Has anyone out there built/rebuilt a leaf spring trailer?
I bought a leaf sprung trailer on ebay and on the first serious outing to the tip it sat on the axle and started pouring smoke from the hubs. I'm in the process of renovating a house and need to get the trailer back and working.
Which vehicles would be suitable donors for a pair of strong leaf springs and an axle?
How would I shorten the axle - if needed?
Is there anything I should know before I attempt this?
If you really want to build one from scratch then I think it's more a matter of building around what you've got than looking out for the ideal.
I built a dinghy trailer using a Morris Minor axle and springs that I just happened to have. I used an old bed frame as the "chassis".
In your case I'd investigate overhauling the trailer you have before looking at building another.
When you say it sits on the axle, you mean the springs are too weak? That suggests either you were overloading it, or poor design. Any set up based on a car axle would carry a few hundredweight at least, surely?
Do the hubs overheat, or is the smoke from tyres rubbing on the mudguards because the springs have sagged?
I think I'd look at identifying the donor car (if possible) and getting some more bearings from a scrapyard.
Can you give any more details?
I was looking to keep the trailer bed/box and just renovate or replace the springs.
I was carrying 12 smashed up 24" paving slabs when the trailer misbehaved. When the weight was on the nearside due to the camber/banking of the road there was smoke from the hub. I stopped to check it wasn't the mudguards, as they are easily removed.
The current leafsprings are only 3 strips of steel. The bandings are not closed loops and look to have been repaired/botched on a number of occasions.
I think that it is using Maestro/Montego wheels. Does that mean I should be looking at a Maesto van as the donor for the springs?
Are ther better donor vehicles out there?
I thought replacing the axle as well might be easier than changing the bearings. (something I have never done)