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Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
In response to the much discussed 159mph police driver, I would like to ask the question are cars just too fast these days? I remember that in days gone by, a ?supercar? was one that would reach 100mph (these days it?s a pretty poor family hack that isn?t capable of this magic disqualification speed). Then it was 120. Then 140. Now? I?ve stopped bothering!

When you consider that the maximum speed Joe public can travel on the British public highway is 70 mph, then isn?t it more than excessive to be able to buy cars capable of 200+? And if you look at 2 wheels, then for the price of a 2-year-old mondeo then you could pick up a street legal machine with a performance that wouldn?t look out of place next to a F1 car of not too long ago.

A case can be made for raising the motorway speed limits on the grounds that cars are much safer at speed than cars of the period when 70mph limits were set. But human reactions have not changed over the years. Not so attitudes! Today?s road users are a lot less considerate than the users of 30 years ago. With today?s roads becoming ever more crowded, opportunities to safely use the true potential of cars today are few and far between anyway..

So why do we have these machines capable of breaking top speed limits in such a spectacular manner? The only reason I can put forward can be summed up in one word: ego. Yes, it?s an ego trip to have a piece of powerful machinery respond so willingly to your right foot. Speed is a dangerously seductive ego trip that all to often ends in tragedy.

I would propose no power cap on cars. Want to drive a 400bhp gas-guzzler? Go ahead. You will pay for the privilege in fuel taxation. Instead, ECU?s should start being fitted by manufacturers that limit a cars absolute top speed to 110 mph. that would allow cars to comfortably cruise at 80mph, not restrict acceleration or other performances. No doubt there would soon be a plethora of aftermarket chips to get round this. Simple solution: if found to have been tampered with, then automatic instant confiscation of vehicle. Modifications to be confirmed, then destruction of said vehicle. No appeal. No resale of vehicle at auction. It?s gone.

As an added tweak, I would also propose that ecu?s be capable of being remotely shut down by police cars. This would put paid to a lot of chases. Not all, but a goodly number.

Next, I would make these ecu?s tamper proof and inspection be part of the MOT. I would insist that this sophisticated piece of electronics not be capable of being by-passed by some smart lad with a paperclip shorting out 2 contacts on a plug somewhere.

By now, someone reading this will start screaming about their right to drive the vehicle of their choice. About police powers, freedom to chose how they drive etc etc etc. to this I say cobblers. I have a right to safe roads. I have the right to know that I will not meet someone doing 150+ (whether they are in uniform or not) when I am out with my wife and kids. You want to mention how you can drive over 100mph in germany? Well go to germany and drive it. No one will stand in your way. I?m talking about obeying the law of THIS land, not how they do things somewhere else.

Short of removing the human element entirely from control of a vehicle, you will never get rid of stupidity behind the wheel. But you can make things safer. People will always object to new things introduced for safety reasons. Like seatbelts. Like compulsory driving tests. Like driving sober. Like not using a mobile while driving.
But sooner or later they get the idea that they do not have a blanket right to do as they please and hang the consequences. Well the same should be true of out and out speed.

The proposals I?ve outlined will make no difference to most people. Even those who have high performance motors, but say they always drive safely will not notice any difference. I?ve even allowed enough leeway to get an instant ban! Stand by for the moans/whinges/complaints.


Are cars just TOO fast? - cheddar
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, er ..... no.

A 1.0 ltr Micra could kill 20 people in one go if it is driven into a bus queue, a tractor unit (restricted to 56mph) could probably double that.

Outlaw sharp knives, it might be pain when carving the Sunday joint though never mind, if it get's into the hands of a psycopath he will be 0.35% less likely to kill someone.

Better licence the selling of rope over 12" long, just in case it is used to put around some ones neck.

Got a headache, tough, you can only buy two Paracetamol at a time.

Motorcycles, hammers, chainsaws, etc etc ... it is not what you use that is dangerous, it is how you use it.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Chuffer Dandridge
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Big Bad Dave
I despise boy racers, dangerous drivers, people who have no regard for the law and especially policemen who drive at 159mph but your suggestions leave me cold. Every single one of my friends, family and colleagues has car that will do 130mph and none of them have a single point on their licence. If I was wealthy enough, I?d buy the biggest, fastest luxo-barge on the market but I wouldn?t drive any faster than I do now. I don?t think it?s ego, I just love gadgets and toys. I spent 100 quid on an iron at the weekend, it wasn?t ego believe me, I was too embarrassed to tell the wife.

Anyway, my commute to London takes me on the autobahns and I?d hate to be stuck there at 110mph.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Cliff Pope
Yes, obviously, but I don't think it is an election-winner.

The vital difference between carving knives, bits of rope, chainsaws, etc, and a 150 mph car is that all the former are useful and necessary, whereas there is no earthly NEED to travel at 150 mph.
Are cars just TOO fast? - THe Growler
Well I suppose if you do the ironing in your household, you're entitled to the right kit to get the job done.

Unless you're a golfer, in which case I agree not telling the Ball & Chain would be wise. ;+)
Are cars just TOO fast? - THe Growler
>>>>>>I spent 100 quid on an iron at the weekend, it wasnt ego believe me, I was too embarrassed to tell the wife.

Well I suppose if you do the ironing in your household, you're entitled to to the right kit to get the job done.

Unless you're a golfer, in which case I agree not telling the Ball & Chain would be wise. ;+)
Are cars just TOO fast? - Big Bad Dave
"Well I suppose if you do the ironing in your household, you're entitled to to the right kit to get the job done."

Growler you must be joking. I have a maid!!! She?s 21, gorgeous, and costs just over a pound an hour (why live in Poland and not take advantage of cheap labour)

Still, it?s such a good-looking iron, I?m tempted...
Are cars just TOO fast? - googolplex
No! If you want to do something permanent about this, legislate to stop production...and we all know that won't happen! The fact the police guy got away with it is simply going to encourage all others to 'practise' their driving skills similarly. Drivers who do this should be locked up and then banned for years, following their release. If you want to get technical, develop some sort of tag which means the car won't start with them in the driver's seat!
Are cars just TOO fast? - Altea Ego
Waste of time. How many people do you hear of being killed at over 110mph? none

On the other hand how many do you hear of being killed at 70mph in fog? loads

serious flaw in your argument
Are cars just TOO fast? - Altea Ego
ANd with reference to shutting dwon car ECU's? Well I have a counter proposal.

All cars should be limited to 75mph max. Except Renaults, which should all be upgraded free to 200mph monsters. That way the only car worth using for speed merchants, joyriders, rogue coppers and killers would be Renaults. This is not a problem however as according to most memebers on this forum Renaults cant go more that 5 miles down the road without breaking down. I will take that chance tho.
Are cars just TOO fast? - blue_haddock
What happens if want to go on a track day with my fast car?

A large number of cars are now being electronically limited to approx 156mph by the manufacturers but these limiters can be removed fairly easily with a new chip that will also increase power.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Stuartli
In the right hands, the sheer reserves of safety embodied in cars capable of well into three-figure speeds make them far more manoeurvrable and quicker to bring to a halt in a situation than, say, a flat-out Micra, Fiesta, Panda, Escort etc.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Are cars just TOO fast? - sonic
I agree with you 100% WTM. But your proposals will make a difference to most people - we won't need to worry about maniacs bearing down behind us at obscene speeds while we're doing a sensible outside lane overtake. Good subject for a BR poll?
Are cars just TOO fast? - andyconda
Think they already do this in Japan, don't they?? Have seen lots of Jap import sports cars (FTOs, MX5s etc) that only have speedos going up to 110, as the top speed is limited electronically.

Personally, I think this suggestion of electronically limiting cars is nannying gone too far. What about the drivers who make regular European trips?? The electronic limit would just be a unnecessary hindrance.

