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Unmarked Police Cars - Chris S
Does anybody know if the law requires you to stop when an unmarked police car signals you to pull-over?

(Recently there's been a spate of hijackings involving fake unmarked police cars)
Unmarked Police Cars - Big Bad Dave
I didn?t pull over for an unmarked police car in Sheperds Bush, he was flashing his headlamps but I thought he had a case of road rage. It was only a couple of minutes before two regular patrol cars had joined him and it all made sense. I had gone down a road that was temporarily one way, but kids had moved all the signs.

I guess you?d know if they were genuine if you knew you?d done something wrong.
Unmarked Police Cars - Adam {P}
The Cops are the Cops. If they signal you to pull over, pull over. All the ones I've seen have had blue lights in the front and alternating flashing headlamps. I suppose someone could go to the trouble of fake blue lights but they could also go to the trouble of painting POLICE on teh side of their white car and wear a flourescent jacket.
Unmarked Police Cars - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}
All the unmarked police cars I've seen have been very distnctive when going into the full pull over mode.
Strobe lights and blue lights from very orifice and parcel shelf.
Would be expensive to fake and as already mentioned fluorescent, note common spelling error, panels, ECILOP etc. are easy to fake.
BTW I am not the worlds best speler.
I wasna fu but just had plenty.
Unmarked Police Cars - No Do$h
could go to the trouble of fake blue lights but they
could also go to the trouble of painting POLICE on teh
side of their white car and wear a flourescent jacket.

Up late last night where we Adski? Note the reference to unmarked cars?

Unmarked Police Cars - Adam {P}
Yes. We were up late but that doesn't mean anything!

I was trying to say, albeit ham-fistedly that they could go to the trouble of making themselves look like an unmarked cop car but they could also go to the trouble of making them look like a full panda. Where do you draw the line!

So there! ;-p
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Give Adksi a break man ;) He was obviously up very late studying and managed to snatch some time going online before going to bed.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Does anybody know if the law requires you to stop when
an unmarked police car signals you to pull-over?

Sorry, but this made me fall out of my chair and laugh uncontrollably. The Law still stands...whether it be marked or unmarked police vehicle, if the Police indicate for you stop, then you should.

Now, on a more serious note, there is a difference between a marked an unmarked car in that you need to be sure that it is a legitimate Police car that is pulling you over and not prankster/scammer. Generally, the headlamp flash is to attract your attention, folowed by the flashing on the blue lights and the turning on of the near side indicator. Depends on how alert the driver is, but generally speaking it's the blue lights people look out for - and quite rightly so.

I doubt that I would pull over for someone simply flashing their headlights behind me and would wait and want to look for blue lights and possibly a toot from the siren before I did.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - ProtonGuy
Then there are the idiots with their current fad for sticking the Halfords blue lights in their gril/washer nozzles. Just a coincidence that it's the same type of blue the police use? I thought you could be pulled for impersonating the police? Obviously not........
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Aren't those lights teeny tiny anyways? Kind of like little LEDs stuck into the grills and wherenot on a car and even if they were to 'flash' like a Christmas tree they wouldn't resemble the gneuine flashing blue (and red) lights of unmarked cars?

Road Traffic Law also says you must not use your front fog lights when it isn't foggy and a car should not display anything but a white light to the front - this obviously excludes genuine xenon bulbs - but the point is, if you transgress too far from the written letter of the law then yes, you will find yourself dealing with Traffic on a one-to-one basis ;)

I don't understand what you're getting at ProtonGuy?

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
Sorry, but this made me fall out of my chair and
laugh uncontrollably. The Law still stands...whether it be marked or
unmarked police vehicle, if the Police indicate for you stop, then
you should.

I'd stop if a car that I knew to be an unmarked police car ordered me to pull over.

But if I was ordered to pull over by a car that might or might not be an unmarked police car, I would be more likely to drive carefully to the nearest police station, or (if I was somewhere unfamiliar) call the police (handsfree...!).
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
I'd stop if a car that I knew to be an
unmarked police car ordered me to pull over.

