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peugeot 405 steering fault - kiwiev
I have just bought a second hand 405,I new it had a problem with steering when I bought it.It is stiff to steer both ways,when turning to theleft a slight clunk is heard,and it seems to get assistance until returning to the central position,where it beccomes stiff both ways again.We have replaced the entire rack with s/hand off car that only did 80-000 miles.Unsure what to replace next.Have noticed other owner had same problem back in 2002 but cannot find replies anywhere.any suggestions greatly appreciated, cheers Ev/
steering stiffness 405 Peugeot - kiwiev
Power steering not working on 405 L reg Peugeot,pump seems to be working,stiff to turn both ways,slight clunk heard on left hand turn then assistance is gained but loses assistance again both ways when returned to centre position.have replaced rack with good second hand one but problem still exists.anyone else had similar faults on 405's and what should i try next.
steering stiffness 405 Peugeot - mjm
It sounds to me more like a broken(jammed) road spring, or possibly a seized or broken strut top mount. It might be worth jacking the car up and SAFELY supporting it on axle stands with both front wheels off the ground. If the steering is easier then it points to the top mount broken, broken spring. If not, it may be seized top mount bearing or bottom balljoint or track rod end.

Whatever you do, make sure that the car is SAFELY supported, it won't feel a thing if it falls on you, but you will.