The idea that everyone in the country is tearing up and down the country at 150+ is nonsense. It's already well-established that if you drive at 100+ for any length of time, you're likely to get caught and receive a driving ban. The copper who got caught doing 159mph is a separate case, but for the vast majority of the public, driving at crazy speeds is not something we can do for long without getting caught and losing our license.
Are cars just TOO fast? - No Do$h
Are cars too fast?


Next question.


Ok, joking aside, I guess there is something to be said for imposing top speeds. Few supercars will hit their 155 imposed limit on any track in the UK, so the argument for derestricting those goes out the window.

But I am, at heart, a passionate opponent of interventionism, as practised by the Herr Blair Bunch and the margnificent lying machine. So for that alone, no. Keep cars as they are.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Tomo
I am not going to reply to this, I'd just get into trouble!

Instead, the roads having dried, I shall take Toad out and play with the boost adjustment, helped by the nice new Greddy electronic boost gauge I have wired and plumbed in with my own fair hands - the first piece of under bonnet fiddling for years. Hopefully I will feel better again.
Are cars just TOO fast? - cheddar
We already have too much of a nanny state, problem with such an approach is responibility is made to be collective meaning individuals take less responsibility for their own actions.

I.e. "the state says my car should be restricted to 100 mph so it must be OK to do 100 mph". As opposed to "I know this car is capable of 150 mph, I have to take responsibility for how I use the performance within the bounds of the law".
Are cars just TOO fast? - cheddar
And another thing .....

.... 30 years ago there were half as many cars on the roads, a standard 2.0 litre saloon, say mk III Cortina, would struggle to 100 mph yet alone the 130 + a 2.0 Mondeo can do today however there were more accidents and more fatalities.
Are cars just TOO fast? - CM
Are cars too fast? Yes I suppose they are. But having said that many of these cars with 130+ top speeds have the speed to overtake a lot quicker and therefore are exposed to that danger to a lesser degree.

In Japan all cars are limited to 180 km/h

I always get a little concerned when Ford/Seat/VW/Vauxhall/Citroen etc etc bring out their latest sub-£20k car capable of 150ish mph.

I always think that you can take a draconian stance and say that those who have held a licence for, say, under 5 years can only drive cars in sub group 10 insurance - or some similar plan. That way, people might learn to drive better than being allowed to pass their test and then drive a 200+ mph car from day one.

I know that the freedom of choice people won't like it, but since I had kids 4 years ago, my priorities have changed.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Burnout2
The cost of insuring performance cars for inexperienced drivers renders this unnecessary. My £16k car might do 146mph, but I couldn't have afforded to insure it within seven or eight years of passing my test, let alone five.
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
I disagree CM. I would have thought the number of people who pass their test and then buy a 200mph car must number in barely double figures. Insurance would be a nightmare, for a start.
Are cars just TOO fast? - blue_haddock
The only people who can afford to do such things are footballers and pop stars.
Are cars just TOO fast? - cub leader
I dont agree with driving slower cars being safer. If u are trying to drive a slower car at 70mph it is far closer to its maximum speed and the car is therefore being pushed too hard. Having just passed ur test you are not experienced enough to drive a car at its limits. ive gone from a 1.3 to a 1.8 and i feel far safer in the 1.8. It has enough to get me out of trouble but i dont feel any need to drive it flat out!!
Im a student ive got time!!!
Are cars just TOO fast? - Snakey
The top speed on my car seems irrelevant these days, stuck in queues and watched by cameras, I'm more interested in how it pulls from 30-50 and 50-70 these days!

Perhaps police cars should be limited...
Are cars just TOO fast? - ihpj
Perhaps police cars should be limited...

Theya re - ahve you ever actually *driven* an Astra 1.7 TDi or as a 1.4i petrol? They *are* limited thats why we have them :)

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Are cars just TOO fast? - bimmer-driver
Any car in the wrong hands can be too fast ie those recently passed a test. Surely it would be more sensible to do what they do in Italy (IIRC)- only allow newly qualified drivers cars with small engines. Wasn't this the reason the first Punto's could be had with a 6 speed gearbox on the 1.1? So that you could rev the nuts off it but not actually get anywhere very fast.
Are cars just TOO fast? - blue_haddock
The problem with only allowing new drivers to have cars with small engines is that you can get cars with small engines that go very quickly. The daihatsu charade GTTi only had a 1 litre engine but that engine produced 100bhp out of the factory - it could be easily tweaked to 150bhp and that is a very fast small car.

On motor bikes there is a two tier system where untill your 21 or have passed your direct access license you can only ride bikes with a power of up to 33bhp (i think thats the figure) and in theory the system is great but it can easily be got around if you want to ride a higher power bike.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
No. They're not too fast.

RF earlier on in this thread made an excellent point;

"How many deaths have been caused by cars travelling over a ton?"

Are cars just TOO fast? - blue_haddock
Yep as has been stated speed does not kill - irresponsible use of speed does.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Stuartli
>>charade GTTi only had a 1 litre engine>>

It was only a three pot as well but, with 0-60mph in 7.7 seconds, was quicker than a Golf GTi - I used to drive one quite regularly and its performance certainly surprised a lot of other drivers.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Are cars just TOO fast? - turbo11
In these days of speed cameras,congested roads,global warming,pollution etc. i am amazed that car manufacturers are even ALLOWED to produce cars with 200,300,400 or even 500 horsepower.Nobody needs or can use that amount of power/pollution on the roads.At the end of the day you are only able to do 70mph and more often than not you are crawling along in traffic only going as fast as the guy in front.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
I can assure you, I can use 500 horsepower. Horespower isn't just about top speed. I'm pretty sure I could have great fun in an S500 regardless of where I was.

You're not allowed to go over 70 - doesn't mean you're not going to.

A 1.0 Micra will do 70mph. Would you surrender your car for one of those?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Big Bad Dave
"In these days of speed cameras,congested roads..."

They make them, because people want to buy them. Supply and demand.

Anyway, you are only thinking about the UK. There are no speed cameras where I live, nor is there traffic or congestion, and it?s the same in many central and Eastern European countries that I drive through. I haven?t crawled in traffic for 18 months. Why should we all suffer for your problems.

And who?s going to legislate? Is the UK government going to tell BMW what they can and cannot make? Or do you think the German government will legislate against it?s thriving motor industry and then watch while the business goes to Italian or Swedish or Japanese or American manufacturers.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Roberson
>>At the end of the day you
are only able to do 70mph and more often than not
you are crawling along in traffic only going as fast as
the guy in front.

I agree with that. What?s the big obsession with speed? "My car does 120mph" "oh yeah, well mine will do 150". Well good for you mate. Everyone harps on about cars with the aim being the faster the better, but in an age where you?re lucky to get up to 70 let alone break it, why does it matter about how much over 70 you can do?

When it comes to performance, what matters is acceleration, and even then, there is no car on the market where they can't keep up with modern day traffic.

In just about 99% of day to day driving, what can my old (90mph) 1.0 Polo not do that a Golf Gti can? If I press hard enough they will both overtake slow traffic on the motorway, whisk you along at 70+. Get the picture? And, before you say it, in that 1% of situations where you would need ?blistering? performance, what?s the betting that its either your own mistake or own impatience?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}

I am going to be very nice and buy you a brand new Golf GTi.

Are you seriously going to turn me down?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Roberson
I am going to be very nice and buy you a
brand new Golf GTi.
Are you seriously going to turn me down?

Thank you very much Adam, what a kind gesture ;-)

If you were buying, then I certainly wouldn't turn you down. But if I was splashing my hard earned cash on a car, I would far prefer comfort as opposed to speed, any day (even though to get luxury and comfort, you?ll wind up with a fast car).

Why would I want to spend, say £10k on car X with a 1.8, when i can have car y with a 1.4, which does the same job for £7.5k?

But its everyone to their own I suppose, that's how I think. But others would disagree entirely.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
I can see your argument perfectly mate but I am completely different.

