Pug 206 XSi Various Probs - Leon on Derv
Hi folks,

My Bro who barely knows how to open the bonnet of his car has asked me to look at a couple of things on his 206 XSi which he thinks are not as they should be.

I have found a couple of things and would like advice from the Techs as well as other 206 Owners.

1. The drivers side headlight is held in place by two rather flimsy pieces of plastic which are screwed to the metal panel which runs along the front of the car above the headlights. The "brackets" are an integral part of the headlamp unit and both have fractured causing the headlamp to drop forward and downward by about 5mm. There is now a lateral movement in the headlamp unit of around 10mm, which could cause the headlight flickering effect I have often seen in oncoming traffic. The car is out of warranty, but are peugeot replacing these on request as they are in my opinion under engineered. The car has never suffered any impact frontal or otherwise, from looking at the passenger side unit, I think I could snap both the mountings just using the force it takes to replace the dust cover on the headlamp assembly.

2. The oil temperature indicator (not coolant temp - coming to that in a minute) never moves onto the scale despite once upon a time sitting at the horizontal position. Peugeot have allegedly checked this guage and report that all is well. It does activate to indicate oil level as it should at startup - but nothing in terms of temp. I therefore assume the guage to be fine but the sender unit knackered.

3. The coolant temperature guage is graduated at 50, 70, 90, one further marking then the red area. 90 is the vertical position where every car i have ever owned or driven sits at full operating temp. The needle did previously reach this position but now will not move beyond 70 unless the car is sitting in traffic. The fan does not activate until the needle approaches the mark after 90 which leads me to believe 90 should be the normal full operating temperature position. The in car heater does produce heat. After 15 minutes of running the engine was warm to touch but the top hose was not warm. Could this be a stat problem?? Peugeot have allegedly also checked out this fault and reported all is well. when asked why the courtesy car's needle sat in the 90 position, the service manager told my bro all cars are different!

The car has been to three separate Pug dealerships. One replaced the engine management unit because he claimed it had silicone in it which could be causing the problem - Really dont understand why they would do that or even think that - but the problems still exist and two other dealers have allegedly checked them out and found no faults. Looks like wee bro wants his big bro to have a go at sorting them.

your advice before the spanners come out, as always would be appreciated.

Pug 206 XSi Various Probs - dieselnut
Your diagnosis looks pretty sound to me.
Judging by the response you've had from the Peugeot dealers I doubt they would be able to find the headlights, let alone get them changed, but no harm in trying.
If it's left to you, you could try some adhesive suitable for plastic. Or if there is room, pop rivet in some steel brackets.
Oil temp indicator may just be a bad conexion or sender, as you say the guage is working ok.
Change the thermostat, it's cheap & should be easily changed.
Obviously make sure you bleed air fully out of the system afterwards.
As far as silicon in the ECU, there isn't an ECU that hasn't got
Silicon in, that's what the semicondictors inside it are made of.
Dealers, it's pathetic what some of them get away with.
Pug 206 XSi Various Probs - Andrew-T
Regarding the broken lamp lugs: I shunted the front of my 306 18 months ago, and the car was repaired at a reputable bodyshop. They used a special adhesive to reattach those lugs which has done a permanent job. Can't have cost much.
Pug 206 XSi Various Probs - splash1
Hi Dude, I have just bought a 206 on the cheap! It looks as if it has had the same prob with the headlight, by the look of it it was repaired by melting the bracket back onto the lamp with a soldering iron , the chap has done a pretty good job it's as good as new if not a little beter looking ;-)
I hope this helps
Pug 206 XSi Various Probs - 3T
Temp problem does sound like stat,
surefire way to test is to remove and put in a pan of water and bring to the boil!Hope theres one in there, been caught out like this with a car with no stat, was hiding a head gasket seep by not putting the system under pressure.
The oil temp sender packed up quite quickly on 2 pugs i've had in the past, always showed the level as yours does .
Best of luck with it