50 in our local motor factor,,,,
Thanks - Id forgotten about the possibility of exhaust gasses leaking into the car.
I've got past many MOT's using Gun Gum and opened out oil tins with Jubillee clips