If I had 7.5 grand, I'd buy a 3.0 Omega MV6. No question. Comfy and quick! ;-)

On a serious note, I'd much prefer performance and handling over comfort. Probably why I like my car so much. (From a handling aspect at least).

What colour do you want the Golf in?
Are cars just TOO fast? - teabelly
No one needs widescreen tvs, comfy chairs or even anything other than regulation clothing. It doesn't mean they should all be outlawed because someone doesn't like the fact we have choice. More to the point the lentalistas are just jealous that people can afford gas guzzling cars as on their dole money they can't.

Air travel pollutes far more than road transport yet that is left alone. Tackling leisure air travel would be far more effective in the long term. The fact that it is cheaper to fly between bristol and glasgow is ludicrous. The cost in pollution per passenger must be horrendous compared to even the muckiest half empty diesel train.

A 1 litre car with a top speed of 80 is much closer to it's design limits than a 160mph supercar at the same speed. I know which one would actually be safer... if you are unable to control your car, regardless of performance, then you need to start using public transport.

How about banning all vehicles that exceed the highway code stopping distances? If you can stop in under 75 feet at 30 mph then your car is performing too well :-)

Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
Air travel pollutes far more than road transport yet that is
left alone. Tackling leisure air travel would be far more effective
in the long term.

Actually, if we are going to make a serious dent in the scale of environmental damage, we need to do both.
A 1 litre car with a top speed of 80 is
much closer to it's design limits than a 160mph supercar at
the same speed.

Depends on the cars. A Golf 1.4 is probably nearly as safe at 80 as a GTI (brakes not as poweful, but otherwise much the same), but the performance of the faster car encourges more risk-taking: a lot of the safety margin is used up by the driver, which is why insurance companies charge more to insure the higher-risk fast cars.
Are cars just TOO fast? - No Do$h
Actually, if we are going to make a serious dent in
the scale of environmental damage, we need to do both.

Granted, but at the moment it's all stick , stick, stick for the motorist and carrot, carrot (and carat?) for the airlines. Some, any action is needed against the air transport industry.
Depends on the cars. A Golf 1.4 is probably nearly as
safe at 80 as a GTI (brakes not as poweful, but
otherwise much the same),

That would be the 1.4 Golf with a top speed of 102 then? And you dismiss brakes not as powerful as if it's a minor issue. It is not. How about the much larger tyres that get that extra braking power onto the ground? The improved suspension and steering settings that allow prompter, safer avoidance?

I'm pointing these issues out solely to give you some further food for thought rather than to try and argue with you. I'm sure that you will, quite rightly, be able to demonstrate your point with equal or greater validity after taking the above into account.
Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
Some, any action is needed against the air transport industry.

>> Depends on the cars. A Golf 1.4 is probably nearly as
>> safe at 80 as a GTI (brakes not as poweful, but
>> otherwise much the same),
That would be the 1.4 Golf with a top speed of 102 then?
And you dismiss brakes not as powerful as if it's a minor issue.
It is not. How about the much larger tyres that get that extra braking
power onto the ground? The improved suspension and steering settings that
allow prompter, safer avoidance?

I don't doubt that those features make the GTI safer at any given speed. However, if they really make it a huge amount safer, why don't the manufacturers fit these super-brakes etc as standard to the cheaper models?

The reason, of course, is that those things are not fitted to make the GTI a safer car than the 1.4: they are fitted to allow the GTI to go much faster than the 1.4, without a catastrophic loss of safety.

If all Golfs were speed-limited to 90mph (a very generous 30% above the speed limit), you could argue that the GTI would then have the edge on safety. Except that a car which offers all those handling and performance aids combined with a "sporting" label and marketing is going to be driven faster than one without. Any safety margin is intended to be used up, as the GTI is driven closer to its limits.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Altea Ego
"However, if they really make it a huge amount safer, why don't the manufacturers fit these super-brakes etc as standard to the cheaper models?"

The answer is in the question

cheaper models.

Car companies are there to make money.
Are cars just TOO fast? - DaveKent
Are cars just TOO fast?

To right they are mate. I got up to 45mph on the M25 today!!
Are cars just TOO fast? - Cardew
Are cars just TOO fast?
To right they are mate. I got up to 45mph on
the M25 today!!

Were you on the hard shoulder?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Lounge Lizard
Hello WTM,

It's all part of the ascent of human kind.

Not towards a society that is controlled by the social authoritarian state which seeks to eliminate risk.

Rather to a world that is characterised by accomplishment and technical merit.

Government control freaks never give up and they never go away: as soon as we yield one aspect of our lives to prohibition they simply move on to the next one.

Your concerns will be better resolved by continuously improving universal general education standards.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Kevin
Thank-you Lounge Lizard.

Are cars just TOO fast? - school boy
If you could shut down the ECU or limit it that would be dangerious. What if you were in an emergancy and had a good reason for going fast and were not endangering enyone.
Limit cars mabe to 155 like german cars mostly are.
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Well this seems to have brought out some complainers, no mistake. Lets re-cap.

I'm proposing that all privately owned vehicles in the UK be electronically limited to 110mph.

The current maximum legal speed on ANY public road is currently 70mph.

this leaves plenty of room for a bit of extra performance, to more than satisfy the 'you might need the extra to get you out of trouble' brigade. If you want to cruise at 80, as many do, this will not have any effect on you. want to be dumb enough to go up into instant ban country, and it still will not effect you. so far, not one of the anti's in this thread has put foreward a good enough reason for any private citizen to exceed the speed limit by such an amount. Some good points have been put foreward. I agree that a car built for 160+ will be safer at 100 than one built for 105. Always assuming good mechanical condition.

Some deplore the 'nanny state'. well, so do I! I'm looking for something that protects me from YOUR stupidity and arrogance. I already drive a vehicle speed limited by legislation. But what I drive is limited to a maximum speed LESS than my maximum speed limit. But its a fact of my working life, and I live with it. but I have to point out to all those who have not driven a limited vehicle that until you reach the maximum set speed you cannot tell it is even there.

One person suggested limiting to 75. while that is tempting, and would cause people to discover why trucks bunch up, I realise that it would cause more problems that it would solve.

But lets look at it from another angle. I think we would all agree that in daylight, good weather, light traffic, 50 mph is perfectly acceptable on a motorway. yet no-one but a madman would say the same for 500. so somewhere inbetween the two numbers is a speed that one would find an acceptable maximum. Different people would come up with different figures, but the fact remains that the figure is in there somewhere. I have put foreward the figure of 110, but not entirely out of thin air. Its a recognition of the maximum limits currently in force, along with the possibility that it may just be raised. I also recognise that cars handle a lot better too. But as I said right from the start, the weak link is the human one. If something goes wrong at 140+ it goes wrong FAST! especially in a nice warm car, maybe smoking a fag. probably got the Doof! Doof! Doof! going strong.

Some people will NEVER accept that there is a boundary, beyond which they should not go. They are the same people who proclaim themselfs to be great drivers. (fantastic, brilliant and excellent are also words they use to describe their skills). And yet people consistently over-estimate their skills behind a wheel. I'm not going to point the finger at any one group of people because they come from all walks of life. Mostly they are ordinary people, work colleagues, people behind you in the queue at a checkout. but put them behind a wheel, light the blue touchpaper and stand well back!

trying to convince some people about the need for a governed speed is like trying to convince some Americans that they REALLY dont need a military assault rifle for home defence and duck shooting at weekends.

Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
Whilst such a limit would never affect me becuase I would never drive that fast, regardless of the car I was in, I respect the wishes of those that do.

Would you be happy if you spent £80,000 on a BMW M6 so you can give it some beans at a track day? Perfectly legal to go as fast as you want - its a race track - but your car is limited to 110mph. Ooops.

So, you take your BMW M6 on a trip to the 'Ring. On the way you spend most of your time on the Autobahn sitting on the inside lane becuase your car is not fast enough to legally travel at the sort of speeds people do in the outside lane - it may have 500bhp, but its limited to 110mph.