And 99% of people would. Which is correct.
But if I was ordered to pull over by a car
that might or might not be an unmarked police car, I
would be more likely to drive carefully to the nearest police
station, or (if I was somewhere unfamiliar) call the police (handsfree...!).

And that is what most Force's recommend that if you are in ANY doubt you call them direct and they will advise you if one of their cars is involved or proceed to a location where there are people, like say a Petrol Station forecourt where there can be nuemrous witnesses etc. and I doubt that you'd be criticised.

Common Sense must prevail at the end of the day.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - Stuartli
A couple of years ago there was a spate during late evenings when drivers in and around Liverpool city centre were being stopped by "police officers" in unmarked police vehicles - it turned out that they were imposters.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
And there was the theft of some Foreighn HGV van driver on the M25 18 months ago? It does happen no doubt - but think of it another way...whats the ebst way in which to steal a vehicle? Stick it on a flat bed and drive it away...and the flatbed? Could be liveried up as a Council Vehicle or as (in some instances) AA/RAC vehicles - how many times have you seen a car with it's alarm going on the back of a flat bed, or whilst being 'lifted' and thought: He deserves it for parking incorrectly? :)

So yeah, it will happen, but if in doubt, call the Police :)

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - ProtonGuy
@ ihpj I am getting at the fact that at night the sight of two 'police blue' lights in yur rear view mirror can easily be mistaken for a genuine police car. I know because I have been the victim of this. Their trick is to come up close behind you knowing that you will slow down and then they can overtake you. Only then do you find out it's an old Astra or whatever. In my experience these are usually the same jokers who use fog lights during the day or even better, fog lights on a clear night but don't turn their night lights on.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Then did you report these cars to your local nick? Or at the very least drop in their registration plates that if they ARE pretneding to be Police vehicles, that they can be then stopped and checked over? The problem is, like with unmarked cars, many of the lights can be 'invisible' unless the car is stopped and checked over. So if one were to pass a markled car say dyring the day, unless you were looking clsoely, you might not see the concealed lights?

If these idiots are pretending to be Police then their registrations need to be forwarded and the cars looked at.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
Then did you report these cars to your local nick?

No chance. Their behaviour is wrong, but I've got better ways of spending an hour of my time.

I've tried before now to inform the police of seriously bad driving. Their only response is to tell me to visit and make a statement. Last time I did that it was well over an hour.

Won't bother next time.
Unmarked Police Cars - Sofa Spud
No cars involved in this one but it's relevant:

Many years ago I was stopped, while walking along a pavement, by a 'plain clothes police officer' who flashed an official looking ID card in front of me then shouted "up against the wall" and manhandled me roughly by the arm.

When I'd walked past the same spot 15 minutes earlier a burglar alarm was going and the police were indeed about. This smartly dressed 'officer' was with a group of young men and I assumed my predicament must be connected with the earlier incident. The man asked who I was and what I was doing in the area. I didn't think it was the time to question this man's authenticity, though something didn't seem quite right. When he let me go the other young men started laughing.

When I got back to where I was staying I called the police, who came round and their officer said it definitely wasn't a real policeman, confirmed by the Met's ID card looking different.

The twist was that next morning I'm sure I saw the guy who'd stopped me looking out of the window of a house across the road from where I was staying. And what was that house? - A bail hostel for violent criminals - muggers GBH-ers etc.

cheers, Sofa Spud
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
No chance. Their behaviour is wrong, but I've got better
ways of spending an hour of my time.

Right, but if the Police aren't aware there is a problem or issue, then how can they combat agaisnt it? Sometimes it is possible to come across a 'crime in progress' and deal with it then, but msot times, it's reported incidents that have to be investigated. No report, then how can there be an investigation?
I've tried before now to inform the police of seriously bad
driving. Their only response is to tell me to visit
and make a statement.

If the Police do not witness the incident, then they must speak with the witness(ess) because they provide the evidence. Now, if you saw a crime, then you are a witness and what you saw is imperative since by asking you (in detail) what you saw and did thats where the eviednce comes from - and this needs to be recorded in the form of a statement - how else do the Public assume Police go about investigating matters? Most times it's an initial witness statement (IE: a statement of fact) that can be relied upon to determine what offences there might be and then put to the offender once traced.

