Merc coolant change - Al 42
I've been told by my local MB dealer that as my Merc CDI has a chassis no. starting with WDC something... that it doesn't need a coolant change for 15yrs!! They also say there is no need to change the fuel filter for 5yrs. Is this correct or are they just saying this as it would mean one of the fitters would need to get on the floor to reach the drain plug and possibly get oil on his overalls!!
Merc coolant change - Aprilia
That's the theory, yes. They use the new OAT coolant and 'long life' fuel filters. Whether this will affect the overall durability of the engine remains to be seen, but personally I don't like the idea of coolant sitting there for that length of time.
Merc coolant change - Armitage Shanks {p}
Well it might be true! One supposes that they might make some money off customers by saying the the coolant needed changing every 2 years! They aren't going to make much from a few litres every 15 years, whatever the cost of the stuff. That said, I'd be a bit doubtful about that length of time between changes!
Merc coolant change - madf
Ford say 10 years on OAT


Merc coolant change - mjm
It will be changed by default long before then, split hose, damaged radiator/heater matrix, faulty thermostat etc.
Merc coolant change - Aprilia
It will be changed by default long before then, split hose,
damaged radiator/heater matrix, faulty thermostat etc.

That is true...
Merc coolant change - Cyd
If you're planning on keeping the Merc long term, I'd halve the 'recommended' change intervals. Other fluids and filters too.