There are only two kinds of drivers on the road that you see: the morons, who drive slower than me; and the maniacs, who drive faster than me. Doesn't everyone operate on this principal? ;^}
You dont get to see the third kind, those sensible intelligent paragons of driving virtue go at the same speed as you, as you neither overtake them nor are overtaken by them ;-)
Funny you should say that....never thought of it myself but now I realise I have always though that...............!
I think it's even simpler. "I am the only good driver on the road". Just read all the posts about OTHERS' driving on this forum.
I mean, I'm not exactly going to say "hey, I undertook 3 cars this morning, dented one in Sainsbury's car park and drove off, forgot to signal six times and always drive in the fast lane". Only other people operate their vehicles like that.
In moments of calm reflective sanity I have to admit that there are few things I complain about that I haven't done myself. Selective reporting means we only notice the drivers doing something we don't like.
Growler sort of beat me to it, I was going to say you don't see too much of type three because we (??) are all busy posting our perfect ways on the forum.