>>Last time I did that it was well over an hour.
Ans sometimes a witness statement can take longer. If you can't spare an hour to report an incident then don't grumble when the Police don't do anything because without your evidence, they can't act since they weren't present at the time - and that goes for ALL incidents where the Police arrive 'after the event'.
Won't bother next time.

Well I hope that you are never a victim of a crime, but should you be unfortunate enough to say be a victim of crime and left such that you cannot speak for yourself, then other members of the Public will step forward and 'bother' and give the Police their time to help them gather the evidence. You wont bother? Well I hope others will - the rules is the rules Chum...

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
My point, ihpj, is that if the only way to tell the police about any incident, no matter how small, is to attend at the station and spend an hour (at least) making a witness statement, then the police should not be surprised if small matters such as the example discussed above are not reported to them.

A serious matter would prompt me to report, for precisely the reasons you give. But I am not going to spend an hour of my life waiting for an officer to take a statement about a chav with blue lights on his car.

I have tried to tell the police about minor incidents, so that they can gain the intelligence that they need in order to do their job. An example was a driver who was not exercising due care; there might have been a patrol car nearby, for all I knew, so I thought I'd ring it in. But they were not interested in this and just wanted me to visit in person. Now, if I honestly believed that they would follow up an report like that, I would have visited. But I don't, so I didn't. My belief was based on experience of past interactions with the police (see previous posts). Is that my fault or theirs?

We agree, I think, about what policing SHOULD be like. But we disagree about whether it actually is like that.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
There are a number of ways to report non-emergency incidents to the Police. Each Force is diferent and I cannot comment on your particular Force, unless it is TVP or The Met.

But remember, most Force's have civilian call center staff who, through no fault of their own, stick to a rigid schpeel whenever someone calls in. Sometimes you don't get the level of service needed and with the abolition of local control rooms, these sorts of amateurs are going to be compounded because you're having to speak to someone say in Reading, whilst you are in Milton Keynes.

I'm glad that a serious matter would prompt you to fulfil your civic duty - but no it is not right that you end up spending an hour at the Station - but if an idiot is impersonating an Officer, this is a more serious matter and needs to be dealt with...by means of a statement. You might think that what you report is not important, but for the Police it might be - so it is important that you report instances. However, it is nobody's fault, but rather that of the 'system' - within which you and I operate. Unfortunately, on the delivery side of things it is the Police who get the flak - but most times they're working within the system that we as voters have voted for and agree to abide by.

If you make a report, then it msut be backed up with fact - else it's quite worthless since if the Police go out and act on it (by arresting the offender) where is the evidence? Then the libertarians will be jumping on the Police for 'wrongful arrest and detention' - thats why a system exists to protect everyone. Your liberties and mine. So keep the faith man!

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - Onetap
In the late '70s, the chav fad was for two-tone 'Sweeney' types sirens. One Saturday night near Romford, I was riding my Honda CD175 at the end of a line of cars going at around 30ish. I heard a siren behind me and pulled over to let it go past. A tarted up Cortina overtook the entire queue on the right-hand side of the road, clearly not a police car.

It transpired that the queue had been going at 30 mph because of.......

the marked police car cruising along at the front of the queue. The Cortina was stopped 300 yards up the road. I didn't stop, although it looked entertaining.
Unmarked Police Cars - Bill Payer
Doesn't the police officer have to be in uniform though?
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
Only for certain purposes. CID officers can stop and arrest, for example.
Unmarked Police Cars - Bill Payer
Only for certain purposes. CID officers can stop and arrest, for

The purpose we're talking about here is stopping another vehicle - on another forum (where Police officers post) they say the officer is 'supposed' to be in uniform. I've certainly seen police documentary's on TV where they've called for marked cars to do the stop - I presumed for this reason?
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
If a Police Officer wishes to exercise his/her authority, as under S(163) of the Road Traffic Act and to stop a vehicle on a public road, then he MUST be in uniform.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Doesn't the police officer have to be in uniform though?