Then you finally get to the Ring. What a fun day you'll have when you keep hitting the limiter the whole way round.

Don't say nobody does this becuase track days and continental trips are becoming more and more popular as we get more and more speed cameras.
Are cars just TOO fast? - tr7v8
Nah you want something like this for a track day, Oh and his driving ability. Manthey in a Manthey tuned Porsche at the ring...


Jim, I've made your link non - clickable, so anyone wanting to see it will have to paste it into their browser. I'm not doing this to be a killjoy but links to videos etc seriously affects this site's bandwidth.

Nice link though, thanks!

Hugo - BR Moderator
Are cars just TOO fast? - brg190 pete

Thanks for that link - absolutely fantastic to watch. What skill, especially passing all those other cars. Do you know where I can find other similar clips?
Are cars just TOO fast? - tr7v8
Not that I know of, came from Pistonheads.co.uk Porsche section which tends to be more Petrolhead than here. Might be worth trawl of some of those.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
This is a joke. Right?

Let me ask those of you who want cars limited a question.

How many times have you been hurt/in a crash/know of someone who has been hurt in crash by someone going over 70mph?

If your answer was anything other than no, how many of these incidents would have been avoided had the person been doing 70mph?

I mean come on. Unless you've been in a smash whereby someone was doing 150, what should it matter if my car does 190 and yours only does 170? Even then, that's hardly a reason to limit everyone is it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all do 150mph. If people want to break the law and speed, fine. Let them. It's a choice. You either obey the law and live your life or don't, and risk getting punished.

If you seriously believe limiting cars to 110mph is going to avoid even one crash, then go ahead and put your case forward but when cars are limited to 1800cc because 2 litre's are just too large, you'll have forfeited your right to complain.

It's not all about going quick. If I went and bought a E55 AMG, then I want that car to be capable of doing the (ironically limited) 155mph - not the 110mph that my next door neighbour's Fiesta can do.

At the end of the day, if people want to speed, then they will. I'm pretty sure that they'll all sit at 110 if their cars were limited (the small amount of those that would go over 100mph anyway) which surely is wholly dangerous as much of you are claiming.

Make your mind up - if 70mph is the boundary, then is 71mph dangerous or not?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Miller
IIRC all cars in Japan are limited to 112mph, what are their accident statistics like?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Hugo {P}
Do I think car speeds should be limited? - No

Because this would remove the freedom of choice for responsible owners of performance cars to get the maximum benefit of their purchase in controlled conditions, like the safety of a race track etc, and education is to my mind a much better and wide reaching tool.

In addition, this would not deal with the chavs thashing their pesky little "customised" Novas at 60 in a 30 limit. This presents far more danger than someone doing 120 on a motorway.

There are also several other common scenarios that this would not help at all. Indeed such a move may be seen by some misguided politicians as a total panacia to combat irresponsible driving. That scares me more than anything!

Would it be a good idea to be able to disable a car remotely?

In principle, YES.

I have often pondered the advantages of the owner, on discivering his A6 has been nicked, being able to dial a number using GSM technology, getting a grid reference of the cars wareabouts and having the option of disabling or reprogramming the car's ECU to the extent where its speed and be controlled remotely.

At that point calling the police and handing them the control passcodes for use in recovering the car only.

Strict controls would need to be put in place for safegarding the freedom of the honest law abiding motorists though, for example, I would not advocate using such measures without first attemting to get a driver of his own car to pull over.

However the advantages of such systems being installed on top of the range cars are potentially immense.
- Avoidance of dangerous pursuits
- Reduction in time and costs to end a pursuit
- Reduction in resulting injuries and damage to property

Are cars just TOO fast? - David Horn
IIRC all cars in Japan are limited to 112mph, what are
their accident statistics like?

In Japan, there was one fatality per roughly 15300 people in 2003. In the UK, there was one fatality per 18000 people.

These statistics were calculated using figures available from a quick Google search, please take them with a pinch of salt. With a bit of time I could probably get them per number of car owners, rather than population.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Sofa Spud
Yes - definitely many cars are too fast these days.

True, if a car is to cruise comfortably at the legal speed limit of 70 mph, or even 80 or 90 overseas, a by-product of that is that it will also be capable of considerably higher speeds, say 120 mph.

The issue here, I think, is with the growing number of cars capable of 150 mph and more. These cars will increasingly work their way down the secondhand market towards the banger end.

Now, if someone lent me, say, a Bristol Fighter, which can exceed 200 mph, I doubt if I'd drive it any faster on the road than I drive my old Passat TDI and that would probably go for many other drivers. I'd have to say that one rarely sees the true high-performance cars like Ferraris, Porsches and TVRs being driven at excessive speeds on public roads.

I think I'd support the idea of speed limiters set at 150 mph being fitted to all new cars that would otherwise be capable of exceeding that speed.

Cars used for track days would be exempt from speed limiters, but their owners would have to prove they were bona fide track users and they would face confiscation and scrapping of the car (in addition to any other penalties) if they were caught exceeding 150mph on a public highway. Unworkable? Probably!

However, there should be more circuits where drivers can to play with their cars and work off their need for speed at a reasonable price.

Cheers, Sofa Spud

Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
This is a joke. Right?

Nope. perfectly serious. what was there in my original post that made you think this was comic?
Let me ask those of you who want cars limited a
How many times have you been hurt/in a crash/know of someone
who has been hurt in crash by someone going over 70mph?
If your answer was anything other than no, how many of
these incidents would have been avoided had the person been doing

I do. A number of years ago when I was parked in a layby for the night a merc whose speed was later estimated at 130+ smashed into my trailer. all 3 occupants killed instantly. you've obviously never seen a childs severed head crushed like an empty beer can.
I mean come on. Unless you've been in a smash whereby
someone was doing 150, what should it matter if my car
does 190 and yours only does 170? Even then, that's hardly
a reason to limit everyone is it?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all do

I'm saying NO-ONE should do 150 on a public road.

If people want to break the law and speed, fine.
Let them. It's a choice. You either obey the law and
live your life or don't, and risk getting punished.

Dont be so infantile. Its rarely just YOUR life. Living your life as you see fit does NOT give you the right to endanger others.
If you seriously believe limiting cars to 110mph is going to
avoid even one crash, then go ahead and put your case
forward but when cars are limited to 1800cc because 2 litre's
are just too large, you'll have forfeited your right to complain.

Separate issue, and not relevant, but as you've raised it I will answer. Larger engines do not pose a hazard to anyone, except possibly by means of pollution. There are already tax levy's on larger engines, and I can quite easily see it getting stricter.
It's not all about going quick. If I went and bought
a E55 AMG, then I want that car to be capable
of doing the (ironically limited) 155mph - not the 110mph that
my next door neighbour's Fiesta can do.

Really? why? The only reason I can think of is ego. perhaps you can suggest another reason instead?
At the end of the day, if people want to speed,
then they will.

They do.

I'm pretty sure that they'll all sit at
110 if their cars were limited (the small amount of those
that would go over 100mph anyway) which surely is wholly dangerous
as much of you are claiming.

I'm pretty sure that if restricted to 110 then the anti-social high speed morons will indeed sit there with their foot to the floor anyhow. But thats got to be better than doing it at 120, or 130, or 140

Make your mind up - if 70mph is the boundary, then
is 71mph dangerous or not?

I have made my mind up. I am proposing that the boundary between dangerous and outright stupidly dangerous is 110 mph. The reason I arrived at that figure was givenin a previous post.

I concede that some people use their cars on 'track days'. Although this argument is not without merit, and bears some looking into,it isnt reason enough to dismiss the entire argument on the grounds that a small percentage of car users will be inconvenienced. Anyhow, if all cars have the same top speed then wouldnt that encourage drivers skills more, to get the best out of a car?

Are cars just TOO fast? - Number_Cruncher
I don't have any problem with the notion of limiting the damage and injury caused in crashes. For me, speeds much above 110mph are academic, my cars and driving style just don't go there.

