You had me going there for a moment Bob.....40/50K for a house in the SE.
I don't know the factors you use. I know a well used one is the mars bar index and I'm not sure how accurate any of them are. Inflation rate has been manipulated over the years to suit the government of the day.
My own simple one is to think of average wages from one period to another.
And the average wage I use is not the publicised one as they seem far to high and must include Rupert Murdoch and his ilk.
When I began my apprenticeship in 1953 my wage was £1.40 (28 shillings) per week.
When I finished it was about £9.00
I would imagine the average manual worker in 1964 would be on little more than £11.00 although of course it was much higher in certain industries which were on bonus schemes.
therefore if someone in 1964 was on very good wages of £20.00=£1000 p.a.
A VW beetle would represent over 6 months wages.
How does that relate to your inflation factor Bob.
The other well-tried benchmark is a pint of beer. Of course most of that (like fuel) is excise, but try a few sums on that basis if you like !
alvin booth wrote:
> I know a well used one is the mars bar index
The sad thing is, when a mars bar cost 6d (in real money) it was too big for me to eat a whole one without feeling sick!