In unfirom for what? To arrest? Not neccessarily. production of a 'Warrant Card' is proof enough - don't forget sometimes Oficers have to make an arrest whilst off duty - so they wont be in uniform or actually @ work on that occasion.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - thallium81
ihpi, your exhortation to visit a cop shop to give eyewitness statements might carry a bit more weight with me if I did'nt have a 14 mile round trip to my nearest one. All the local ones have been shut. You want to get some switched on senior police officers with proper leadership qualities instead of the jobsworths with all the silver braid which we are stuck with now.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
And who suffers? We all do, except those sitting in their ivory towers - hey man you're preaching to the converted here ;)

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - thallium81
Sorry ihpi, I recently had a two burglaries and feel a bit sour. The fairly senior chap to whom I spoke after the second one suggested I go to a local car boot sale to buy back my stolen goods.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
NP man - goes with the terrirotry ;)

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - v8man
I have indeed had a bogus unmarked car try to stop me on the M25. I didn't believe him and drove home to Wimbledon and reported the matter at Wimbledon Nick. Very polite officer, but took ages. He said he couldn't do anything unless another witness corroburated my statement.
\"Nothing less than 8 cylinders will do\"
Unmarked Police Cars - Onetap
My personal experiences;

1) My wife's car had been pranged. I rang the other driver (chavette) to get details and there was a disagreement about the events. Shortly after the boyfriend of chavette rings back to inform me he's on his way with his mates to sort me out. I ring 999. The operator hangs up before I've said 5 words. The police ring me back (probably on a non-recorded line, I later figure out) and tell me to ring them if Chav boy shows up. I scour house for weaponry, while wife in having hysterics in the back room. I complained to the Commissioner and receive a letter telling me I'll get a response from a named local commander. I'm still waiting; this was nearly 3 years ago.

2) I notice two men reversing a tow truck up to a parked car. Strangely, it's night and the tow truck has it's lights off. I ring the local station on the non-emergency line. 10 minutes later, it's still ringing. I go to bed.

The police have many detractors, but I'm not one of them. Previously, I had no beef with them and have assisted them when possible. I now try to avoid them, if at all possible. There is now no effective police force in my (MET) area. In my view the police are taking my money for a service that they can't/won't provide.

I respect your loyalty to the job IHPJ, but I think it's a lost cause.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
If we all stop to care, then society as a whole looses out. A negative experince will staywith you far longer than a positive one - thats just the way we are. it is unacceptable that people don't receive a service when they need it. And I do not agree that the 'prioritisation' argument holds true - but that is the reality.

You should have gotten a response in Point 1 - but then I don't make the rules and don't deide how to prioritise calls - I get allocated and attend. The closure of Stations ahs always been a thorny issue and no more regretted than those Local Officers who have developed a rapport with the local community - thats gone a flow of information that might be there simply swept aside...leaves you feeling isolated and us with the feeling that we're providing an impersonal service.

I refuse to accept this is the way things are because I will always do my damdest to ensure I give the service I would like to recevie, and if one day I find myself in a tight spot, then I will get help from the Public - and if you look around the concensus is that three are a large number of 'good officers' but it is the leadership that really should examine itself better - and the system as a whole. You must keep the faith.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - Truckersunite
My sister is a civvy for TVP and her other half is a PC, But I still have no respect for the Police of this country, I have been pulled over a few times and have always been spoken to in a patronising manner, I treat people as they treat me and as a result it normally ends up in an argument. I would not stop for a marked or unmarked car if I did not feel safe, Some of the loads I have and do carry I would feel very uncomfortable stopping with, If they are that deperate to stop me then they can radio for more cars, at least that way I know they are genuine.
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
If we all stop to care, then society as a whole
looses out. A negative experince will staywith you far longer
than a positive one - thats just the way we are.
it is unacceptable that people don't receive a service when
they need it.

Don't tell us, ihpj. We know that. Tell the senior police staff.

You could start by pointing them in the direction of a few threads here. Give it a meaningless name like the "Connecting with Community Project" and they'll be straight onto it.
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
You could start by pointing them in the direction of a
few threads here. Give it a meaningless name like the
"Connecting with Community Project" and they'll be straight onto it.