However, I don't think that speed *alone* is a useful way of quantifying the safety, or damage potential, of a vehicle.

How about limiting the total amount of kinetic energy (0.5*effective_mass*velocity*velocity) a vehicle has?

Small cars could go faster, trucks, possibly, slower, such that the damage caused by any of them in a similar hypothetical accident would be comparable. (Obviously detailed constructional details of each type of vehicle would determine the exact type and extent of damage in any given crash, but, broadly, the concept of equal energy would result in comparable damage)

Perhaps, to penalise heavy vehicles less, this could be toned down by stipulating a maximum value for the vehicle's momentum (effective_mass*velocity)?

Implementing this suggestion might make the design, implementation and operation of scameras more difficult, but that is another debate!


Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
Much as I'd love to say I have better things to do with my Saturday night, I don't, so I can't.

Firstly, don't take it so seriously and I'll tell you why. It's an internet forum. Whatever I say isn't going to get made law. Tone isn't going to read my post and say "Gosh - better not limit the top speed of cars - this dashing young chap puts forward a good argument". It's nothing to get worked up over.

That being said, I am going to work myself up. Whatever I say now, don't take as a personal swipe at you. I'm merely replying to your lengthy post.

I do. A number of years ago when I was parked in a layby for the night a merc whose speed was later estimated at 130+ smashed into my trailer. all 3 occupants killed instantly. you've obviously never seen a childs severed head crushed like an empty beer can.

What is it with truckers asking me how many people I've seen smashed to bits? I think my question still stands to be honest. Would that crash have been avoided had they been doing 70? Perhaps. Would it have been avoided if their car had been limited and they hit you at 110mph? I doubt it.

I'm saying NO-ONE should do 150 on a public road.

Me too - but the choice should be there.

Dont be so infantile. Its rarely just YOUR life. Living your life as you see fit does NOT give you the right to endanger others.

- Not quite sure about you but I've not killed anyone recently by speeding so surely It's rarely anything but my life I'm endangering?

It's not all about going quick. If I went and bought
a E55 AMG, then I want that car to be capable
of doing the (ironically limited) 155mph - not the 110mph that
my next door neighbour's Fiesta can do.

Really? why? The only reason I can think of is ego. perhaps you can suggest another reason instead?

Ego's exactly the reason. If I've spent 50 grand on a car, do you really think anything other than ego is going to make me want it go faster than a 5 grand car?

Separate issue, and not relevant, but as you've raised it I will answer. Larger engines do not pose a hazard to anyone, except possibly by means of pollution. There are already tax levy's on larger engines, and I can quite easily see it getting stricter.

Separate issue, yes. Not relevant, no. My point was that to limit car's speed would undoubtedly lead to engine sizes becoming more limited.

I'm pretty sure that if restricted to 110 then the anti-social high speed morons will indeed sit there with their foot to the floor anyhow. But thats got to be better than doing it at 120, or 130, or 140

Now you see, this is where you've inadventently agreed with me...in a roundabout way. How on earth is 110 infinitely safer than 150? Stopping distances, reaction times etc are increased I'll grant you but people seem to be under the impression of the magic 100 whereby anything less is totally safe. And while we're at it, why is 110mph anti-social?

I'm not attacking you personally WTM. I'm not attacking anyone. I just completely disagree with the idea of limiting cars to 100mph. Try not to take it so hard.

Are cars just TOO fast? - cheddar
I repeat two of the points I made earlier in this thread:

1/ The problem with such an approach is responsibility is made to be collective meaning individuals take less responsibility for their own actions. I.e. "the state says my car should be restricted to 100 mph so it must be OK to do 100 mph". As opposed to "I know this car is capable of 150 mph, I have to take responsibility for how I use the performance within the bounds of the law".

2/ 30 years ago there were half as many cars on the roads, a standard 2.0 litre saloon (say mk III Cortina) would struggle to 100 mph yet alone the 130 + a 2.0 Mondeo can do today however there were more accidents and more fatalities in 1974 than 2004.
Are cars just TOO fast? - ndbw
One thing does worry me is mid range high perfomance cars ten years down the road when they can be bought cheaply and the new owner will be mainly interested in maintaining the performance not neccessarally the fancy gimmicks for safe handling,and before someone mentions the MOT I see many cars on the road that may or may not be properly taxed and insured that look very doubtful to pass a proper thorough MOT.
Otherwise I think is right to be able to exercise choice and pride of ownership with resposibility.


Are cars just TOO fast? - Manatee
I just don't accept, as I believe Adam and others have in effect suggested, that law breaking by driving at 150mph should be optional and that we should therefore be given the choice - there are valid arguments against speed limiters but this isn't one of them.

Whilst not strictly related to speed, it is also clear to me that almost all cars are vastly more powerful than they need to be. The argument about using power to increase safety by accelerating out of trouble is frankly ludicrous and I'd be surprised if any of our advanced police drivers subscribe to it for everyday, public road motoring - though I have been surprised before.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
>>I just don't accept, as I believe Adam and others have in effect suggested, that law breaking by driving at 150mph should be optional<<

Law breaking of any kind is optional. If I wanted to murder Al, then I have an option. To murder him, or not to. So now we have a problem. I have the ability to murder him just as I have the ability to do 150. You've limited my car to 110 so best limit me from murdering. May I recommend making all knives so blunt so that they can't be used for harm. Better make everything out of jelly too so that I can't bash poor old Al over the head with anything.

Silly I know but you see where I'm coming from. Do you really, honestly think I drive at 150mph everywhere? No. DO you think I'm suggesting all people should drive at 150mph? Of course not. But we're told speeding is just as bad as murder so surely we have the same choices?

To be honest, I'm just playing devil's advocate. I'm not even sure myself what I want out of this argu....sorry - debate. I do know that if cars were limited to 110 however, that would be the first step in what would become a whole host of silly restrictions.

Are cars just TOO fast? - No Do$h
>>. If I wanted to murder Al, then I have an option. To murder him, or not to.

Now you're worrying me.

A question for contributors to this thread: How does limiting cars to 110 make suburban and urban streets safer? Don't most fatalities occur on these streets?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Altea Ego
I was just about to say that one can not move on my street for cars wizzing by at faster than 110mph. Its worse on the motorway, at 90 mph I cant get into the outside lane due to all the cars wizzing by at 150 mph...

>>. If I wanted to murder Al, then I have an option. To murder him, or not to.

Its not an option...........

Its mandatory.
Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
Law breaking of any kind is optional.

No it's not: there are plenty of circumstances where it is illegal to be equipped to commit a crime.
May I recommend making all knives so blunt
so that they can't be used for harm.

Good example: try carrying your sharp 8-inch kitchen knife with you when you walk around town, and you'll find yourself facing a charge. You are fully entitled to have it at home for chopping the veg, but not to carry it in a public place where it is useless for its legit purpose and could be used for a crime.

There are no circumstances in which it is legal for a private car to be driven at over 100mph on the public roads: the only vehicles allowed to travel faster than the speed limits are emergency services vehicles, and even then in limited circumstances.

NoDosh is right to point out that exceeding 70 isn't a factor in most accidents ... but it is relevant in some cases, and since it is always illegal I can't see any decent reason to allow cars to be capable of exceeding the limit. As Mark frequently points out, if you have a problem with speed limits, argue about the limits rather than their enforcement.

Track days? If you want to exceed the road limit on a track, use a car which isn't licensed for road use.

Bunching due to differences in limiter settings, like happens with trucks? Set the limiters to 75 rather than 70, so that no vehicle is constrained to less than the limit (and if the max speed limit is 80, set the physical limiter to 85 etc).
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
Well I must say I'm pretty upset that after typing a huge, smug reply to you NW, the firewall blocked this page when I went to post and basically lost it all.

Here goes part 2.

