Day off today ( Queens birthday), decided to take the wife and children to Paignton Zoo. Anyway by the time we get there we have to park in the overspill carpark and it,s pretty empty.Evenso i decided to park a fair lick from the pedestrian exit, which i mistakingly thought would allow us to get the youngests buggy out and sorted with no problems. Bearing in mind that their was a gap of 5 empty car spaces in every direction why o why did the driver of a BMW 530D Tourer need to park next to use forcing the wife to relocate the buggy with a half strapped in child.
Personally i don't mind what anybody drives, but forcing a woman and child to relocate in the midst of strapping the child in, made my blood boli: Absolute clown
"driver of a BMW 530D Tourer"
I?ve met this bloke. A few years ago I stole a few hours off work one afternoon to go to the cinema with a secretary. We were the only two people in the entire theatre until your driver walked in. Guess where he sat. Next seat but one.
And why, when you go into a motorway service area toilet with 50 empty urinals at 3am does a funny little man always choose the urinal next to yours?
Or why, when they pull up alongside you before you've got out of your car do their passengers get out and leave their doors wide open so preventing you from opening your door to get out.
Happened to me at Kentwell last year, mother got out of front passenger door, leaving it open, rushed to boot to get buggy out, opened rear door to get child out and took child to rear to put it in buggy leaving rear door open as well. Waited patiently while she put child in buggy safely but lost patience when she then proceeded to start up conversation while leaving me and my rear passenger stuck. When I politely wound window down and asked if she could close her doors so we could get out was met with torrent of abuse.
Fine example to her child, in a few months time she'll probably be wondering where little Johnny learnt such words!
Don't know what it is about car parks but they seem to bring out everyones basest instincts.
There are many drivers out there who cannot park straight unless they have another object, either a wall, or in your case a car, to park up against!