Well why don't you start as a person who receives the service that is provided? At the end of the day, I still get my pay cheque - so it makes very little difference to me from that POV. But I like to do a good job not because I need to, but because I want to. Because that person I go see could be a member of my fmaily and I would want to look them in the eye and say genuinely that I did my best for them...anything less and it's a waste of time.

You are the community, you are the point of contact, write in to them and make them listen...since the power is 'with the people' as we live in a democracy.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - Onetap
"....... write in to them and make them listen......."

As mentioned above, I have written. Now, how do I get them to listen, how do I get their attention?
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Hey I haven't got all the answers ;)

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - patently
As mentioned above, I have written. Now, how do I get
them to listen, how do I get their attention?


That makes two of us afm.....

ihpj - is there an internal suggestions box that you could use? Or a suggestion to the fed rep? It just seems to us that as "civvies" we are only there to be looked at with suspicion and talked down to, not listened to. But a suggestion from a real officer ... even if anonymous ... well that might be different...
Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
In all hoensty though, if you wrote in and didn't get a reply, then you really need to file a complaint. I'm not being funny, but if you have a copy of the letter and can show how it was delviered, then they are obliged to trace it down and see why it wasn't replied to or not dealt with to your satisfaction. Sometimes a complaint is the only way.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - PoloGirl
Jhpj... you clearly love your job, are a loyal and decent officer and I wish they were all like you.

But do you ever just want to come on here and avoid the threads about police and talk about something else? You don't have to defend each and every police decision that gets criticised - sometimes just walking away and making a cup of tea is a better option. How about telling us what's in your boot or what sort of mats you've got in your car for a change?

Or do you wear your uniform 24 hours a day too? ;)

(Sorry - I would have emailed this, but you don't have your address in your profile.)

Unmarked Police Cars - ihpj
Love it? Perhaps not to that extent as you make out - but it does irk me because I see a good many numebr of Officers who try hard every day to their best - and only the negatives get focussed on. I just try and give the view from the 'other side' in an attempt to show that we're not against y'all. But constrained within the limitations of law that perhaps people aren't aware of or don't appreciate.

If there is wrong, then it cannot be justified, but when an expliantion can be given then it should - but if people get bored then I apologise :P

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Unmarked Police Cars - Onetap
I do have the letter. I had made a complaint and I didn't see much point in making a complaint about the complaint. It will not resolve the problem, which is that I do not have an effective police force available. My main regret was that I had trusted in the Met and, when I believed my family were in imminent danger, they demonstrated that I had made a mistake.

In case you think I'm a career criminal engaging in a spot of cop bashing, my only other involvements with the Police were a speeding ticket ('78) and a bag snatch ('86) when I had the pleasure of handing snatcher, bag and knife to two laughing PCs. I was also suitably astounded by the response to a non-emergency call about a peeping tom to Loughton police station in about 1993, which produced 3 cars inside 60 seconds and the detention of a late-night sprinter; I've always regretted that I didn't write to the local press. Things have changed.

This has deviated a long way from the original post, for which I apologise.
Unmarked Police Cars - tyre tread
I have always supported the police adn understand the difficult jobn they have to do but I lost a lot of respect for the brass when I found out my local police station in a market town closes for lunch!
Unmarked Police Cars - ProtonGuy
I fully appreciate the comments made on this forum by the officers and it's good to hear it from 'the other side' as it were. Personally, I have no bad personal experiences of the police to report and I know that their job can be a thankless task and I am not surprised to hear elsewhere on this forum that recruitment is a problem. I wouldn't want to do it either.

However, I can understand the gripes that some motorists have against what seems like unbalanced policing sometimes. Recently, in our street, a couple of beat police (who you never normally see) were booking cars for parking. Now this is a small side street where the single yellow line has worn away, the original small sign has all but fallen off, the traffic wardens have told us that they cannot enforce restrictions because it is no longer classified as half hour parking and yet suddenly we have two officers appearing and writing tickets ignoring the protestations of the drivers. Just before they got to my car they ran out of tickets which is why I peronally have no problem with them......... :)

This is also the same small one way street where you see cars driving the wrong way, accelerating up it at high speed, parking on the pavement, without road tax etc etc.....