>>No it's not: there are plenty of circumstances where it is illegal to be equipped to commit a crime.<<

Nice random statement which has nothing whatsoever to do with what I just said. If I wanted to murder Al (sorry you're getting the raw deal here mate) with a gun. I go and buy the gun and make all these intricate plans. Let's say the cops bust me. I would probably get charged with some crime on the basis of me buying that gun. Relating your statement to cars, I am equipped to commit a crime. I could run a red light, speed, run someone over - anything yet here I am - unarrested. Your suggestion seems to be saying take cars off people altogether. It does 101mph just as easily as 50 so let's limit it. After all, 50mph is a very dangerous speed if I drive into a playground.

>>NoDosh is right to point out that exceeding 70 isn't a factor in most accidents ... but it is relevant in some cases, and since it is always illegal I can't see any decent reason to allow cars to be capable of exceeding the limit.<<

Wow - relevant in as many as some cases eh? I'll completely overlook the fact that you haven't backed up that statement with any figures which would probably prove elusive at the best of times. Socks. They're dangerous in some cases. Should we ban them?

>>Bunching due to differences in limiter settings, like happens with trucks? Set the limiters to 75 rather than 70, so that no vehicle is constrained to less than the limit<<

You haven't advocated breaking the speed limit there have you NW? Surely some mistake?
Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
Socks. They're dangerous in some cases. Should we ban them?

You clearly don't understand the difference between banning a particular use of something, and completely banning its possession ... and you seem to be forgetting that driving in excess of 70mph on public roads us already illegal.

Take a car, fit a 75mph speed-limiter, and what's changed? The car may still be used lawfully on the public roads, as before. The only difference is that it becomes incapable of being used for one illegal purpose.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
Look - I'm bored of this now. Whatever I say isn't going to change anyone's opinion.

>>Take a car, fit a 75mph speed-limiter, and what's changed? The car may still be used lawfully on the public roads, as before. The only difference is that it becomes incapable of being used for one illegal purpose.<<

I'm sorry. I foolishly prioiritised speeding in built up areas above expanses of long straight roads. Silly me.
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
>> Socks. They're dangerous in some cases. Should we
Take a car, fit a 75mph speed-limiter, and what's changed? The
car may still be used lawfully on the public roads, as
before. The only difference is that it becomes incapable of being
used for one illegal purpose.

Does your arguement for prevent cars travelling at 80mph extend any further than 'becuase its the law'?

I can think of no benefit of limiting cars to 75mph.
Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
Does your arguement for prevent cars travelling at 80mph extend any
further than 'becuase its the law'?

I can see some merit in extending the m'way limit to 80, tho I think the case fails as long as there are lots of trucks limited to 56, 'cos speed differentials become too wide.

But wherever the limit is fixed, traffic flows much more smoothly and safely if it is enforced, so that speeds are reasonably consistent. That's one of the big safety benefts of mways, with their grade-separated junctions etc. So I think it might be better to have a limit of 80 enforced with speed-limiters than the current limit of 70 with only occasional post-facto prosecutions.

As Mark repeatedly points out in relation to spd camras, if you disagree with the speed limit as currently fixed, then your argument should be with the limit itself rather than with the enforcement techniques.
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
I can see some merit in extending the m'way limit to
80, tho I think the case fails as long as there
are lots of trucks limited to 56, 'cos speed differentials become
too wide.

Lots of people say this but to be honest I do not buy it. A speed differential of 24mph is not that much. Infact, it's far less than differential most traffic driving around town under the speed limit in a 30 zone will experience when they come up behind a parked vehicle - infact, there is a differential of 60mph when you encounter a parked vehicle or stationary traffic on an NSL road.

So why is 24mph on a Motorway with no parked cars, no side roads, no kids about to run out, such an issue?
Are cars just TOO fast? - Truckersunite
Bunching due to differences in limiter settings, like happens with trucks?
Set the limiters to 75 rather than 70, so that no
vehicle is constrained to less than the limit (and if the
max speed limit is 80, set the physical limiter to 85

Sorry but this would not work, people would sit up against the limiter as it is easier then using a cruise control. How many trucks do you see on a dual carrigeway doing 50 - not many, most will sit up against their limiter.
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
Track days? If you want to exceed the road limit on
a track, use a car which isn't licensed for road use.

Running a seperate car for track days introduces massive extra cost and provides a logistical nightmare if it isn't road legal.

Track days are becoming more and more popular and rightly so - a legal, safe way for people to get their speed kicks.

Its your car, you've bought it with your money so you should be able to do thus as you please with it on private land free from nannying interference.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Gaz

The argument about using power to increase safety by accelerating out of trouble is frankly ludicrous

....Try pulling onto the A1 in the morning rush hour in a 1 litre Toyota Yaris and see if you think the above statement is true.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Manatee
The argument about using power to increase safety by accelerating out
of trouble is frankly ludicrous
....Try pulling onto the A1 in the morning rush hour in
a 1 litre Toyota Yaris and see if you think the
above statement is true.

OK, I'll concede that one!
Are cars just TOO fast? - Lounge Lizard

Quite, cheddar, I would say that this is the most important point in the debate.

I would also ask WTM "How many lives per year do you think your proposals would save?"
Aliens do not visit earth but we do.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Lounge Lizard
LOL, please ignore last sentence.
Aliens do not visit earth but we do.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Truckersunite
Sorry WTM, but I have to disagree with you, I can see no benefit from limiting cars/bikes to 110. Those who want to go faster will find a way, they don't care about breaking the law by doing over 70 so why would they bother about breaking the law and tampering with a speed limiter???

All this would do would be to penalise the ordinary man in the streets right to choice, that freedom is already being watered down by grupenfurer Blair, lets not give him any more ammo.

Not sure where your argument would stop also, would it also mean that people could not have a 5 bed house if they lived alone?? How far could we take this nanny state? As has been said, more deaths occur in residential areas then do on the type of roads that could support a car doing 150+

I have to admit to being a bit of a speed demon in my earlier years, I managed to prove that the top speed of my Bike was an indicated 165 mph, not bad from a 600cc, this was done on a clear stretch of road, had anything gone wrong then it would have only been me that got hurt/killed, now that was my choice, but at least I had that choice, just like I have the choice to go and string up a noose and kill myself that way if i so wish.

We are also both aware that limiters arent all they are cracked up to be, are they? How many have you had that have gone wrong, I have had more then enough, having to crawl along at 30 cos it is playing up, to me that is more dangerous then not having them at all. How many Irish trucks that are supposed to have limiters fitted do you see cruising past you on the motorway??? As I said earlier those who would speed and be a danger will still speed and still be a danger no matter what limit you set on the limiter.

I must also add that I in no way condone speeding, I was lucky and got away with it, but I have grown up and the thought of doing something like that now horrifies me.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Robin Reliant
The continuing upward push of top speeds on affordable cars will at sometime or other lead to calls for a maximum limit, probably set at a comparatively low speed.

Bike manufacturers faced this problem a few years ago. When Suzuki brought out the Hyabusa they did nothing to refute the rumours that it was capable of reaching 200mph, and the magazines were falling over themselves to be the first to get one to that speed. This generated quite a lot of publicity which suddenly began to alarm the manufacturers because of the legislative backlash it might incur, particularly as they had only just managed to fight off an EU proposal to limit the power output of all bikes to 100bhp.

To stop the ever increasing top speeds they imposed a voluntary limit of 186mph on all motorcycles, still ridiculously fast for the road but well short of the double-ton which would have the safety lobby screaming blue murder and the legislators weilding the blue pencils. This was enough to keep everybody happy and remove any debate from the public domain.

Perhaps the same thing should be practised by car manufacturers. Road cars that can get anywhere near 200mph are serious overkill, if everything was limited to 150 it would not make a jot of difference to how anybody drove and it would avoid tempting the politicians to act. Arguing about track days would cut no ice, as the total number of people who attend these things is probably not enough to swing anything but the tightest marginal seat.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Garethj
>> Next, I would make these ecu?s tamper proof and inspection be part of the MOT. >>

To expect these things to be tamper proof is a little naive, and the more complex the software to achieve the limit, the easier to hide it from the MoT man.

