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Identifying a component by its serial No - david@st ives
my son was hit by a car today and the driver did not stop only slight injury,s
the help i need is tracing what make of car it was the police are hopeless
i have the cars wing mirror the internal part nos are167 125-4/2/1 and 167135-4/2/4 18-200 any help thanks

{Subject header re-titled to make it less vague. DD}
Identifying a component by its serial No - Rishab C
Can you post photos of the car's wing mirror somewhere, someone may recognise the model.
Identifying a component by its serial No - Chas{P}
Any idea of Make and Model of car? The more clues the better.
Identifying a component by its serial No - AR-CoolC
Some Jeep parts begin with the numbers 167 but I can't find any that match the whole number.