After going through deep water some 2' deep during last weeks heavy showers the engine on my 'Y' reg mondeo Tddi became very lumpy and started emitting loads of blue smoke out of the exhaust. This smoothed out after a couple of minutes.
I managed to nurse the car home on what I suspect was 'Limp home mode' as there was no power or any turbo boost.
After drying out the air filter I started the car the next morning to find it very lumpy with more blue smoke. This smoothed out after a minute or so and a test drive revealed that I had full power and tubo boost back again.
The car runs fine now but it is still lumpy on a cold start with loads of blue smoke.
There is no evidence of a cracked head or dodgy gasket in the water or oil.
Could it be that I have maybe bent a con rod or just wiped out a glow plug. Any ideas would be welcome.