Aside from that, I go along with the comments about not saving any lives limiting to 110mph instead of 150mph so it's the answer to a question that nobody has asked IMHO.

Is it a bigger ego to drive a fast car, or to want to control all the fast cars I wonder....
Are cars just TOO fast? - No Do$h
Accelerating can?t get you out of trouble. Hmmmm. May I take you back to a clear, dry night on the A31 in 1996. Young No Dosh for it is he) is pootling home on a reasonably clear road in his Civic VTi. He approaches an artic and signals before pulling into the right hand lane, followed a little too closely (but not ?get out of my boot? closely) by another car.

As ND passes the rear axles on the artic there is an almighty bang, ND?s car is showered in debris and the trailer starts to lurch to the right. ND, aware of the car following closely to his rear is not keen on braking. He has no desire to end up the meat in a car and truck sandwich. ND boots his accelerator and gets clear of the artic in short order whilst the following driver stamps on his brakes.

The truck driver managed to get things squared up after making full use of both lanes and pulled over. I pulled over as well as I was shaking so much that to drive on would have been foolish. I get out to see if there is anything I can do as the truck is now on the end of a slip road, partly blocking slip and lane one of the dual carriageway. The truck driver gets down from his cab and I agree to notify the local police so they can get a rubber-necker magnet (car with blues lit) out. In his parting words the trucker thanks me for my presence of mind in accelerating rather than braking, giving him much needed space to keep things the right way up.

Now, tell me again how restricting performance is a good thing? Because of a limit of 110 is imposed, how long do you think it will stay that high? How long before it becomes 90? Then 80? Then 75?

No thanks. I?ll buy the newest car I can that isn?t legally obliged to have a limiter fitted and spend whatever it takes to keep it on the road, thank you.

As for buying a second car for trackdays, well we should be so lucky as to be able to afford the main car, the trailer and the track car (not forgetting that the main car will have to be powerful enough to tow the trailer/track car combination).
Are cars just TOO fast? - BazzaBear {P}
As for buying a second car for trackdays, well we should
be so lucky as to be able to afford the main
car, the trailer and the track car (not forgetting that the
main car will have to be powerful enough to tow the
trailer/track car combination).

Sorry ND, no can do. They've just banned any car over 150bhp, any car and trailer combo over 20 foot long, and any drivers too short to see over the steering wheel, all in one fell swoop when they realised they'd got away with limiting all cars top speeds.
Are cars just TOO fast? - CM
How serious is the plan to bring in SatNav tracking for cars and will it monitor speed?

As for limiting speed - don't care either way.

I know that there was a slightly TIC comment about limiting the police. BUT as there are 30 people killed (let's say 1% of all fatalities) during police pursuits/responses this is an identifiable area to target (and btw I wouldn't like to do their job so respect there).
Are cars just TOO fast? - Cardew
I am not for limiting cars to any speed.

However if having several hundred BHP is a safety feature enabling you to accelerate out of trouble, it seems such a pity that insurance companies don't agree!!!

Unless I am mistaken, I think they reason that the several hundred BHP is more likely to get you into trouble!
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Just back from a run, and just time for a quickie (post, that is) while the baths running.

Loungelizard-"I would also ask WTM "How many lives per year do you think your proposals would save?"

If it saves more than zero then I think it would be worth it.

Truckersunite-You're the one person I know of in here that will be familiar with all the arguments against truck limiters, i.e. will not prevent speeding in lower speed areas. For what its worth, I agree with all these arguments, and also agree that the same equally apply here in this thread as well.

The purpose of my original post is to prevent outright stupid speeding. limiting top speed was only part of my proposal. I also proposed the ability to remotely shut down an ECU. (something very few seem to have picked up on)I had in mind the police doing this, but I like the idea put foreward by someone here (forgive me for not looking up your name, but thanks!) that you could use your mobile to shut it down anywhere, if you had the correct codes. Of course, the little scrotes who nicked in the first place would probably torch it, but at least thats (probably) a safer option. This is just an opinion. no doubt another one will be along shortly:)

Interestingly enough, a friend who reads this, but does not post, informed me that such a system is already being looked into. I had absolutely no idea about this. I was inspired by watching star trek II where one ship shut down another by remote control using the correct (secret) codes.

Yes I have had a few limiters go pear shaped, but I guess I've been luckier than you as all mine have gone with the limiter function completely disabled.

I also think that some people have got fixated on the figure of 110 mph that I came up with. (For reasons why, look elsewhere in this thread.) At one time, german makers were limiting their cars to 155mph. No great outcry ensued that I can recall, so people didnt seem to have an issue with it. that suggests to me that for most people its the numbers that are important, not the principle.

anyhow-baths ready.


Are cars just TOO fast? - Robin Reliant
Loungelizard-"I would also ask WTM "How many lives per year do
you think your proposals would save?"
If it saves more than zero then I think it would
be worth it.

Not a road to go down.

If the saving of one life made every restriction ok, then there would be a case for banning driving, motorcycling, cycling, crossing the road, all sport, smoking, drinking, sailing, flying and everything else of the millions of activities that make life worth living.
Are cars just TOO fast? - NowWheels
If the saving of one life made every restriction ok, then
there would be a case for banning driving, motorcycling, cycling, crossing
the road, all sport, smoking, drinking, sailing, flying and everything else
of the millions of activities that make life worth living.

Except that driving in excess of 70mph is already illegal, and has been so for decades. Making it physically impossible is not a new ban, it's an enforcement measure.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Robin Reliant
Not agreeing or disagreeing with you regarding the speed issue, NW. Just uncomfortable with the principle of using that argument as a justification.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
Got to agree with Tom on this.

Let's say I lost all higher brain functioning and agreed with you NW. I just don't understand how many accidents that would stop when surely more "urban" speeding is dangerous...supposedly. I'd be interested to know the accident figures for motorways against those of, say 30/40mph limits.

Next you'll put forward the case for tyres busting on contact with yellow lines.
Are cars just TOO fast? - stokie
but Adam, slowing us down on motorways may instill the self-discipline needed to slow down in town too
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
Nice idea stokie but I doubt it would. I don't speed in town (as much to do with not being able to rather than wanting to) but speed on the motorway. I see them as two completely different things.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Lounge Lizard
Hi again WTM.

There's nothing wrong with 'flying a kite'; in deed, this is an appropriate forum in which to do it.

However, if you wish to make a serious political proposal then you need to suggest how many lives (per year) your proposal will save. You also need to suggest how much money (per year) your proposal will cost.

I understand that the government has a 'guideline' figure of about £1 million per life saved. This figure is arrived at by doing surveys or asking focus groups. Of course, most people would say that a life is priceless; so the surveys arrive at the £1 million per life saved indirectly. The questions asked are like "If you could buy a set of tyres for your car that would (say) reduce your chances of a fatal car crash by 10% then how much extra would you be prepared to pay for those tyres"

I'm no expert in this area, but I also understand that this is how the government decides whether or not to pay to install, for example, 'street lights' along stretches of motorway.

To repeat my earlier question, I'd very interested to know how many lives you think your proposals would save and how much you think your proposals would cost. Divide one by the other; what is the saving in life per pound spent?

Of course, we live in a world of finite resources. It may well be that the amount of money you are proposing to spend would save far more lives if it was spent on, say, setting up and running cancer treatment hospitals.
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Hi L.L.

Fair comments, and I'll try to answer them. First of all, IMHO, this thread has been fun. I started off with a semi-serious proposal. Semi-serious in that I know that such proposals would never be implemented. There are few things I take seriously, but safety is one of them, and thats how I initially pitched this thread. A side benefit was rattling some apparently cherished beliefs.

given that more and more cars these days are being fitted with electronic speedos, then the cost of limiting them would probably be only a few pounds at the manufacturing stage, consisting of an extra link from the speedo to the ecu, and some extra programming of same.