Why would they suddenly decide to book neatly parked cars just because the street used to have half hour parking?
Unmarked Police Cars - Fullchat
Probably because ther is someone who lives in the same street who whinges and whines and writes endless letters and makes countless phone calls complaining how the Police do absolutely nothing about the biggest crisis in their uneventful lives Sometimes its the easiest way to shut them up!

Unmarked Police Cars - Stuartli
>>You must keep the faith.>>

I know at least a dozen police officers both serving and retired.

The latter are glad to be out, the former are just thoroughly disillusioned and can't wait to get out ASAP.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Unmarked Police Cars - WhiteTruckMan
I quite often carry vulnerable cargo's, and standing instructions in case of a pull is keep doors/windows closed and locked, keep vehicle in a position where you are not boxed in by buildings and can still drive off. (not in the slightest worried at being blocked by cars). call companies emergency hotline (answered after 3 rings max-really) and tell them where you are, etc. then call police. Only then do we open vehicles. Never, EVER, had a problem from police doing this. however, snotty so-and-so's from VOSA (who also have the power to stop) dont like being kept waiting at all, and can get quite shirty about it.

Last time, I held up printed notice (provided by company)to window, showing him what I was doing and why. he responded by showing ID badge, which I refused to accept, because I didnt know what a real one looked like anyhow. After 15 mins, I got clearance to open door, and he was nearly beside himself at the wait when he found out (after all that)I was empty. I told him that although I knew I was empty, he didnt and could quite easily be one on the bad lads trying it on on the offchance.

Anyhow, point here is that its not just police that have power to stop vehicles

Unmarked Police Cars - codefarm
>>>Last time, I held up printed notice (provided by company)to window, showing him what I was doing and why. he responded by showing ID badge, which I refused to accept, because I didnt know what a real one looked like anyhow. After 15 mins, I got clearance to open door, and he was nearly beside himself at the wait when he found out (after all that)I was empty. I told him that although I knew I was empty, he didnt and could quite easily be one on the bad lads trying it on on the offchance.

That is absolutely priceless! The nanny state jobsworth being forced to wait on one of nanny's subjects for a change, instead of the other way round. Next time, make him wait half an hour, unless it's raining, in which case make it 45 minutes!

Well done!

Unmarked Police Cars - Truckersunite
We had those printed signs on Royal Mail, But when you are driving for Royal Mail you never get stopped.
Unmarked Police Cars - Fullchat
Some support for ihbj!! Cut from an older thread.

Its a question of prioritising and trying to give some quality of service.
On a personal note I find that I have very little actual free time to patrol and for want of a better word 'hunt'. I work in a busy city centre. I have a tray load of 'hit and runs', normal collisions for statements and process, crime reports to ivestigate and on and on. It doesnt stop. You get rid of one and another two appear. CPS wont prosecute without a shed load of statements even though I could give a verbal summary of an accident including witness accounts in a couple of minutes. I am generally doing or en route to something. Not forgetting responding to ongoing calls for service.
Its a case of managing your own workloads and keeping your head above water. I think you would be hard pushed to find may bobbies just ambling about these days.
So having said that whilst it may take only 10 minutes or so to dish out a ticket for some infringement, the process is adding to workload and it can be a case of trying to offload some of that pressure by ignoring minor infringements. Sad as it is.
For example some people get a bee in their bonnet about pedal cycles without lights and write in to the papers moaning about Police lack of attention and there are threads in this column about particular minor infringements which annoy people. In 25 years I have never been to a collision involving a pedal cycle which has not had lights on. As a consequence in the bigger picture bikes without lights are therefore not a priority, annoying as it may be to those who demand action.
Historically the Police have been a 'Can do' organisation but we are now in the ere of Performance, Targets and Priorities. Excessive demands are meaning that we are now Prioritising and actually saying 'No sorry thats not a Police matter' or stating that it is low on our priorities and will not be responded to. If I can give an example. Kids throwing snowballs or playing football. I know it can be annoying but isnt that what kids do? Traditionally we have always been responsible for escorting Abnormal Loads. That could be particularly time consuming. Now they have been hived off to the private sector, unless of course they are particularly large.
We are going to see some big changes in the next few years and Community Wardens and private motorway patrols run by the Highways Agency are only the start!