The ability to remotely shut down a car would be more expensive (£50-100?) But I think it might possibly be offset by cheaper insurance, much as you get a discount for a better alarm/immobiliser.

I think that todays media are in the habit of highlighting high speed incidents, giving the impression that the situation is worse than it really is. But even so, incidents do happen. saying that you are a safe driver who would never dream of speeding is no argument at all. it wouldnt protect you from being tail ended by the clown who is late for his meeting and is trying to do his paperwork on tha passenger seat while on his way. To anyone who has spent much time on the road I would ask if you havnt seen this sight at least once.

I would suggest that this would save less than 30 lives per year. But thats not the end of it. ANY accident is made worse by speed. cutting 20mph off a collision speed could make the diference between serious and minor injuries.

The true answer probably lies in the the nanny state (yes, that again) applying some creative education to the buisness of speed. Before anyone has a hissy fit over the words 'nanny state', remember it was that same nanny state that made such an effective turn around in attitudes to drink driving. although it was in fact a multi-pronged approach. much as it needs to be with speeding.

some actioon also needs to be taken by car makers in their marketing as well. Imagione whizbang motors trying to shift the latest model:

Salesman: "well sir, its the cheapest insurance group, goes around corners like the tyres were super glued to the road, does 95mpg round town, pulls away from a standing start like a whippet with its dangly bits on fire. However, due to this pesky safety thing it will only do 110 mph"

Punter: "what? 110? No chance matey!"

This is the response that I think would be all too often given at the moment, I fear. Now, lets turn this around, and add something that I have actually seen on vehicles. besides the speed limiter I originally proposed, lets add a button you can press to temporarily set a maximum speed at whatever you want (30, 40, 50, whatever)

Salesman:" besides all the features I've already told you about, By using this new speed governer correctly, you stand a good chance of never being caught speeding again"

(cue crys of false advertising from some people)

and as for being able to shut down a car remotely, well again thats just software plus being able to communicate with the car. Probably not that expensive. I noted that my local asda are knocking out nokia 3410's for less than £20, so the technology is quite affordable. And as for selling it to the public, well that should be a doddle.


BTW, as a seperate issue, when was the last time anyone here actually DID fly a kite? Did it 3 weeks ago on southport beach with the kids. seriously good fun, and cheap as well.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Number_Cruncher
I've just been playing around with some sums - rotary inertia has been neglected, so these values do not represent the total energy involved, but the difference isn't massive;

KEvectra =



Equiv_Truck_speed_miles_per_hou =


So, using these example numbers, a hypothetical Vectra at 138mph has equivalent kinetic energy to a fully laden truck at 27 mph or so.

The figure of 2.9 Mega Joules of energy is a difficult one to get a grasp of. An apple falling from a desk has about 1 Joule of kinetic energy as it hits the floor.

Are cars just TOO fast? - David Horn
Number Cruncher - I make the equivalent truck speed to be about 19mph.
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Interesting numbers. Allow me to add some more.

vectra @ 138mph x average reaction time 1.5 second = 92.55m.

(this is BEFORE braking starts)

Truck @ 56mph x same reaction time 1.5 second =37.55m.

which one would you like to step out in front of?

Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
You have to ask yourself if someone stepping into a Motorway wants to live.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Number_Cruncher
I agree Adam, I don't think I'd step out in front of either!

The stopping distance once the brakes are fully on is an interesting point. This is fundamentally limited by the friction between tyre and road. While the details of a vehicle's weight distribution and wheelbase do have an input, stopping distances from a particular speed for a wide range of vehicles are not that different.

However, stopping distance does increase with speed squared. So, the hypothetical Vectra would have to keep a much larger gap than the truck with equivalent kinetic energy.

Incidentally, I am not, in any way, a truck basher. At various points in my life, I have earned my living by maintaining and driving them. Haulage was half of my family's business prior to 1990; and I understand the path taken by products from factory gate to supermarket shelf (Unlike too many of the public, who think that goods arrive on shelves as if by magic!).

Are cars just TOO fast? - IanJohnson

And for those who say accidents at over 100 are rare just look at some of the pictures on "smashed exotics" - the sight of a 5 series BMW that has been bent around a tree it hit at over 100mph is very sobering - almost certainly no survivors. Another is a BMW which hit a Getz while doing over 100 - killed everyone in both cars - at 50 they may have survived.

We may not have many accidnets at these speeds here but in Europe they do. I agree that we need some means of protection from the idiots with more buying power than sense.
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
I would be interested to here what logic you had to use to arrive at the conclusion that becuase serious damage is caused if a car veers off a normal twisty road into a tree at over 100mph, doing 100mph on a long, straight Motorway is just the same.

Becuase I've tried, and I cannot work it out.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
>>Another is a BMW which hit a Getz while doing over 100 - killed everyone in both cars - at 50 they may have survived.<<

The last time I looked, the motorway speed limit was 70.
Are cars just TOO fast? - Ex-Moderator
A sufficiently interesting thread that if someone wishes to start a volume 2 I have no objection.

I'm not doing it because I'm not sure that there is sufficient interest. However, if someone else does and it gets used I'll make the usual edits to tidy up, close the older one and put pointers in.
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
MichaelR-in response to your question, take a look at the thread


Adam-Doesnt have to be a motorway you are stepping out on. Lots of nice, open dual carrigeways have pedestrian crossing points. IMHO pedestrians have a very low sense of self preservation anyhow, but something tooling along at 100+ will be seen in the distance and be on someone crossing the road before they can say "can you hear something?"

Mark-I've no intention of starting a vol2, but if someone else does, does this mean this one will be no longer available as a read only? (is this what you mean by closing up?)

Are cars just TOO fast? - Adam {P}
That only helps your argument if you were suggesting cars were limited to around 50mph which you aren't. At least I hope not.

By the way, can I just take this opportunity to say,


Just thought I'd get that off my chest.
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
That only helps your argument if you were suggesting cars were
limited to around 50mph which you aren't. At least I hope

Absolutely not!!! just pointing out the perils of hitting some debris.

By the way, can I just take this opportunity to say,
Just thought I'd get that off my chest.

I suppose if you hold your breath for that long then your face will go the same colour as L********* shirts.

Still, nicely done.

Are cars just TOO fast? - Robin Reliant
By the way, can I just take this opportunity to say,
Just thought I'd get that off my chest.

Even a died in the wool West Ham (once sponsored by Dagenham Motors, - motoring link) fan who hates every other team in the world with a passion will have to say "Well done" after that.

Aren't AC Milan sponsored by Opal? (Second motoring link)
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Aren't AC Milan sponsored by Opal?


What, the fruits? or do you mean opel?

WTM :-)
Are cars just TOO fast? - MichaelR
MichaelR-in response to your question, take a look at the thread

What about it? Hardly a regular occourance and not exactly something which would affect the safety of having cars travelling 24mph faster than trucks?
Are cars just TOO fast? - WhiteTruckMan
Debris on the road seems to be more and more common these days. The faster you hit something, the more damage its going to do. Wasnt the french concord crash blamed on it hitting a piece of debris?

Ok, odds are surely millions to one, but someone beats those odds most weeks on the lottery. (sadly not me. still waiting for the chance to inform the boss where he can park the truck)

Are cars just TOO fast? - No Do$h
Mark-I've no intention of starting a vol2, but if someone else
does, does this mean this one will be no longer available
as a read only? (is this what you mean by closing

We tend not to let threads get over 100 or so posts as they start to get unwieldy and it can be difficult to spot new posts if they are made halfway down. If the thread gets much bigger and continues to generate new input then yes, the original will be made read-only to stop it getting ever larger and a new thread will be started with perhaps a dozen or so of the more recent posts from in here and a link to view the original thread.

No Do$h - Alfa-driving Backroom Moderator